Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Jedi Code of Conduct

Kitani entered the Jedi archives with so much on her mind. Her judgement now clouded due to the recent passing of her first Jedi mentor; According to her, the man saved her from falling further away from the light. Her steps was softly resonated around the room as she made her way towards the place in which she could ask for information.

"Excuse me, i need information on..."

She struggles to let out the piece of information she was looking for. She felt like a fool to be asking for such things like this especially at the rate that she was being taught. Her former master taught her the theoretical approach to the force before ever training her on wielding a light saber; Could she even call herself a Padawan?

" The Jedi code of conduct "

Such a tedious piece of information that she asked for but frankly she needed a refresher or so she believed. The recent master caused her to once again feel like she was alone; Her past continued to mock her as those feelings continued to erupt back up to the surface. This was something she was told to work on but seeing that she was alone, it would take a lot out of her. Her clouded mind and volatile emotions can be perceived by anyone that was strong willed in the force. She idly stood by waiting as her emotions continued run amok inside of her.
Corvus smiled, as she was prone to do. And then she bowed, which was also something of a reflex.

"Welcome to the Archives. I'm confident I can answer any questions you have. Now the Jedi Code is a most interesting and debated topic, so I'm surprised we haven't had any requests for clarification thus far. So tell me, what in particular would you like me to help you with?"

Corvus led the young girl to a nearby table and pulled out a chair for the newcomer before sitting herself.

"I'm Corvus by the way, and you are?"

[member="Kitani Corandel"]
was staring at the ground as she awaited for her information to get processed and sent back. She was not expecting someone to actually come and explain it to her.

She thinks " I'm really going to waste someone's time on this "

Upon closer inspection, she gasped at who its was. She quickly bowed

"Master Corvus " She softly replied

She attempted to show the utmost respect before silently following behind her and taking a seat. For the moment the sheer act of seeing the female made her forget her chaotic state of mind but once she was asked about the topic of hand, it was once again a battle zone in there.

" I um..." She struggled to let out
" Master Corvus..Please tell me why as Jedi, our emotions are dangerous "

She needed to hear this information once again, almost as a way of reassuring herself that she was doing the right thing. She felt as if she was betraying her recent master by simply bottle-ling up her own emotions.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled and nodded. "It is a common question, so rest assured you are not alone in considering this. And my first piece of advice is to consider the Code holistically rather than one line or tenet at a time."

"So, taking my own advice - which I don't always do I haste to add - I'm thinking the following. Firstly we take the line 'There is no emotion, there is peace.' Which might suggest a Jedi may not have emotions. Yet we know that emotions are a natural part of life. As the great sagas have shown us, Jedi are not immune to feeling emotions. Obi-Wan Kenobi openly expressed his sorrow when he discovered the death of Younglings at the hand of Anakin. He openly admitted he would have left the Order over the love of a woman if she had asked. And I hold Master Kenobi in the utmost respect. Perhaps too much respect." She gave Kitani a conspiratorial wink.

"So logic says that the Code is not suggesting that emotion does not exist but that it ought to be set aside. Emotions are natural and must be confronted for them to be understood - and I'll expand on this."

"A Jedi should always plan for success first and then for failure. So it is quite alright to believe you will not be confronted by strong emotions but also be aware that the day might come when you do and you should be prepared for that to happen."

"And emotions can be tricky as they lead to aspects that as Jedi we need to be aware of. Anger leads to hate and you know where that leads. Love can lead to attachments which can challenge a Jedi in the line of duty. Save the one you love or face the foe. Remember Anakin and Padmé?"

"I'm now aware I've been talking for too long. Tell me, has what I have said made sense and what new questions has it raised." Corvus' voice remained calm and gentle throughout and she finished with her usual smile.

[member="Kitani Corandel"]
Kitani's azure eyes widen as listens silently to what the Jedi master had to say regarding emotions. She takes in all the information and the figures she used to bring her point across. All these individuals she could no't directly relate to but she has heard of them. What really resonated in her head was the fact that she had to confront her own emotions; Even the ones that she was facing right now. It was then she realized one thing and with gasp she speaks

" My apologies Master Corvus, i know of you but yet i did not introduce myself...My name is Kitani Corandel " She lets out

She remains silent for a moment thinking as to what else to ask and it her; The master touch emotions that people generally go through but what about the ones that do not happen frequently ( Or so she thought).

