Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member

The Knights of Kal'Shebbol
The Knights of Kal'Shebbol are a united order of practitioners of the ancient martial art Teras Kasi, whom train in the specialization of combating Force Users without the use of the Force or archaic weapons such as Lightsabers. They are a well diverse and organized order with an emphasis on utilitarianism with a focus on meritocracy. Accepting of all beings, they do not discriminate due to sex, species or creed.
Their primary focus is on the common people of the galaxy whom are often the largest casualties in the conflicts between the varying sects of Force Practitioners that have spread across the galaxy. Understanding that a common individual would not have specialist knowledge or a deep understanding of the difference between what is a Jedi and what is a Sith.
- The establishment of a neutrally aligned dominion of space for the protection and well being of those individuals and their families seeking refuge from the continued warring and violence wrought by the vying Force Using organizations in their own costly and devastating wars that seem to spread across the galaxy.
- The establishment of a repository and archive of dangerous Force Relics to prevent their use by Force based Organizations through ensuring their secrecy and that they are locked away from the Galaxy.
Looking to history and the wars of the past, they view the Jedi as the sole purpose of the majority of wars fought throughout the life of the Galaxy. They hold that it was the precursors to the Jedi that first initiated the split between Force Users, which the Jedi would only later reinforce through their exile of those Force Users seeking to learn about the Dark Side, thus indirectly forming the Sith Empire which would later plague the Galaxy throughout countless eons.
Furthermore they do not view the Force in the terms of a mystical field; rather, they focus on teaching that the Force can be understood through logical thinking and common sense. They seek to understand the Force through the use of science and knowledge, beyond claiming that it is mystical in its nature that only Force Users may understand. Likewise, they view the understanding of the Force as a "mystical field" as dangerous, resulting in the creation of and nurturing of religious cults centered on the Dark or Light side of the force. The Knights further maintain that the Force is neutral in its aspects, and that it is the nature of and the actions of those that use it that create what people call the "Light" Side or the "Dark" Side.
Among their core beliefs are that; which maintains the training of a beings to use the force as a weapon is morally and ethically wrong. They view this as the ultimate corruption of a being and that it is this act in itself that causes many to fall to their darker desires within their own hearts. Included with these beliefs is also the view that the Jedi socially stagnate children by taking them away from their parents and forcing them to live their lives in a locked and sealed environment in the Temples until they enter their teenage years. This thinking is so morally wrong to the Knights that it has founded the foundation of their core beliefs, that in which; The Knights maintain that they have not, will not, and will never train children.
The Knights of Kal'Shebbol are an entirely unique faction in that they deal with an idea that is not often touched upon in Star Wars based rps. As Han Solo told Luke, "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid". The faction itself focuses on the ordinary, the people of the galaxy whom would otherwise have no outstanding knowledge as to how a Jedi is different than a Sith and vice versa. The Knights of Kal'Shebbol are thus a faction that caters to the ordinary, non force practitioners that are so rarely played or whom are often seen as background noise when it comes to the otherwise lightning throwing galactic wizards. This faction is focused more on those whom are seeking a way to defend themselves against the force powers that would otherwise be employed against them. Likewise, the faction is focused on the people whom are the most affected by the constant conflicts between the various sects of the Light and Dark Side practitioners. The Knights of Kal'Shebbol are focused on providing a neutrally aligned territory of space to stand as a bulwark of order against the chaos of the galaxy.
The original idea is one that was cobbled together from a conversation that I had a few years ago with a friend from a prior Star Wars based rp site that we had both been apart of. The conversation was focused on the simple fact that the normal everyday individual in the galaxy would not know the difference between a Sith or a Jedi, and that only those few whom had close dealings with them would be the only ones with such knowledge. This idea grew to involve the practice of taking children from families and raising them to use the Force that had been employed by the Jedi was in its own way causing developmental difficulties in the child. It also include talk that the close minded precursors of the Jedi on Tython lead to the countless years of Jedi-Sith conflict due to their original denial of and later banishment of those whom desired to learn about the Bogan (Dark Side).
Closing Statement
The Knights of Kal'Shebbol were written and designed as being an Order of warriors that are opposed to the training of Children in using the Force and the overall view of constant war that has resulted due in part to the original schism between those on Tython that sought to learn about the Dark Side of the Force and those that forbade its use.
Thus the faction itself is one in which the overall favoring of character archetypes is that of those that are incapable of using the Force. In itself the Faction is designed to provide for a means to help train those that would otherwise seek a means to either defend themselves from Force users or aid in their ability to prevent otherwise devastating destruction at the hands of a force user. However this should not be taken as an open declaration of hostilities between the Order of the Knights of Kal'Shebbol and those such orders as the Jedi and the Sith. Nor should this be taken as the intent that the Order itself will be training assassins or other such beings to openly hunt down Force Users. Rather this is a declaration of the founding of an order that seeks neutrality while at the same time not shying away from training others to protect themselves.
If there are those with questions, comments or concerns, I ask that you please voice them and I will do the best that I can in my own capacities to offer a satisfactory response.