Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Good Interred With Their Bones

Entry 01


Purveyor (Relnon-class Dungeon Ship) has arrived in orbit today behind schedule. The vessel showed some superficial damage, but much of the interior shows signs of incredible trauma. The Purveyor is also missing 40% of its escape pods. It is my regret to inform you that, of the ninety-eight (98) Jedi prisoners you were awarded by the Primeval after the battle of Ziost, there remain only fifty (50). We have taken statements from the ship’s crew and corroborated them with the vessel's security footage to determine the exact cause of both the Purveyor's delayed arrival, its internal damage, and the absence/death of forty-eight (48) prisoners.

This whole mess started on Ziost, when the prisoners were being loaded onto the Purveyor. Primeval officials didn’t give any descriptions of each prisoner's Force Sensitivity. So three (3) Jedi Masters didn’t get sufficient restraints. About six hours after the Purveyor entered hyperspace, the Masters got loose and started to wreak havoc. They overpowered the section's guards without alerting the bridge, released many fellow prisoners, and managed to seized the bridge. Of the Purveyor's two-hundred (200) security personnel, sixty-seven (67) are reported dead, thirty-three (33) injured, and seven (7) missing. Dead, missing, and injured are yet to be reported from the vessel's eight-hundred (800) non-combat support crew. Captain Brynak is among the deceased.

The rioters took the ship out of hyperspace after they got a hold of the bridge, but failsafes kept them from calling for help or accessing the rest of the vessel. I guess that made them angry, so they destroyed the vessel's communications array and jumped into what escape pods they could access. Security was able to eventually contain the riot before other prisoners could be free. Two (2) of the Jedi Masters responsible for the revolt were killed. The third is missing, believed to have escaped with the rest. Without sufficient manpower to give chase, the First Mate made the decision to jump back to hyperspace and get back here.

We’ve got the rest of the prisoners undergoing medical examinations, questioning, and getting locked into their cells. Now that they’re off the ship and in my care, I don’t think we’ll see
any future mistakes.

Warden Ashford
Entry 02


We just finished processing the rest of the prisoners and I’ve got the information on their Force Sensitivity, as you asked. Of the fifty (50) we have, thirty-nine (39) are Apprentice-level. The remaining eleven (11) have been confirmed to be of Knight-level. You also wanted demographics, so I’ve got those here as well: twenty-five (25) humans, nine (9) near humans, fourteen (14) humanoid aliens, and two (2) aliens. Twenty (20) of these prisoners are under the age of 25. Thirteen (13) are female. They’re all in picture perfect health as far as the medical staff can tell.

But, while I’m writing this, I have to tell you again I must once again reiterate that I think what you wanted was a bad idea. I did it, obviously, but it doesn’t seem right. Again, all female prisoners and any of those aged under 25 have been released. We gave them a Class-D Amnestic like you said.

Once we saw the amnestics had finally worked, I made the arrangements to leave them stranded on Lothal. They were sedated while transported, so they won’t remember anything about the riot on the Purveyor. They might not even remember the battle on Ziost either. The medical droids calculated a 47% chance that they all might completely lose their identities.

But, again, I’ve got to tell you this feels arbitrary and counterproductive. We’ve only got seventeen (17) prisoners left now. Some of those people we just cut loose had a lot of kills under their belt from the Purveyor, not even to mention the battle. It keeps working its way down the grape vine that these guys are going to be used for some kind of experimental procedure. Look, maybe I’m out of line, but if these experiments are so terrible that you won’t perform them on women and “children,” maybe we shouldn’t be doing it to anyone at all, right?

Warden Ashford
Entry 03

Your Grace,

I must say that I was quite unsurprised to hear that Warden Ashford had been reassigned to the Spacetrooper Corps. With his penchant for speaking out of turn and daring to question the wisdom of our most revered and intelligent superiors (foremost among them being yourself), my only problem is that it did not happen sooner. Still, many of the lower ranking staff were quite sad to see him go, apparently having the poor sense to respect a man such as Ashford for his simple skill at the job.

This said, I feel as though I must take this opportunity to thank you for the promotion once again. I can assure you that Warden Ashford's assurance that there will be no further blunders still stands. I understand that this research is of the utmost importance to your cause and will do everything in my ability to see to it that the research is fruitful. I, for one, find your release of the women and children to be admirable. If there were more men of your caliber active in the galaxy, there would be no need for war or violence.

As you have instructed, the prisoners are currently undergoing interrogation. I have authorized the use of interrogation droids in order to accomplish this as quickly as possible. We shall obtain all pertinent information and then move to the next phase, which is the initiation of the experiments itself. You have expressed concern over the arrangements allocated to the prisoners during their stay here. I assure you, security shall not be lax. We have battle droids stationed outside each cell at all times. Prisoners are monitored via camera at all times. Doors are kept magnetically sealed. Stormtrooper patrols are always only a short distance away. There will be no prison breaks on my watch, nor will any perish of malnourishment. As you instructed, the prisoners are fed three times daily and only removed to be interrogated.

I shall inform you of the results once all sessions are completed.

