Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Immortals Beckon

Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Nar Haaska
This was the second time, now. As the quiet transport touched down on the launchpad attached to a network of rooftops, Varik found himself once again staring at the view from the cockpit. Through the transparisteel, his eyes scanned over the neon lights and the towering skyscrapers of Nar Haaska, a trade world that had recently found its step thanks to the cropping up of the Sovereignty, along with groups such as The Ancient Eye and even the remnants of the Republic nearby. They had benefited heavily. Now, Varik asked them to pay back the favour they owed him.

Stepping down the middle of the transport where AECOs stood on each side, he spoke firmly. "Make this quick." He was quickly down the ramp, rain battering down on the top of his helmet and armour, over his coloured robes as he approached the skyscraper's mid-level entrance. He looked up, staring towards near the top floor. Their vaults would be up there; and most importantly, the one that owned them.

As he stared upwards, he looked upon the Bronzium statue seated at the top of the skyscraper. It was in Jaluula The Hutt's image, celebrating his wealth and opulence at the top of his own company's headquarters. Something in Ice's mind told him that it was all justified. He was a slaver, after all. A murderer and a crime lord, too. Even if..that wasn't the reason. He cast aside his thoughts, not dwelling on it.

The Sovereign approached the door, motioning for the AECOs to form up on it and prepare for entry. As they made their way over, he pressed a finger forward. Amongst all the pattering of rain and silence, there was a single sound; the doorbell. He stepped back, moving out of the AECO's way. Only step in if he had to. That was what he told himself.
[member="Cassus Stoma"]

Cassus Stoma

Cassus Stoma

Nar Haaska, Hutt Space
Interacting With: [member="Varik Ice"]
These men were bad and that much was certain. Though whether they truly were or not didn't matter, but the issue was a moral one that churned inside the younger man who would consider himself a 'good' person. Yet it was here and now that he, and the rest of his team, were stacked against a door with their glorious sovereign nearby. The weapons within their grip were dangerous, lethal and ready to kill. They were slughthrowers, and so this was bound to get messy.

The doorbell was rung, and Cassus could hear it through the door as it rung. A few footsteps later the door opened with a swoosh. The shocked expression of a Zabrak reflected off their dark visors, that was before a bullet entered his cranium. The ten man squadron barged through, moving in one after another as bullets departed their weapons and entered the enemy. The lobby was a crime scene in mere seconds, nobody was spared and as they would eventually move on such a thing would continue.

One thing was certain. Cassus was about ready to earn some black ink on his file.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Nar Haaska
Varik stared forward as he saw the AECOs almost wash over the lobby. The actual skirmish was over in seconds; nobody was expecting it, and nobody had even heard it farther up, thanks to the silencers included in their weapons. The cameras had likely picked them up, but whoever was manning security was either on break or had simply dozed off; no alarm sounded, so it didn't matter. As they made their way up the first set of stairs to the higher walkways of the lobby, Varik tapped an AECO on the shoulder, motioning to her and another next to her.

"Security room, meet us on the way up." The two nodded and headed off to make sure whoever was manning the cameras never got near that alarm. As he continued heading up, just behind his strike team, he stepped over the bodies of Hutt thugs and hitmen who Jaluula had hired to either glorify himself or protect his assets. It wouldn't matter now.

The fighting, if it was even that, continued for a while. As they continued to climb, Varik glanced at a floor number before he turned to [member="Cassus Stoma"]. "Almost there. Double time up these stairs." The operative was young, but very capable. He'd proven himself on Orenda, which is what had earned him this command. They were testing his abilities.

As the AECOs went for the stairs, Varik instead took the elevator. He pressed the top button, knowing it would take him straight to Jaluula's chambers. Normally, arriving uninvited was a death sentence - but the Hutt most likely had no idea many of his enforcers were now strewn across his building like poor decorations. He wondered who would make it to the Crime Lord first - him, or his team of trained killers in black.

Cassus Stoma

Cassus Stoma

Nar Haaska, Hutt Space
Interacting With: [member="Varik Ice"]
Command wasn't something he wanted, he just wanted to do this part. That's all that mattered. Having it thrust upon him was just another obstacle everyone tended to find when in service to the Sovereignty, and so he took it in stride. Just as he strode through the Hutt's Skyscraper with a cautious gait, his weapon raised and aimed ahead of him. Every individual that wasn't either AECO or the Sovereign himself, was met with a single bullet entering their body, sometimes more - it all depended on how each person took the wound. They moved fast, faster than anyone could comprehend what was happening and so it was mostly unchallenged.

