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Approved Species The Krayt Raptor

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Name: Krayt Raptors (Also known as The Greater Dwarf Krayt Dragon)

Scientific Name: Hyleaovenator Drakos

Meaning: Dragon Hunter of the Forest

Intelligence Level: Non sentient

Home world: Tython

Languages: No actual language

Average height of adults: Nearly 3 meters tall

Skin color: Emerald Green, duller green with blotches, mottled brown and dull orange, grey-white

Hair color: No Hair

Breathes: Type I Atmosphere

Strengths: Very Fast (Top speed 65 miles per hour when in the open) and Very Intelligent

Weaknesses: Very Reckless at times and are fairly light, so a light blow can break their hollow bones.

Distinctions: About 16 feet long and 9 feet tall at the head, can walk on 2 or 4 limbs, large sharp teeth and muscular jaws, small amounts of feather like structures on the neck and head among other places , 2 small bony spikes exiting its long tail, covered by mostly leathery/scaly skin, very bird-like for reptiles, 3 digits on the hands and feet with large talons on both used for lacerating prey items.

Top Speed(in mph): nearly 65 mph when in the open, less while in the jungles

Average Lifespan: About 50-70 standard years

Races: None

Estimated Population: Only found in a certain area of a 100 mile radius on the planet Tython.

Diet: Any organism it can catch and kill.

Communication: Communicate through a series of screeches, growls, and roars. They communicate very well and are very vocal when hunting.

Culture: Not sentient, so no real culture besides that they live and hunt in packs.

Technology level: Can manipulate some parts of its enviornment to its needs, but no real tools or technology

General behavior: They hunt in packs and can even set advanced traps for prey items. They also live in small packs of 5-10 individuals and have a crude social hierarchy. The pack is led by 2 alphas, a male and female. Alpha rank is determined by intense fighting during a certain season of the year. If encountered by a sentient, krayt raptors may do one of several things. 1. They will assume you are enroaching on their territory and will kill you on sight. 2. They will assume you are prey and kill you on sight. 3. They will assume you are a threat to their young and kill you on sight. 4. They will simply ignore you.

Brooding: Females lay a clutch of up to 5 eggs each and guard them with their lives, when the eggs hatch, the mother continues to take care of them for up to 3 years until the young are mature enough to defend their own rank in the pack.

History: The Krayt Raptors evolved on the Inner Core planet Tython from a small population of greater krayt dragons. They probably came into being roughly 1000 years BBY (Before The Battle of Yavin) and we're better adapted for dense forest life. It is unknown how krayt dragons made it to Tython. It is entirely possible that during a solar storm, a ship with a cargo full of young ones crashed, releasing them into that certain area of the planet. They could slip through the brush unseen by their prey and became very intelligent for an animal, though not sentient by any means.

Notable Player-Characters: None

Intent: To have a new and more intelligent reptilian predator to use on the inner core planet of Tython in Origins of the Jedi or any future rps that take place there.
Breathes: Refers to atmosphere type. In this case it would be Type I.

How fast? What are their limits? How fast can they go at top speed?

How intelligent? Enough to be considered semi-sentient? The fact that they set traps and use crude tools seem to point to at least Semi-sentience.

You need more for general behavior. How do they raise their young? What do they do when encountering sentients? What do they normally do in a day?

How did a large enough concentration of Krayt Dragons get to Tython?

Tag me when you're ready. :)
[member="Mark Sage"] - I apologize for the delay, I never got a tag. I'm following the thread now.

Can you put 'top speed' at the strengths section?

Sounds good. What about crude tools though?

Alright. Did these evolve from canyon krayts or greater krayts?

Tag me when you're ready. :)
[member="Mark Sage"] - Looks pretty good.

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[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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