Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Holocron [Daxton]

Darren had traveled to his sanctuary. Keeping the holocron with the the entire time. He had come to the open feild that his hut had ben built with the help of some of the locals. Darren had a simple hut on the outskirts of the planet. He had some vibroswrds hanging on the wall and a Nexus head mounted off to the side. Daren had moved everything out of the way, so he could have room to swing his lightsabers if need be.

Darren needed to lear the secrets of the tomb to save his mother. He needed that power. Thinking about what would happen to her if he didnt stop the Sith. Not hesating Darren activated the Holocron to reveal a Sith.
"Greetings young force user. If you are watching this, then it means you have defiled my tomb and stolen its secrets. Well played young one. In time you will need to steel yourself to do far greater acts of questionable merit. Still in the end, isn't power what you seek? Power goes to those who seize it. Observe. This is an alchemical Sith Sword. Made from the finest metals it is forged in the heart of darkness, capable of meeting a light saber and coming off unharmed. An excellent weapon for making your foes underestimate you."

"Shall we begin the lesson?"
Darren was suprised alittle when the sith wasnt going to teach him how to use a better force power. Rather it was going to give him a Sith sword? Darren knew that Moridin had a blade of the same type, and that it was lethal weapon. If he was to posses a Sith Sword like one that Moridin owned he would have an advantage against most of the force users in the galaxy. Darren presseed a button on the holo to contiue on. He was ready for what heneede to do next.
OOC: Has been aproved by Daxton to contiue.

After Darren presssed the button to contiue the Holocron the Sith said "You will need to gather suplies needed to make the Alchemical Sith Sword. Cortosis, from the mines of Apatros. Use the heat of a furnace to slelt the ore down to a metal. You will use the force to form the shape of the blade. Make the blade form your own strength. Although I doubt that you will complete this task, I will set this before you Young one."

Darren had some left over Cortosis from some armor that he had been collecting. Taking these pieces he put them into his furnace. melting them so they would be maleable to shape. It took hours for the metal to melt so he could use it. Darren imagined the metal taking the shape he wanted, double edged down to a tip. it would be a useful blade for him since he liked to use a blade that was verstile.

Ages seemed to go by as he molded the blade to the shape he wanted it. Darren would have to replace the blade into the furnace everyso often when the blade would become a dull orange tone, to keep it hot enough for him to mold it. He never looked at the blade when he shaped it. The force would be his eyes and hands to create the perfect blade for him. when he felt that the blade was finished he opened his eyes to see the blade.

It was a black color from the extream heat caused by the furnace, and the blade was shaped just how he wanted it. The blade was about 2 and a half feet long, double edged currently semi-dull blade. Darren was exausted form the amount of energy used to make the blade. He looked outside to see that the sun had set nd was beging to rise sometime soon. It had been almost a whole day to make the blade. Darren went back over to the holocron for more details on how to make the sword

The holocron came to life once more and the Sith appeard again saying "It seems that you have made the Cortosis blade to your fitting. Well done. I didnt think you would make it this far. Thus we must contiue." Darren went over to the blade and picked it up when the Sith started to speek again. "To renforce the blade you will focus you hatred, anger, lust, passion, and power into the blade. Push your very soul to be as you are. If you think you are up to the task you may do so Youngling."

Darren wanted to make his sword stronger. Yet have no inflounces from the Sith or the Jedi. Darren followed the orders, but instead of pouring in what the Sith said. Darren poured every emoution that he had. Love, Hate, Happiness, Anger, Passion, Screnity, Justice, Revenge, Sorrow,and Passion in to the blade. He used all of the feelings that he had and pushed with all that he had. Darren was focused on pushing so hard that hedidnt notice that the blade levated about 6 inches from his hands. it was glowing a white color with red and blue circling around the dull edges. He will the blade to stay sharp from the most powerful of blows. To not break from sudden impacts, but most of all he willed the blade to save his mother. To be used on the Sith who tourtred her. He thought of his mothers face. Her Green eyes. The white hair that was unnatural for most, but to him a symbol of hope.

Darren felt as if he were going to pass out. He stopped using the force to push the thought into the blade. the sword fell from his grasp and landed with a twang on the floor of his hut. Tiredly he pushed the button again to see what he was to do next for his blade. The sith appeard once again this time with a blade in his hands. "You have compleated the blade. It will be powerful through the force. Only you can feel its true power. You are the sword now. Fassion a hilt of your liking. It must be comfortible in the hand. Fassion is length to a two hand or a single hand hold using the force. Create the hilt, and you will be almost complete"

Darren took the the bones of a Rancor that he had in the back of his trophy collection. He needed to carve the hit from the bones to fit his hand. he grabbed the bone with both hands on top of eachother. Darren willed the hilt to fit his hands. he shaped it so that it would fit comfortibly in one hand and alittle extra room to have a hand and a half hilt size. Again he poured all of his emoutins in the hilt to form. Once he was done he stood up to look outside. it was the middle of the day, but he noticed that there was a small layer of dust on his windowsill he wiped it off and noticed that it could have been weeks since he had returend to his sanctuary.

Darern was famished and went into the kitchen to get a loaf of bread. He ate the entire loaf in seconds. Returning to the Holocron he activated it again. The Sith appeard one last time to say "You must now forge the blade and the hilt together. Only then will it be usable. Use the rest of the energy you have to place the blade in the hilt then youngling, you may haev yourself a Sith blade."

Darren knew that it wasnt going to be a sith blade. It was HIS blade. Darren grabed the two pieces and placed them together. He forced them together with his own physical strength and the force's strength. making the blade and the hilt into one whole sword. He did this for hours on end. He was physicaly and mentaly exausted. He had finaly made his blade. Daren Zombie walked over to the Holocron and pressed the key button onleast time to see if he was done. it simply stated back at him "Transmistion Ended"

Darren was not done yet he had to make a sheath for his blade to fit in. he used simple leather and string from one of his old robes. He crafted the sheath to fit snugly and have using bronze to decorate it slightly at the lip of the sheat and the point. He had final done it. He made the sword. he was wanting to name it so it would stand for something he believed in. Using Mando'a he named the blade Orarcabur meaning Thunder Guardian. Darren named it such for thw way he used force lightning. It was perfect in his eyes.

Darren was tired and put his sword on the counter to stay there. He would later have to change the layout for his weapons so the sword could go onto his back. But for now he was tired and feel as if he could sleep for weeks. Before he went to bed he checked the date and saw that it had been 2 and a half weeks since he arived here. He got out of his armor and prosede to get ready for bed. Darren fell asleep the instant his head hit the pillow.

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