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The Journey Is About To Start

Ava Solborne


Munto Codru
The Epic Galactical Journey's Starting Point
Dominator had finally got a new ship. It was just embarassing he landed on Munto Codru last time. There were other people too, who saw her failure. This time Dominator took some landing lessons from V-34S' master. And he got a better ship, so it was harder to destroy it. Dominator had sent messages about his journey around Coruscant and some other planets. Maybe someone heard about it?

Now Dominator waited near a village on Munto Codru. The Republic Gunship was next to him and so he waited. V-34S had to join with them on Mon Calamari, but he had to start the journey alone. But that wasn't a problem. He had started some journeys before like... The trip to Ilum. Now he led a galactical journey. It seemed very hard and maybe it was. But now, Dominator waited near his ship. He meditated and waited for other member to join. Munto Codru was a great place to start, since he was already a bit familiar with the planet. But others?

Still, Mon Calamari had to be hard place. The planet was mostly water and the few islands it had, were tiny. But now, Munto Codru was more important.
Morna wasnt a big fan of the planet Munto Codru. It was full of water. The exact oppsite of what his powers were. Fire. Morna had traveled here to meet this Equa person. There was a message that was going around about visiting planets that he had not heard of before. so he thought he may give it a try. he grabe all of his items the sword cloak with leather boots and surasteel vambraces. a durasteel neck cuff and a ste of poldrons that he always had. he walked onto where a new whip was comming in and landed. He didnt know who it was.

It took him about 10 minutes to walk up to the Ship that a man was medating out in the open. He was oblivouly a Jedi of some sort. He walked over to say "Hello. Are you the Equa that I might be looking for?"

Ava Solborne

Dominator was scared, when a member of their expedition said something. Dominator looked at him and realized. He's the Shaper. "Yes, I am Equa. Equa Dominator. But... What's your name?" He asked. Still nobody else had showed up, so they had some time to chat. Dominator had never met a Shaper before and it was very interesting, though he had heard, that the Shapers of Kro Var use the Darkness. And that's something Dominator hated.
Morna saw that he was starttled when he talked to him. He resisted not to chuckle. He answered him saying "My name is Morna. Im a Shaper of Kro Var. You sent out a thing saying that people could come to travel with you?"

Ava Solborne

Dominator nodded. "Yes, I did so. A long journey, it will be, but taking it enriches our experience. And we can learn new things." Dominator answered. The Shaper had to be a great fighter. "I've heard that Shapers can transform the Force into elements. Which element do you use?" He asked, being interested by the way of Kro Var, now known as The Elementality for Dominator.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Kal stepped through the village, his bulky armour causing him to stand out amongst those passing by. He came in search of padawan, that who had invited several to travel in an epic trek across the galaxy. A padawan he may have been, but a Jedi nonetheless, and Kal knew better than to upset the Jedi. Patting himself down, Kal checked to make sure he had all the right equipment, as he knew not whether he would face danger. This planet was beautiful, but nevertheless it was not the place for Kal. Briskly making his way through the village, he stumbled across that who he knew was the padawan he was searching for, a ship behind him and and another figure beside him, perhaps another traveler, but who he did not know.
Morna answered saying "Yes that is true. We generaly dont use the force that the Jedi or the Sith use. I control mostly the fire element, but everybody can control some of this element and some of the other. It matters on the persons training." Morna noticed a Mandalorian Walking towards them. He was decked out in full armor. He under stood what the man was thinking. You never could trust anyone these days, no matter who they are. He had seen Mandos before but only when they came to the bar that he used to work at. They would sit alone and drink alot of the stronger drinks, but this one seemed different. Morna wanted to make sure that the Mandalorian was here for the trip and asked loud enought from where he was to hear him "Do you come here for the trip?"

Ava Solborne

Dominator saw a Mandalorian approaching, while the Shaper talked. Then he nodded and turned to the coming Mandalorian. He wanted to ask him, if he is going to the trip too, but Morna was quicker. Then Dominator walked closer to the person and put his hand ready to take his lightsaber. Just to be sure.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

"It would seem so." Kal replied somewhat cautiously to the stranger near the padawan. Looking him over for any obvious weaponry, he then turned to the padawan, who had now approached him. Raising his hands in a gesture of peace, he nodded. "I'm clear, no weapons in my hands." Then looking across his person. "Besides the grappling hook on my wrist, but that's not pointed at you right now. I think." He added unassuredly, quickly glancing at his gauntlet to make sure.
Morna knew that Mandos were armed to the teeth. When he showed him that he was unarmed he said "Just so you know I have a sword on my back." He then rased his hands then laughed at himself. "Just so you know Im a Shaper."

Ava Solborne

Dominator nodded and took his hand back. "I see... But what about your armor? Don't you want to take it off?" He asked. He was just curious, because he had a feeling, that there is very hot inside the outfit. "Or do you have to wear it?" He didn't want to seem rude. He was just very, very empathic.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

"It is extremely hot inside this armour." Kal laughed, waving a hand before his face in a fanning gesture. "But I keep it on nonetheless, as it is symbol of my people. And it helps if I get shot. Mainly the last one, to be honest. That and it's a bugger to get off and on." He tapped his shoulder-pad to emphasize his point. "A shaper? I'm afraid I have no clue what the bloody hell that is. But you've got a sword, so I'll watch out for you."
Morna knew that The mando would be watching him. It was usual. He was the unknown one of the group. He used powers that could scare most people away. Over the course of his training he had become more fire resistant. making it har to burn him. He could feel the heat of fire but it woulnt burn him to a crisp. Unlike some other people. Morna Had to watch out for the mando if worse came, then Morna could bring the heat, literaly. He answered the Mandos question about shapers.

"I use the force to control the elements of water, earth, wind, and fire." Morna raised his hand and set if a blaze to show that he could. He tne lifted his nadn and made the water around them flood onto the space around them. only slightly though. he didnt mean it to be threating. It was just to show what he said.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Kal stepped back slightly, now wary of the flames that the Shaper could produce. "Nice party trick." Kal raised a gauntlet, pointing it to the sky. "You ain't the only one with flames though." He placed a hand on the gauntlet, pulling down on a lever. From the gauntlet spurted a spiral of flames, a deep orange glow cast upon Kal. Letting go of the lever, the flames died out, a trail of smoke waving from his gauntlet. "How 'bout that? So, shaper, padawan. What are your names?"

(OOC Equa, I see you are a knight now. Good work.)

Ava Solborne

OOC: Thank you! By the way, should we play like Dominator has been a Knight for all the time or like he is still a padawan?

"I am a Jedi ... Equa Dominator." Dominator said and bowed. It was a sign of respect. He saw, what the Mandalorian and the Shaper had done and he was impressed. Their journey will not be hard, if they had so powerful people in the party. Only two people, who had signed up, hadn't come yet. So they had to wait for them

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

OOC Let's just keep him as padawan for simplicity's sake.

"Well, Morna, Equa, I look forward to travelling with you. They call me Kal, or Wrath, in Mando'a. Are others joining us?"

Ava Solborne

"Yes... Four people have signed up so far." Dominator said, while looking at his nails. One of them was broken.

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