Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hunt Begins!! (Rael sul B'an)

Location: Endor
Objective: To locate and kill a Boar-wolf

It had been early in the morning. The sun had just recently risen and, two hunters had been on their journey to find the somewhat-elusive Boar-wolf. They where big Boar-like creatures who span about 3 meters in height. They are told to wander but one of the hunters, Kit, was a Ruffen. They where known to have heightened senses. This one however chose to be almost like a hunting dog. He wanted to track the beast so they could bring it down. With him was a Kaleesh by the name of, [member="Rael sul B'an"] . He was a pretty big guy and seemed to know a thing or two about fighting. That would normally be good enough to catch one of these things. They would need to use all of their strengths to bring this thing down. That and its hide would bring a good price on the market.

Kit had rushed off of the ship as he felt sick. He had trouble flying through space and would normally be motion sick. He tried his best not to puke as he left the plane. He began doing some breathing techniques to try to relax. Once he did he simply turned around to his hunting partner and, took a breath. "So, where you like to start. I don't mind where exactly. That thing could be anywhere for all we know."

While he waited for his answer he began to look around and would smell the air. He didn't know what its scent was at the moment but, he would have to learn what scent belong to what.

Rael's desert garb of his homeland stood out among the green forests of Endor. Long slender fingers ending in sharp claws sat on his hips, close to his brutal metal sword and outdated blaster pistol. He looked to Kit. "How about that way." Rael started walking to his right, stomping over fallen leaves and grass. The Kaleesh was unused to the idea of being silent while hunting, for the deserts of his homeland were wide open. His biggest worry was always being seen. Orange slender ears flicked back and forth at each new sound. While he couldn't tell exactly what they were, they certainly interested him.
Some smaller animals had seemed to be running about. In the distance nothing had been moving. At least nothing looked like it was moving. It could be something else. There was some monstrous creatures that resided on this planet. If the two didnt stick together then there was a chance that one of them may die. Not all species here was very kind in the first place. All they had to do was find the Boar-wolf then leave. If they find anything else, it could be like a bonus. At least thats how Kit saw it. In any case he followed [member="Rael sul B'an"] , It was all a matter of time till they find SOMETHING though. He simply waited "So, you think we would be able to hear anything from them? They must make some loud snorking sound or something."

Rael looked over his shoulder at Kit. "I would imagine they would. I believe there are sentients on this moon? Perhaps they know how to find them." He kept his senses on alert. Eyes jumping back and forth, ears assessing every sound. A loud crunch could be heard from their right. Rael turned sharply on the noise, stopping dead in his tracks. He gestured with his hand for Kit, who was smaller, to see if he could find whatever was there.
He nodded as he heard it too. With a small action he simply climbed the tree and looked out to see what could be out there. From what it looked like it was large but it wasn't what they where looking for. It was black... He finally noticed what it was, It was a Gurreck. They where predators on this moon. It looked as if it had its sight trained onto [member="Rael sul B'an"] . Kit had whistles slightly towards his partner. Once he grabbed his attention he pointed off to the Gurreck. It seemed to have caught up to them. It was ready to attack.

"Gurreck, 11o'clock!" He whispered. He was sure Rael could hear him.


Rael watched as Kit climbed the tree. When Kit whispered, he had no idea what a Gurreck was. All he knew was that it wasn't what they were looking for. He simply nodded, and pulled out his crude metal sword. Looking at it, he realized it probably wouldn't do much to the beast. He grabbed his blazer pistol in his other hand. He looked to Kit, then walked to a tree next to him, and tried to hide himself from the incoming beast. "I'll follow you." He whispered up to Kit.
[member="Rael sul B'an"]

He nodded as he jumped down onto the fairly large Gurreck. He rode it as it went berserk. He smiled as it began to run out into the open. He simply put one hand down and Force pushed it into the ground. Its head slammed against the ground as it slid to a stop with Kit on its back. "Kill it!" He called out to his partner. Any moment from now it could get back up and cause some major damage. Thankfully it was only focused on Rael. Kit had tried to read up on some of the predators and other animals on the moon. Sadly his Motion sickness didn't allow him to look too much on things.

Rael let out a loud Kaleesh battle cry. He ran forward, sword swinging at the beast. As expected, he left it with a few shallow scratches. So, he dropped the sword aside, and held up the blaster, and fired a few quick shots at it. He jumped back, looking between kit the beast, waiting to see if it had died
It tried to get up but with the multiple attacks onto it it began to settle. "Its not dead yet. Just tuckered out." He motioned him to come over. "Why don't you hit his head this time? Once we kill it we can use its meat as bate for the real prize or, y'know something bigger will come along." He chuckled this whole thing was like a game for him. Life was always but a game.

