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The Great Hunt: Obran Mereel vs. Kyle Farnes

Quell Rook

ASSIGNED HUNTERS: [member="Obran Mereel"], [member="Kyle Farnes"]
There are no continents on Drexel. Only vast ocean, scattered island chains, and the Great Ship. What began as a collection of shipwrecked castaways has over centuries flourished into a floating city of galactic freebooters. The target could be disguised as anyone, but your tracking fob will get you close.
In fact it begins to chime the moment your transport sets down on the city's docks...
The rickety old gunboat settled down easily enough. Drexel had started from Pirates, if the legends were true. Regardless, an Ocean world felt damp and a bit chilly for his like. He disembarked with a heavy oil-cloth cloak wrapped around him and his helmeted head, completely concealing armor and appearance. Given the battered nature of the cloak, he would look almost a beggar. Most would take him for just such. Careful observation of posture and gait would give away the lie though. Very few could hide that stroll of a career soldier. Obran couldn't.

The ramp clattered down, and he gave the fob a look before tucking it into the folds of his left sleeve and disembarking. A shudder and lurch and the ramp was closing. Slower and with more noise than he would have liked. It was a gift, and dependable, but it worried him each time he went to turn on the engines. Smoke would spew from them, and the entire craft shook and shuddered. But it flew fine. Mostly. Just a little iffy in atmo. And re-entry. And sometimes it stalled when reverting to realspace. Kark... He needed a new ship.

Careful gestures checked the two short beskad at his sides, and the pistol at his hip. There were a few other surprises, but he was low on funds. So he made do with what he could from doing odd jobs. This would be his big break. Adjusting the tilt of his hood to try and hide any gleam from the T-Visor under it, he made his way from the port towards the pulsing chirrup of the fob.

[member="Quell Rook"]

Kyle Farnes

He was a different Mandalorian. He was a wanderer, a Warden, and one who helped support those bringing light to the galaxy. It was not beyond the approach of him, however, to take in bounties. There were beings out there made of pure chaos and evil. People who would not necessarily disrupt galactic goings ons, but could make life hard for those who were just trying to make it by. And that was part of what it meant to be a Warden. The life of a Warden was a tenuous marriage to that of a Mandalorian, but with his clan, things were slightly different.

Having assisted the Alliance gave him access to several ships, but for a bounty extraction, he opted for his Pursuer. The insight provided the target on Drexel.

Great. It meant some modifications to be ready, being pressurized, or at least bringing something to keep atmosphere around oneself. And it meant special weapons, which required special armor. A war axe on one hip, and a pistol on the other, the Mandalorian stepped out onto the surface of the floating city. The FOB got him close, but the Clawdite’s nature was to blend in. Anyone that was going to be looking like they moved in a direction away from the Mandalorian was going to be someone he needed to keep an eye on.

A probe was launched from his ship, no bigger than a Dark Eye, and keeping itself seeming like it belonged, it paced above Kyle and provided a small feed of data to his helmet.

He really needed to make it to more aquatic worlds.

[member="Obran Mereel"]
[member="Quell Rook"]

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