" Master Corvus...what about loosing someone in death.." She speaks softly almost as if she taboos the subject

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus sighed. "This is where attachments come to the fore I'm afraid. The Code is clear that Jedi should not form attachments and with good reason. From time to time this rule has been waived. GrandMaster Skywalker allowed marriages. The Corellian Jedi, of which I was once one, also permit this. But is less about having the attachment and more about how it affects you."

"I lost my first Master when I was 14. I couldn't cope and left the Order for a while. It took me some time to reflect on Master Yoda's words - about learning to let things go. I thought I was strong. I preached to others when they asked me what to do when conflicted. In my mind I knew better. Yet that is not a Jedi's thinking."

"Recently I lost most of my family. I coped well. But my youngest sister blamed me for their deaths even though I was not directly involved. Oddly it was the prospect of losing someone living that was the greater challenge for me. We are all different. If you can, as Master Yoda said, train yourself to let go of all you fear to lose. Is it easy? No. But one day you may be required to do so. We are people, yes. But we are Jedi, first, foremost and only. The path we choose to walk is sometimes a lonely one. Rewarding, but lonely."

Corvus looked at the Padawan with kind eyes and encouraged more questions if they were indeed to come.

[member="Kitani Corandel"]
Kitani looked down towards the wooden table as the word " Lonely " Repeated in her head over and again. It was as if someone was shouting the word all around her. She shakes her head softly signalling that she was gesturing this to herself. She knew loneliness as a child living in the lower sections of Coruscant and for that reason she did what she needed to do to feel recognized and loved by anyone, in a platonic way of course.

" How can Jedi be alone?...many others have felt loneliness as have i..." She bit her lower lip as now anger began to slowly make its way

She thinks < I don't want to go back to that >

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus listened to Kitani's fears - the ones she spoke and the ones she chose to keep to herself. Even if you weren't a gifted Empath, the signs of anger were easy to spot.

"We are Jedi and as such are a family. In one sense you will never be alone. The Force will always be with you and you will always have the support of fellow Jedi. I have a very, very close friend that is a Jedi and some other good friends too. And my Master will always be there for me. That bond is also very special."

"So when I say lonely please don't think I mean you will be alone. Far from it. But as a Jedi we must always put the needs of others ahead of our own. Like my little sister. I would love to be reconciled with her - but it will not come at the expense of being a Jedi. That is the sacrifice I have made and will continue to make."

"But do not suspect for one moment you will ever be alone. You have a family now that would gladly give their life to spare yours. And that includes me." Corvus placed a hand on the Padawan's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "No tricks, no false words, just a good old-fashioned promise. For as long as I draw breath, I shall be your friend. And when I have joined the Force, then I will always be with you, yes?"

[member="Kitani Corandel"]
Kitani did calm down as soon as Corvus began to speak and explain what she truly meant by being lonely. It was one her greatest fear and it presented itself now more then ever. She listened quietly to the words that came out of her mouth but she was taken at the final words. She let her squeeze her shoulder and would take it as a sign of friendship and would nod towards her. The promise that Corvus speaks about made Kitani feel a bit better. She was however unsure about joining the force, she was already taught that the Jedi must be one with the force; Of course these were questions for another day.

"Thank you, Master Corvus. I truly appreciate this time you put out with me to explain something that i should of already know and should be applying..." She spoke as if she was punishing herself.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled. "Do not underestimate the questions you posed. I have had similar conversations with Knights who aspired to be Masters and they found the Code confusing. As I have already explained, it is an aspect I regularly revisit myself, so do not be hard on yourself. Never stop asking questions and never believe you have all the answers."

"The Code is clear on this. The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored. Not my words, those of a Jedi Master from many, many years ago." She stopped short of saying which one - that might just confuse matters.

[member="Kitani Corandel"]
Kitani takes the words of wisdom from the master. She felt as if it was being passed down to her and now she had job of applying it to her life as well as passing it on to others. She bowed her head towards the female.

" I will take this words into account "

She looks of to the side before looking back towards her and would let out something else she has been fighting.

" My late master attempted to train me in these subjects...i fear that it was not until his passing it was finally instilled in me "

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

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