[member="Rael sul B'an"]

Rael nodded, and quickly put two blaster bolts into the beast. "This is not the one we want, right?" The Kaleesh was admiring the beasts head. It would have made a valuable mask among his people. If only it would fit any of them. The alien walked over to his dropped sword, picking it up. Useless, he though. He looked to kit, "Alright, well, what do you want to do with it."
"Well it isn't the one that we want but, I'm sure if we tore into it and grabbed some of its meat we could make almost like bait for what we are really going for." He chuckled. The beast was slayed so he simply pushed it over onto its side. "You think your blade could cut through this or is it too dull?" He asked as he saw what it had done before.

The Boar-wolf wouldn't be too far but it wouldn't be very close either. Territory was everything for these beasts. "What we are looking for is much bigger too. However I don't think these guy don't hunt in packs. There may be more." He began to move out of the way so [member="Rael sul B'an"] could cut it open or, at least try to.

Rael moved over to the beast. He didn't know if his sword could cut it or not, but he'd try. After some hard work, he had a rather large piece of meat cut out from the beast. He left it for Kit. "There, we can use that. I'll be right back." Without waiting for a response, the tall Kaleesh moved out. He walked around the forest, picking on long, straight sticks. After he had a good bundle of about five, he walked back to where he had left Kit. Quietly, he sat down, and began sharpening the end of each stick with his dull blade. It was hardwork, but eventually, they all had a rather nice point to them.
He began to prepare the meat that they had just recieved from the recently deceased Gurreck. With a bit of effort he got ready to leave it up as bait. He tried his best not to eat some of it himself. Raw meat was pretty good for a Ruffer. "Alright. With a bit of effort we should be able to find the Boar-wolf." Kit looked around to try to find where the Boar-wolf would be. He looked to his Hunting partner [member="Rael sul B'an"] whom was busy making a makeshift weapon from the branches and such. "Once you finish with those we can keep moving. Maybe something would come to us."

"Alright." Rael stood up, taking the sticks up in a bundle. He walked over to Kit. "Hope you don't mind, but I was thinking you could be a distraction. We can leave the meat out, and wait for it to show up. I'll give you my blaster, and you can jump on top of it and try to take some of it out. I'll throw these at it, and then rush in. We'll finish it together. Sound good with you?"
[member="Rael sul B'an"]

He shrugged. "Sure. I wouldn't mind doing that. Heck riding them was fun." He chuckled "Either way its pretty cool. You planning on setting a trap or something?" He asked raising his brow. Rael seemed to be trying something out. At least it looks like he is.

"We could. I've not much experience in that area..." He looked around the forest, then at Kit. "Do you have any idea of what we could do? He walked around the dead beast, trying to see if they could use the entire thing as bait somehow. There were some vines, but not enough to make a bigger enough net for the Boar-wolf.
Kit simply looked around. "Well I wouldn't mind waiting around. Although I don't know how many more Gurreck are in the area." A very large sound began to echo through the air. The sound of tree's falling in the distance could mean one or more things. Either a stampede or something is charging at them. It had been coming southwest of where they had been going.

"You hear that? Either something big or a lot of big things are coming our way." He climbed up the tree quick and looked out. He couldn't tell what it was.

[member="Rael sul B'an"]

Rael nodded and ran over to a gathering of bushes and trees. He crouched down on the ground. As a last minute thought, he tossed his sword up to Kit. Quickly, he made sure that all the sticks were ready. He picked one up in his right hand, with his blaster in his left hand. His eyes started scanning the surrounding area for where the beast would come from.
Out rushed what looked to be like small Boar-wolves. Two of them to be exact. Kit jumped onto one of them as the other ran towards [member="Rael sul B'an"] . They both moved fast and weighed a ton. The one that Kit had attacked had flipped over onto its belly from the impact. He simply stabbed at it then jammed his claws into the cut that it made. Hopefully the thing had died but, it seemed resilient. These where small but, where was the mother.

OOC: You could put what you did to the second Boar-wolf. Just make it as cool as you'd like.

As the two boar-wolves charged, Rael stood, raising a spear. He threw it, at the second one. It hit, and stuck, but didn't hurt it too bad. All he did was enrage it. It started to charge at him, and the Kaleesh quickly picked up another spear. He threw it, and it hit the Boar-wolf's shoulder, but it kept coming. He threw another one, hitting the other shoulder. The giant monster now had three wooden spears sticking out of it, and was still coming. Rael raised his pistol, and fired two quick shots into it's head. Just in time too, as it fell, it started to slide, and stopped right at Rael's feet, covered in mud, and leaves.

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