Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gravity of Silence

He watched everything unfold in silence. The arrival of his frail Master. The image of her Noghri escort and the unyielding loyalty they all had too her. The image that dared haunt him however was that of Ereza kneeling to his Lady Silencia. Jake said nothing as he found his seat. Jake said nothing as Ereza explained what were his son's soul gems. He simply nodded and motioned for everyone to leave them in peace.

They did as commanded.

Then, for a moment, there were two. Lady Silencia. Darth Gravis. Two souls that were forever connected; forever bonded. She had been so strong. So demanding. So merciless. Yet here she lay literally on her death bed. This wasn't the woman Jake was accustomed to seeing. Yet through the force he felt her. The woman that had been such an immovable object was now shaken from place and crumbling. It was disheartening.

"This wasn't how this was suppose to go." Jake said in hushed whisper. "Our roles were supposed to be switched. That's how it was always supposed to end for us. If not from combat, if not by your hand or the hand of Quietus, or someone else for that matter, then by time itself. I was supposed to grow old and die while you lived on." His voice caught in his throat and tightened violently. His eyes welled, something he could fight.

"We've seen and done things no one expected us to do. Any threat to our family. Dealt with. Any title you wanted? Taken. Step for step we remained side by side. I know that there is no one, not my Lady Reticea, not my sons, no one that had an impact on making me who I am like you did. You created me. As I know I created the woman you turned out to be. In all of our time together, no Apprentice had ever been as loyal to you as I. No man had ever been as faithful as I. I was there through it all. Not once did I dream of ending your life as the dark side often commands of Apprentices. I just wanted to be at your side." Jake explained as the tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I thought we had more time. I wanted to have tea at the villa and actually make you a dessert. But," Jake let out a small sob as he took her frail hand into his own. Gently he kissed it, then pushed the knuckles to his forehead. His teas costing her digits, "it looks like that won't happen."

Keeping her hand in his own Jake fell silent for a moment, "I'm still pissed at you. All of this would have changed had Amorella taken me to you like she promised. I could have helped with whatever the fuck happened on Kuat. There was no one, absolutely no one, more equipped to fight for you and our family. We both know that to be true." Again the Knight kissed her hand, this time turning it so his lips pressed against her palm, "I've never thought of you as a bad person. You are a wonderful person. You've always been one of my favorite people. Yet every once in awhile you can be a real b!tch." A chuckle escaped his lips. It was true but it showed Jake's loyalty.

"There's only two things to really say to you Master," Jake said as he kissed into her palm, "Thank you for being my Master. Thank you for choosing me over everyone else. More importantly...I'll always love you."


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