Your Most Loyal Servant,

Warden Etterson

I don’t know how Etterson wound up in this facility, but I want absolutely nothing to do with him. This incompetent mongrel is responsible for more than enough mishaps back in the Tionese Whiteguard, I don’t want him anywhere near this project. If his parents weren’t so rich, I would have thrown him out of an airlock years ago. Put him on a blacklist, I don’t want him stationed anywhere important ever again.

Begin Entry 04

As previous noted in the personal logbook of Former-Warden Reginald Etterson, application of enhanced interrogation methods to the detainees has resulted in 1 death. This has brought the total amount of operable detainees to 16. As interrogation of the captives and the procurement of vital information is no longer of priority, all interrogation operations have been removed from the schedule and will no longer be performed. We are now ready to begin the first phase of the project.

The first step requires complete memory erasure. This will be accomplished through the use of Class-D Amnestics until the desired results are achieved. It should be noted that the likelihood of psychological damage and risk of mental illness increases with each application of the Class-D Amnestics after the third dosage. More temporary side effects include increased fear, paranoia, confusion. This will be crucial to later stages of the project.

Captives have been sorted into four groups of four. In this regard, I suppose that the wrongful death that transpired under Etterson's watch is convenient. Every six hours, one group will be administered a Class-D Amnestic. By the time the last group has their Amnestic administered, we will be able to study the first group for signs of complete memory erasure. In order to prevent the captives from faking symptoms, I have ordered two stormtroopers to talk very loudly and at length about the experimental "midichlorian multiplication serum" outside of each cell. This will lead the captives to believe that they are being monitored for signs that their midichlorian count has increased. I predict a substantially low chance that any of them will figure out the truth before their memories are completely expunged.

Entry Composed By: 0089 Peculiar Algorithm

End Entry 04
Begin Entry 05

Memory erasure has been completed successfully. All subjects show no signs of recollecting their past memories even when presented with objects, items, images, or audio files meant to invoke them. Subjects have become increasingly irritable and constantly confused. Subjects have been deliberately given excessively vague non-answers to all inquiries they pose in an attempt to incite their anger. All subjects still register for Force Sensitivity, though they no longer seem to be aware of this. This was not only expected, but the intended optimal result.

The first phase of cybernetic augmentation is set to begin within twenty-four hours. This phase poses the highest risk factor, as it involves cybernetics applied directly to the brain. Fortunately, I have taken the liberty of acquiring the finest medical droids and cybernetic-specialist surgeons in the sector in order to avoid any medical complications.

There are three primary components being installed. The Clarity, Hi-Sense Enhanced Eyes, and the PsiCom 160 Interface. The Clarity was chosen specifically due to its inability to emotionally restrict users. It is essential that the subjects retain the ability to feel emotions, particularly those of anger and fear. Once the subjects have re-learned the ability to draw upon the Force, these will be the emotions needed. The Clarity will, theoretically, help speed up the process through which they are re-instructed in various martial disciplines and the Force.

The Hi-Sense Enhanced Eyes and PsiCom 160 Interface are primarily for utility purposes. It would be useful, to say the least, for the subjects to be able to record and stream what they are seeing as well as interface directly with electronics. Once these are installed, the memories and disposition of the subjects will be much more susceptible to alteration and conditioning.

Entry Composed By: 0089 Peculiar Algorithm

End Entry 05
Begin Entry 06

All subjects have recovered from surgery and have successfully acclimated to their new cybernetic enhancements. Dr. Yulf Tijim was able to save Subject 08 from an accidental death in the middle of his surgery. There had been a complication involving the subject's respiratory system. For his quick thinking and initiative, I have deemed it necessary to award Dr. Tijim cr100,000 in addition to his previously negotiated fee.

The next phase will begin in approximately 72 hours as the necessary cybernetics are acquired. The arms of each subject are to be surgically removed and replaced with Phade Prosthetic Arms. To accommodate this sudden addition of heavy cybernetics, the spinal columns of each subject will also have to be cybernetically augmented. This phase of the enhancement project is substantially less dangerous than the first, and so no complications are expected. Brain damage is very rarely reversible, but through the right channels a spine can more easily be fixed. Still, it would not be very convenient, and so the same level of caution is advised.

The surgeons and medical droids that participated in the last series of operations will also be handling this one. That is, with the exception of Dr. Tijim, who has elected to depart early. Purportedly this is due to frayed nerves stemming from the emergency that arose during the last operation. However, I suspect he may have become morally opposed to the work being done here. I have placed him and his communications under surveillance for the time being.

Entry Composed By: 0089 Peculiar Algorithm

End Entry 06
Begin Entry 07

All subjects have survived and acclimated to the new spinal reinforcements as well as their dual prosthetic arms. There were also no incidents during surgery. In approximately 72 hours the next phase of the subjects’ augmentation will proceeded: The Cardio-Muscular Package and the Hyperaccelerated Nerve Implant. These surgeries are fairly mundane compared to the others and do not pose nearly as high a risk for accidental death. Still, I have urged caution among the surgeons and had the medical droids re-inspected for any faults that may have developed.