Something felt wrong, however. They didn't all look like bad people, the constant reminder of such a thing echoed in his brain no matter how much his heart told him he was wrong. It was too late now. He accepted the reality of such a situation and knew that the second he slowed down it was either himself or another man who got killed, perhaps both.

The troopers marched up the stairs, their footsteps echoing throughout the stairwell and ultimately finding themselves on the floor in which the High Sovereign moved towards. Finding Varik already present, and just recently arrived a second or two before. The room was full. Goons, slaves, dancers, hired guns and friends. All of which found themselves dropped to the floor with a red liquid trailing out of one of the many holes that the led just couldn't quite plug. Some struggled, some fired back, but none remained in the end. It was only Jaluula.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Nar Haaska
The elevator dinged, the doors opening to a scene of violence as the AECOs were still in the midst of opening fire. A Klatooinian thug noticed Varik as the elevator revealed him, firing a couple of shots from his blaster pistol in the Sovereign's direction. Ice simply raised his hand as he stepped out, absorbing the energy from the bolts before the enforcer's head was ventilated by a shot from off to the side. Varik took a deep breath, stepping over the few inbetween him and Jaluula.

"Vault is down he hall, open it." The team knew what they were there for. He noticed the Hutt was having issue breathing, or talking; seemed a stray round had struck him quite flush, and liquid life streamed out through his corpulent figures as he did his best to hold it in. Varik stared up into the Crime Lord's eyes, not looking away for a moment as he spoke. "You know why I'm here, Jaluula. You made the wrong choice." He had always made things difficult for the Sovereignty's people on Nar Haaska - he simply saw them as an intrusion, a menace. They would be that to him if he wished.

None of that was important now, though. "Do it." Ice simply turned and walked towards the hall, an AECO walking up with his COFF and splattering what was left of the corpulent criminal against the wall behind him. Varik approached the vault where the Neuranium stores lay; a valuable and rare metal, one that they would need for the coming conflicts. "Plant our leaving gifts, and take everything. Don't miss one piece."

Even as he held everything together, it was difficult to justify in his mind. He wasn't thinking about it that much, but even then there was that niggle in his mind, the stench that death held even just in your thoughts. He did this because he had to. The Sovereignty needed this from him, and if it would save lives later down the line, it had to be the right thing to do.

It had to.

[member="Cassus Stoma"]

Cassus Stoma

Cassus Stoma

Nar Haaska, Hutt Space
Interacting With: [member="Varik Ice"]
The men and women split into two teams. One going moved towards the vault with explosives that paled in comparison to what the second team had to offer. The vault found itself cracked open with a bang, the COFF wielding AECO Trooper joining them. A series of beeps came from each explosive device that found itself planted on anything structurally of worth. So much for Jaluula the Hutt's glorious empire, and so much for Jaluula the Hutt himself.

Within minutes the Neuranium was being transported back to the vessel they rode in on, Cassus pointing in all sorts of directions as he acted with discretion. It was probably better off if nobody did speak, and so far the only one who had was the High Sovereign. Everyone else was a mute killer, repainting the skyscraper. In time it would all be loaded with the aid of what equipment was lazily left within the vault. Carrying such a material was definitely a strain, and this only made it a little bit easier.

Whatever it was that Jaluula did, Cassus didn't know, and it was probably better off that way too.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Nar Haaska
Varik stepped down with the AECOs as they transported the rare, and rather heavy metal with them on hoversleds and various other means of carrying it. Those that didn't fit, Varik was carrying with the force, floating it in a neat pile alongside him. He walked all the way back from where he had come from, back through the horrible scenery that the strike team had created.

Once again, his thoughts went back to his home. Whether he was even any different a leader now than he had been then. Over aggression and stupidity is what had killed them all before. Nothing would ever harm or kill his people. Not again. He wouldn't allow it, ever. He'd die before his people faded away into nothingess, before he allowed their values and ideals to slip into the dark.

Eventually, mercifully, they arrived back at the shuttle, loading up the Neuranium in storage areas. The ramp closed and the shuttle pilot set off again, flying them up through the rainy sky. Varik stared forward, the shuttle joining the rest of the traffic as it left. Back in the city skyline of Nar Haaska, Julaal's skyscraper suddenly exploded, orange tongues of death and destruction sweeping it as the building began to collapse. The Bronzium statue fell from the top, cascading down as it landed with a hard thud and crushing noise on top of the building's landing pad.

Perhaps it was his enemies - those that according to later news outlets, were Imperial-funded. Or it could have been dissidents, unhappy at the crime lord's massive wealth. Perhaps it was just a disgruntled majordomo.

Nobody would ever know.

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