Mischievous Fox
Location: Endor
Objective: To locate and kill a Boar-wolf
It had been early in the morning. The sun had just recently risen and, two hunters had been on their journey to find the somewhat-elusive Boar-wolf. They where big Boar-like creatures who span about 3 meters in height. They are told to wander but one of the hunters, Kit, was a Ruffen. They where known to have heightened senses. This one however chose to be almost like a hunting dog. He wanted to track the beast so they could bring it down. With him was a Kaleesh by the name of, [member="Rael sul B'an"] . He was a pretty big guy and seemed to know a thing or two about fighting. That would normally be good enough to catch one of these things. They would need to use all of their strengths to bring this thing down. That and its hide would bring a good price on the market.
Kit had rushed off of the ship as he felt sick. He had trouble flying through space and would normally be motion sick. He tried his best not to puke as he left the plane. He began doing some breathing techniques to try to relax. Once he did he simply turned around to his hunting partner and, took a breath. "So, where you like to start. I don't mind where exactly. That thing could be anywhere for all we know."
While he waited for his answer he began to look around and would smell the air. He didn't know what its scent was at the moment but, he would have to learn what scent belong to what.
Objective: To locate and kill a Boar-wolf
It had been early in the morning. The sun had just recently risen and, two hunters had been on their journey to find the somewhat-elusive Boar-wolf. They where big Boar-like creatures who span about 3 meters in height. They are told to wander but one of the hunters, Kit, was a Ruffen. They where known to have heightened senses. This one however chose to be almost like a hunting dog. He wanted to track the beast so they could bring it down. With him was a Kaleesh by the name of, [member="Rael sul B'an"] . He was a pretty big guy and seemed to know a thing or two about fighting. That would normally be good enough to catch one of these things. They would need to use all of their strengths to bring this thing down. That and its hide would bring a good price on the market.
Kit had rushed off of the ship as he felt sick. He had trouble flying through space and would normally be motion sick. He tried his best not to puke as he left the plane. He began doing some breathing techniques to try to relax. Once he did he simply turned around to his hunting partner and, took a breath. "So, where you like to start. I don't mind where exactly. That thing could be anywhere for all we know."
While he waited for his answer he began to look around and would smell the air. He didn't know what its scent was at the moment but, he would have to learn what scent belong to what.