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Approved Tech The Holocron of The Emperor

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Intent: This is Darth Voracitos' method of the afterlife.
Development Thread: No, not so far as I am aware.
Manufacturer: Darth Voracitos
Model: Sith Holocron
Affiliation: He who holds the Holocron
Modularity: Absolutely not
Production: Unique
Material: Sith Crystals, Alchemy treated metals, 9 Mentally Enslaved Shards
Description: In the days of his life, Voracitos was petrified that he might die some day, and be bereft of his incredible powers and mastery over the force. He had visions of his slayer, though no confirmation of whom it was or when it was. Fearing the worst, he knew there was no avoiding the mortal prophesy of vision. He as the Shadow Emperor preformed within the confines of his Palace's unholy rituals and other such heinous things to protect himself from oblivion. He sent out his agents that were below him to go to Orax, the homeworld of the famed force sensitive crystals known as the Shards. Nine were captured, and sedated by the force until the reached their heinous fate at the hands of Darth Voracitos. For days at a time while bathed in the Dark Side of the force, the sickly Master crushed the will of the crystalline beings, until they were comatose patients, and had no will of their own. The reason for this? Spirits didn't usually have an extraordinary influence over the material universe, thus he used the force sensitivity of these Shards to create an easily accessible and manipulable apparatus to which he may command the reality of mortals to his will. Using telepathy, he could command the mindless Shards to preform abilities of the force through his subtle influence. In unison together, Voracitos was pleased with the results of his work. When all was said and done, that was when he preformed a ritual to bind his spirit to the Holocron to be collected upon death.
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