Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Last Will and Testament of Jedi Master Orn Pharr

Several individuals and groups receive a Holocomm from Haxon, Tolver, and Jenkins, formerly an Ossus based Legal Firm now centered on Coruscant.

Having discovered the esteemed Jedi Master Orn Pharr’s unfortunate and untimely demise and the subsequent alteration of his will at his spirit’s wishes; Haxon, Tolver, & Jenkins offers our most sincere condolences to his loved ones. A copy of his will is included on this message as follows:

To those reading this message, I have passed on into the embrace of the Force. I have few possessions and even less of importance, but I hope that these trinkets bring you comfort in the ages to come after I have gone.

To [member="Gianna Aegis"], I leave my Holocron Within it lies the sum of all my time walking the galaxy, and the tales of all those I have met in my travels. I bid you use it to help teach other Jedi to follow in your footsteps. You reminded me what it means to be a Jedi, and for that you will always have my gratitude. Remember, whenever you have need of me you have only to look for the Light and I will be there.

To [member="Shia Kryze"], I leave a ship that was gifted to me by the Outer Rim Coalition. I never collected it and it is still at the berth it was sent to for me to retrieve. May you put it to good use changing your people’s hearts for the better, that they might find harmony and you might find peace of mind.

To Ijaat Mereel, I leave my Staff. May it bear the weight you cannot when you walk your path. May it never lead you astray, and if you should become lost, may it protect you from the things that lurk in the dark. ( [member="jhart06"] )

To the Ithorians, I leave you the Seed of Ankarres from within my chest. Please plant it among your Bafforr trees that its roots might intertwine with theirs and the Mother Jungle sing with its voice in the choir. Your world holds a special place in my heart, I hope that I am worthy enough that my heart might hold a special place within it.

To the Jedi of the galaxy, I leave you with all my hopes, that you may bring balance to the Force, that your lives be filled with compassion and kindness, that others take comfort in your presence and your enemies recoil from the Light you wield.

His valuables will be shipped if necessary.

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