The implementation of these implants will increase combat effectiveness of the subjects dramatically. Unfortunately, these surgeries are often invasive and hostile to Midichlorians. I suspect the Midichlorian count of each subject, and their ability to command the Force, will drop significantly. This is of no consequence, as the only feature of Force Sensitives possess that we would like to retain is Precognition. The ability to do anything else is simply a bonus.

Medical droid S1-3339201 appears to have been augmented. Checking the databanks has revealed no signs that this augmentation was recorded or even permitted. It is worth noting that this was the droid that accompanied Dr. Tijim in his surgery, and so its augmentations might have been performed by him. As the surgeries were not recorded, it is possible that he made the necessary alterations while in the operating chamber; either during the surgery to prevent loss of life or prior to the surgery to reflect his usual working conditions.

In either event, such augmentations are no longer necessary and there have been reasons to doubt Dr. Tijim’s consent towards this project. S1-3339201 will be examined and reset, but for now it has been replaced with S1-9765930. Agents have been dispatched to Dr. Tijim’s residence to interview him in regards to the droid and his current state.

Entry Composed By: 0089 Peculiar Algorithm

End Entry 07
Begin Entry 08

As predicted, all surgeries have gone as planned. There are no casualties or complications to report. This marks the conclusion of the augmentation process. The project may now continue into the phase wherein the subjects are psychologically conditioned, tested, and trained. This process will begin within the next 48 hours, after the subjects’ post-operation examination is completed.

Most of the training regimen will involve melee weapons and hand to hand combat. Other skills can be downloaded via their brain-based cybernetic implants. Once this phase is complete, the subjects will be tested for weakness and then finally have additional equipment installed upon them.

Dr. Tijim is missing. Upon arrival at his residence, the agents were fired upon, resulting in three fatalities. The perpetrator was a TA4 Ultra Battle Droid, recently purchased second-hand from a retailer. Inspection of the droid brain revealed explicit orders to kill anyone who entered the home. An investigation is presently underway to locate Dr. Tijim and return him to custody. Local authorities have frozen his assets at our direction. I have also taken the liberty of procuring the payment and bonus originally awarded to him.

S1-3339201 will be re-examined to make absolutely certain it poses no immediate threat or contains any information as to what Dr. Tijim might be doing. It is entirely plausible that Dr. Tijim intends to inform any number of hostile organizations to the existence of this project and prompt them to lead a rescue mission. All contacts in this sector and neighboring sectors have been alerted. I am confident that Dr. Tijim will not get very far.

Entry Composed By: 0089 Peculiar Algorithm

End Entry 08
Begin Entry 09

Dr. Tijim has been located and killed. The additional intelligence regarding his capture and execution in the neighboring sector fall under a different level of clearance and have thusly been included in a separate document. Unfortunately, this did not transpire soon enough to prevent an incident from occurring back at the Aurek-O99 Detainment Facility. We do not have reason to believe that Dr. Tijim was able to contact any of the aforementioned hostile organizations before his death. The containment of that information has been successful.

As for the incident, it was found that Subject 08 had received additional tampering. It did not seem possible at the time that Dr. Tijim had the expertise or technical knowledge to overwrite the programming on the
Subject during surgery. I now believe that this was the purpose for which he tampered with S1-3339201. Indeed, our follow-up examinations of the droid confirm this beyond reasonable doubt.

Subject 08 entered a feral state approximately 3 hours after activation and the initiation of tests began. The subject proceeded to rampage through a portion of the facility, killing twenty-nine security personnel, sixty-three support personnel, and destroying forty-seven security droids. Lockdown protocols activated shortly after the rampage began, isolating Subject 08 in his section of the facility and preventing the carnage from escalating further. Storm Commandos and Purge Troopers were called in, resolving the crisis with no further casualties. Unfortunately, Subject 08 could not be apprehended alive and was terminated.

Positively, however, combat effectiveness of the subjects has exceeded our expectations. Further tests will have to be conducted, but seeing as Subject 08 was predicted to be the weakest of the subjects I predict excessively positive results.

Entry Composed By: 0089 Peculiar Algorithm

End Entry 09
Begin Entry 10

As expected, Force Sensitivity has decreased drastically. Fortunately, all fifteen remaining subjects appear to maintain a high level of Force Precognition. This, coupled with their cybernetic enhancements, has made them more than a match for virtually every simulation we have placed them in. They exhibit strength and speed well beyond that of any known sapient creatures of a similar size, Force Sensitive or not. Despite setbacks, it would be difficult to categorize this project as anything other than a success.

There still remain some finishing touches. Shield generators, sound dampeners, and cloaking devices will need to be cybernetically added to their forms. The first two items are easily accessible, though the cloaking devices will require more specialized methods to acquire. Once this is done, my ability to continue the project will be concluded. Records state that there remain additional tasks, although I do not possess the clearance to access them.

Regardless, once the additional equipment has been applied to the subjects, they will be ready for transportation.

Entry Composed By: 0089 Peculiar Algorithm

End Entry 10

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