Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Jagged Edge [SJO-OPA]

Eldin Daine Eldin Daine Lon Vondon Lon Vondon Kiegan Lysle Kiegan Lysle Amani Serys Amani Serys Acaadi Acaadi

He could sense Audren behind him, but they took different paths into the palace, with the Jedi going in through in a partially open window. Veino crouched beside the wall and scanned the ground behind him. Inside, blaster fire echoed through the open windows and screams of combat, associated with the faintest hint of smoke. That surprised him. Somebody in there have a flamethrower? If that was the case, he'd need to rethink his strategy. Those were nasty.

But, he let the Force flood into him and jumped, grabbing a ledge with his gloved hands. He pulled himself up and crouched there, waiting for a sound of alarm. So far, nothing. A message came in from Eldin: Kill Bodris. Veino raised an eyebrow. Why though? He didn't answer to the Judges, but this was their mission. And a mess it'd turned into for that matter. ORION would have to take a much more proactive hand in the affairs of the galaxy after this.

Veino had another goal in mind before he could move to take out Bodris. The financial and cyberdata. He looked up and jumped again, to the top of the security tower. A quick flash of a silver lightsaber blade as it cut through the sandy stone and a large circle, glowing at the edges fell to the roof below and shattered. The Jensaarai slipped inside, hiding the saber back inside his infiltration armor and stepped inside.

Most of the guards had left, and the one left outside the door fell quickly to a heavy blow to the temple. The man lay still, breathing lightly as Veino turned to the computer network. They couldn't get the information the way they had hoped, so this was the backup plan.

He resealed the door after dragging the guard inside and sat down at the control panel, slipping a dataspike into the computer port. Now to wait for it to do its job.
Acaadi followed behind Kiegan Lysle Kiegan Lysle . He launched himself through the air, rolling across shattered glass. He came to his feet with the snap-hiss of his lightsaber. There was no one directly ahead of them on this level.

There was, however, plenty of noise ahead of them. Acaadi had thought the chaos had left with the OPA infiltrators and their padawan 'prisoners'. It seemed that was not the case.

A guard finally came out ahead of them. One wave of his hand and Acaadi send him tumbling back down the stairs he had run up.

"Let's get down to the pits?" he asked Kiegan.
On ‘go’, Amani joined the others heading back inside the palace, gracefully leaping through the window and over Kiegan’s less successful entry. She wasn’t just eager to get back inside, she was eager to leave, which only compelled her to rush in quicker. Pushing forward, she nearly bumped into a guard, the two of them surprising one another.

Amani reached for her saber, only to remember she had dropped on the palace floor before they left. The guard drew out a blaster pistol, nearly firing at the padawan before she struck his wrist and disarmed him. In retaliation the guard grabbed Amani and pinned her against the wall by her arms. She tried to wriggle free to no avail, then swung her knee up and into the guard’s solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him and making him release her. Following up with a knifehand strike to his jugular, she finished it by dropping low, spinning her leg behind him and tripping him to the ground.

Okay. Maybe she did learn something from her former Master after all. And who knew medical biology classes would make recognizing pressure points so applicable in a fight? “Wheeew…”

Amani linked back up with Acaadi Acaadi and Kiegan Lysle Kiegan Lysle , catching her breath as she bumped into them. “Hey, I’m coming too!” Granted, a place called The Pits did not sound entirely welcoming. But she felt a lot more comfortable joining with her fellow Jedi.
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