Kitani Corandel
Jedi Academy Student
Kitani entered the Jedi archives with so much on her mind. Her judgement now clouded due to the recent passing of her first Jedi mentor; According to her, the man saved her from falling further away from the light. Her steps was softly resonated around the room as she made her way towards the place in which she could ask for information.
"Excuse me, i need information on..."
She struggles to let out the piece of information she was looking for. She felt like a fool to be asking for such things like this especially at the rate that she was being taught. Her former master taught her the theoretical approach to the force before ever training her on wielding a light saber; Could she even call herself a Padawan?
" The Jedi code of conduct "
Such a tedious piece of information that she asked for but frankly she needed a refresher or so she believed. The recent master caused her to once again feel like she was alone; Her past continued to mock her as those feelings continued to erupt back up to the surface. This was something she was told to work on but seeing that she was alone, it would take a lot out of her. Her clouded mind and volatile emotions can be perceived by anyone that was strong willed in the force. She idly stood by waiting as her emotions continued run amok inside of her.
"Excuse me, i need information on..."
She struggles to let out the piece of information she was looking for. She felt like a fool to be asking for such things like this especially at the rate that she was being taught. Her former master taught her the theoretical approach to the force before ever training her on wielding a light saber; Could she even call herself a Padawan?
" The Jedi code of conduct "
Such a tedious piece of information that she asked for but frankly she needed a refresher or so she believed. The recent master caused her to once again feel like she was alone; Her past continued to mock her as those feelings continued to erupt back up to the surface. This was something she was told to work on but seeing that she was alone, it would take a lot out of her. Her clouded mind and volatile emotions can be perceived by anyone that was strong willed in the force. She idly stood by waiting as her emotions continued run amok inside of her.