Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Industry of Community Outreach


There were many luxurious places to dine on Denon. A thriving night life on such a grand world, even one known for industry. A boon when one needed a little privacy, in fact, as a thriving scene could afford to carve out those venues that prided themselves on discretion. Businesses whose staff and clientele alike knew to keep their mouths sealed or lose all custom. Even minor infractions could scarcely be tolerated, and spycraft... well, such places had talent of their in their employ to enforce the rules.

Dominique Vexx lounged back in a large, plush booth with one arm along its top, and the other with a glass perched upon her fingertips. Across from her, on the other side of a short table, sat Denon's foremost music group. Treating them to the lap of luxury was just a matter of course. Not that they usually indulged in this level of debauchery and intrigue, but given the nature of their business -- and as a little extra for their trouble -- all of this was well worth the cost.

"No." Dominique slowly swirled the wine in the goblet off to the side. "In fact, that is precisely what I want to avoid." A smile spread easily over her lips. "Meddling in an artist's work only dilutes its genius, and I want you to be free to do what you do best." Their concern Dominique wanted them to tailor the lyrics of their songs was only to be expected. The Authorities had tried such before -- a little censorship if nothing else. There'd be a fine line to walk, of course, but with the Good Senator on their side she would help bring the Corporate Overlords around. A few sweet words about how they were 'double-agents' designed to lull people into a false sense of rebellion.

Essentially, make the DireX Board believe they were doing precisely what she had tried with Darkwire, but with all of Denon's people. It might even work... for a brief while. No, Dominique wanted them to not fall into that pit.

"What I really need, in exchange, is for you to encourage your adoring fans down the right path." For better or worse, people listened to celebrities. Oh, Dominique loved those that fawned over her every word, but the thought of a singer's opinion somehow carrying weight never set right. Didn't matter if it made sense, however, so long as it could be used. And she would use it. "Help them realize they're not quite so adrift or powerless as they feel. That there are some in the world helping from the shadows. But to... discourage them from supporting the mayhem of Darkwire. Essentially," Dominique paused to smile, "help them to recognize they're part of a greater whole -- a community." Something that could affect change without setting the planet on fire -- directly or by invoking the DireX to do so in their stead.

There was laughter. Banter. Drink, of course. Dominique's golden eyes shone in the light of their private room. They were uncertain, but she could tell they wanted to participant... in some form or fashion. It would take more encounters between them to negotiate the shape of things. Interpretations and new ideas would sprout requiring coordination and even correction. Still, there wouldn't be anything that should keep both of them getting what they wanted. Hopefully they would help the People of Denon realize that as well.


The Music Industry
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"So, Senator, what would you say is the greatest challenge facing Denon today?"

"There's no denying the shifting galactic landscape has everyone on edge. It poses a threat not merely to commerce, but to ensuring the flow of fresh produce and other staples of daily life. Fortunately, Denon is current far from the front lines of the skirmishes plaguing the galaxy, but there remains the need to contribute our share to our fellow Alliance members and the many worlds in need today."

"And the Corporate Authorities of Denon are establishing new partnerships to meet our needs?"

Dominique smiled wondering how many Corporate Executives spent any time concerned with such things. Her office, on the other hand... "While larger governments may have suffered recent setbacks, we work every day to build new relations with individual worlds. Our lasting partnerships seek to provide a equitable trade relation in order to sustain the People of Denon long into the future."

"Our viewers are naturally curious about recent events as well, Senator. I was wondering if you might have some remarks about what occurred in District Seven?"

Dominique maintained her smile and gave a slight nod. "Of course. A despicable terrorist attack by Darkwire nearly claimed the life of a prominent Jedi Master on her way to meet with us about matters of security and the personal freedoms of all on Denon."

"Then Darkwire was responsible?"

"They were. The Jedi conducted their own investigation and will release their findings when they are satisfied. My Office welcomed the Jedi Master back for a very fruitful discussion despite the sordid attempt by the terrorists to deter the Jedi. Though I can scarcely imagine what they were thinking; Jedi aren't deterred in the face of the Sith, they certainly won't be kept from doing what they feel is right because of a terrorist's cowardly assault."

"And the fate of the terrorists?"

"Naturally, the Corporate Authorities of Denon and the Jedi will seek to put an end to their reign of terror and restore peace to Denon. My Office is coordinating information, tips, and coordinated efforts with off-world entities to pinpoint, contain, and eliminate this threat. Should any citizen of Denon know anything concerning the whereabouts of these fiends, do not hesitate to contact my Office. There will be a reward for any information that leads to an arrest of any terrorist; and a sizeable one for the capture of their leader."

