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Work In Progress The Ha'rangir Priesthood



  • Intent: Create a Special Forces/Recon Unit for RP purposes that are tied to the Mandalorian Clan Priest, and Tarre Priest.
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  • Crew Name: The Ha'rangir Priesthood
  • Crew Type:
    • Clan Priest Members
    • Comrades In Arms
    • Mandalorian Special Forces
  • Base of Operations: Forge of Iron - Modified Crusader-Class Corvette
  • Crew Size: 4 Members
  • Loyalties:
    • Clan Priest
    • Tarre Priest
    • Mandalorians
    • Mandalorian Protectors
  • Description: Ever since The Death Watch Crusade Fell apart, Tarre Priest and his kindred have formed a bond of individuals upon the Crusader Class among the Priest Clan. These Four individuals were chosen for their skills in Combat scenarios to be a personal "squad" of individuals who work directly with Tarre in his efforts of forming, maintaining, and executing missions for the Priest Clan. Initially formed during his time with the Mandalorian Enclave, and later moved to the Mandalorian Protectors. They seek to complete missions given to them, as well as investigate populaces for potential Foundlings of the clan. Furthermore, to train them and act as role models within the Clan to further the goals of Mandalorian peoples.

  • Name: Alysia "Silver Mane" Priest
  • Age: Early Twenties
  • Species: Echani
  • Role: Melee Weapons Expert, Tactician.
  • Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, Mando'a, Trade Languages, Echani
  • Description: Alysia is considered the First member of the Priesthood. Her skills with the blade are specifically why Tarre recruited and picked her to be by his side. Considered the Defacto second in command for the Priest Clan, as well as for the Priesthood. Her early life was changed when she had been inducted into the Clan at a younger age. She is a proponent of using Melee weapons like the Beskads, as well as Echani Vibroswords for her combat tactics. However, she is still very skilled with Ranged weaponry of the Pistol variety. Quick to action, but also willing to take her time to gather information before doing so. As per her name of "Silver Mane" comes from not just the assumption of her hair being Silver, but also her tongue. A proponent of using guile and charisma to get out of situations just as quickly as she can get into one.

  • Name: Fang "Witch Boy" Priest
  • Age: Early Thirties
  • Species: Dathomirian Zabrak
  • Role: Munitions, Demolitions, Pyromaniac
  • Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, Mando'a, Dathomirian
  • Description: Fang is a Foundling that has been accepted into the Priesthood for his skills with weaponry. First seen in pits of the Crucible, The Zabrak could handle pretty much any kind of weapon you gave him. Specifically heavier weapons, or explosives. Tarre paid for him to be handed over to him, but instead of being a Slave-Warrior, was trained to harness his anger, and need for just destroying and blowing up things, to be focused and honed for the usage of the Priesthood. Quick to action, and a severe hatred towards Sith and their affiliated nations. Fang is very much outspoken now having his own freedoms among the Mandalorians.

  • Name: Vheth "Officer" Priest
  • Age: Mid Thirties
  • Species: Chiss
  • Role: Vehicle Combat, Mounted Combat, Ship-Pilot/Driver.
  • Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, Mando'a, Chiss
  • Description: Vheth is another Foundling that has been picked up by the Priest Clan. Adopted at a much younger age with the constant fracturing and reformations of various Imperial factions in the Galaxy, she was borne of war and when found, introduced into a lifestyle that was wholly different from what many of her species may have been indoctrinated into. Due to her species typically being found at the helm of a vessel, Captains or Admirals of Fleeting actions, she has been given the nickname of "Officer" instead of an official rank.

  • Name: Esok "Katkeraor" Priest
  • Age: Fourties
  • Species: Taung
  • Role: Stealth Combat, Espionage
  • Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, Mando'a
  • Description: One of the very few and extremely rare Taung that happened to have somehow survived all that were thrown at them thousands of years before the Jedi were breathed life, Esok is a man dedicated to his cause of the Mandalorians. Specifically aiding his people in whatever form they now take. While very much a heavy Anti-Force User sentiment, and set in his ways, Esok has come to slowly like Tarre and his ways of navigating conflicts and politics. For that, He has given his services in not just Stealth Combat, and Espionage, but also understanding of the deeper history and beginnings of the Mandalorians. Due to this, a loving nick name given to Esok, is "Katkeraor" which is Mando'a For "Dirt" Due to the Taung's species being older than dirt.

Ever since his start of his Mandalorian journey, Tarre Priest has been slowly gaining a base of people within his Clan. Spanning not just the Death Watch, The Crusaders, and even the Enclave. Most of the time, spent working on insular projects in bettering their own clan. Residing upon a single Corvette. However, the expansion of the Priest Clan has motivated them to now move to claim land, locations, and even form legitimate forces of Mandalorian Warriors and combatants that can come to the Galactic Stage.

This reformation of the Priest Clan, has produced a series of elite individuals who are then chosen to be part of the Priesthood. A group of Brothers and Sisters who seek to better the Mandalorian people, in their own way.
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