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The Happyland Funeral Home and Morgue [Approved]

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Name: The Happyland Funeral Home and Morgue
Image Source: Wikipedia
Intent: To provides funeral and burial service for families of the dead, as well as a place to store human and near-human corpses awaiting organ removal, autopsy, or disposal. Also a front for criminal activity.
Classification: hideout, front
Location: Happyland, Coruscant Undercity, Coruscant
Affiliation: The CRC

The Happyland Funeral Home and Morgue is both a fully functional funeral home and a morgue that was commandeered by the Coruscant Rotary Club as a front for more nefarious activities. It also serves as a place to store bodies, perform autopsies, and harvest human organs for trafficking.

Street Level:
On the street level is the funeral home that provides burial and funeral services for families of the recently deceased. The main room contains a large space for viewing of the dead or any ceremonial rites. Adjacent to the viewing room are two embalming rooms. There is also a turbolift that leads to the basement, where the morgue and crematorium are housed.

The turbolift down to the morgue opens into a long hallway leading to the main autopsy room. The main room contains hover tables, medical equipment, and storage units, as well as a place to clean and disinfect hands. Two smaller rooms connect to the main room. One is an office with several high tech computers, slicing equipment and security Holo cam feeds from the many security cameras stationed throughout the morgue. The other room is a small meeting room with tables, chairs, and fully stocked bar in case any members of the CRC need a place to make a deal or entertain a buyer.

There is also plentiful storage and cryogenic chambers for the transport of live cargo or parts thereof. The storage room has an emergency exit that spills out into the Coruscant Undercity sewers, where waste is disposed of. Speaking of waste, bodies that are no longer of use or unclaimed are disposed of in a crematorium.

Security in both the funeral home and the morgue is tight. The first layer of protection is literally a layer; burly, grim brutes dressed in spiffy black suits and white coats that look about ready to split along the seams due to all the muscle squeezed inside. There are also aforementioned security holo cams stationed in every room, along with a team of Mirari bodyguard droids ready to be deployed if some chucklehead decides to shoot the place up.

Other than organic and droid security, the staff consists of undertakers, embalmers, assistants, morticians. technicians, and medical examiners.
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