"We thank you for your time, Senator..."

After the sign off and the recording lights faded, Dominique smiled across the intervening distance to the man that'd been interviewing her. "I think that went swimmingly."

A few words exchanged with the crew ended quickly enough and the man turned his dark eyes toward the lilac-haired woman. "It did. If I could convince you to part with a few more technical details about Darkwire and how you'll respond to them, next time..."

Dominique lifted a hand to hide her lips as a soft laugh bubbled forth. "You know how sensitive that information can be. Although... I could see what else I can pry out of the intelligence community's grasp." As a favor, of course.


The Media Industry

Daiya Daiya | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Hostile Territory. Dominique Vexx strode through the corridors of what some would consider an enemy's compound. Not that you could tell. There weren't any oversized turrets, war droids, or soldiers scattered in every room. Mostly cubicles, offices, and equipment reflecting this as just another workspace. Everything perfectly normal except for the edge to any eye that happened to catch sight of her as she passed.

Yes, she was most definitely someone labeled an adversary in their eyes. Likely sent by the Board to crush their latest efforts; perhaps extend them an insulting counteroffer backed by the blaster?

Their hostility wasn't misplaced, and Dominique was hardly the sort of person people mistook for another -- her carriage and outfits made sure of that. Yes, the good Senator of Denon did manage matters the DireX Board found 'beneath them' or that warranted a 'public face' to an announcement. There certainly had been plenty of clashes with Unions on Denon in a variety of industries; few of which didn't go the way the Authorities wanted, in the end.

As the lilac-haired woman turned into a room, however, she couldn't help but smile.

"Senator. What brings you here?" At the opposite end of a long table stood a well-groomed man, but with the weathering of time and labor. Likely someone that had worked docks, a factory floor, or countless other jobs among the corporations. Someone that became disillusioned with the way things were and thought to fight back. Organize the people so their strength in overwhelming numbers could affect change.

Dominique stood there inside the threshold to the room as the door shut behind her. Her eyes shifted behind the colored glasses to the faces of each person around the table. Tense shoulders. Flexing muscles along the jaw. Thinned lips. Every one of them standing. An almost silent grunt of laughter accompanied her step forth. One hand drew back a seat so that she could claim its comforts and clasp her hands together atop the table.

"I understand you have some reasonable complaints and desired resolutions concerning one or more groups you represent." Dominique turned her attention back to their leader. "I'm listening."

That earned a slight dip in the brow. Not a flinch so much as disbelief her first words weren't to dismiss whatever they had out of hand and establish her own proposal. The Union Head managed to stop his reaction at just that and maintain composure. With a slight wave of his hand, he began to take his own seat at the table. Was this some sort of Corporate trick? Lull them into a false sense of security? The walls weren't sound-proof, and there were no shouts of some kind of raid happening while she 'distracted' them.

"You are correct, Senator." It took conscious effort to maintain a calm pace and steady tone in the wake of this turn. "There are matters that threaten the very lives of Denon's workers that must be addressed. For their sake, and the productivity of the companies they work for." It was always a good idea to frame the benefit from the Corpo's perspective -- they responded to what benefited them personally better.

The corner of one set of lips twitched in disagreement, but they remain silent.

"Well," Dominique unclasped her hands and spread them out to either side, "we can hardly have that, can we? Let me see what you have uncovered and how we might rectify these matters." Not that she was agreeing to whatever proposal they had in mind. Not without first examining them and doing a preliminary cost analysis. There were limits. If they were going to begin with matters of life or death, however, this conversation might just have a chance.

It would be a long two hours discussing these issues. Of course, they soon came upon matters Dominique could not even begin humoring openly. She explained it truthfully that for the most important of matters to be swallowed by the Corporations they might not get everything they wanted. That this conversation should be the beginning of changing the direction of their relationship. Perhaps in later discussions they would find ways to accommodate other... requests. One never knew what the future held.

After all, these Union Reps never foresaw Dominique Vexx actually listening to what they had to say. Then again, a few allusions and the implication she was working outside of The System helped explain matters -- and why some concessions would have to be made. Fostering good will with the workers of Denon -- its People -- should have positive benefits in the long-term. So long as they understood there was a very precarious game they had now joined.



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