Isaac nearly choked on the fumes from his death stick, "I had a feeling I was talking to a ghost..." Upright shuffled slightly in his chair, "I've always had a card to play, and I still do." A cheeky grin began to form on Isaacs lips, and he began to burst out laughing in disbelief. "Bloody hell, I don't know what to say. It's a damned relief to see you're still here, mate-- you've got a co-pilot for the rest of your life." Isaac scrambled to his feet and went to the bar.
Chiasa spoke up as Isaac had gone, leaving the two alone for a moment. "Whatever you need." Between now and when she first entered, it was the only time he had ever been alone with the woman. There were so few he brought into his inner circle, Isaac was perhaps the only one he truly trusted beyond a doubt. Cryax may have been his prodigy, in a way, but even he did not fully trust the man.
Now was the time to see what metal this woman had. She was the Vice President of the Red Ravens. Upright once held that chair, and everyone knew what he accomplished being 'second-in-command' while it had lasted. President and co-founder Sigourney may not have been very active publicly, but she did a lot behind the curtains. Lysle was the frontman, he was the face of the criminal underworld, now it was turn for Chiasa to step up to that plate.
"It's good to hear that, darl, I need that right now." Isaac began to approach with three pints filled to the brim. "What's a celebration without this stuff?" he asked, placing the glasses on the table. "Don't worry," Isaac said turning to Upright, "I've brought you a straw." Upright scooped up his drink, taking the straw with a hidden smirk. "The helmet isn't required, I just don't want anyone seeing my face. Not even here." He turned and glanced towards a security camera that was installed in varying corners of the darkened empty cantina.
Upright began to sip from the straw, placing it gently between the slits of his helmet nearest his mouth. He began to speak as he finished, "I've got a high-priority target I want taken down. Geneviève Lasedri, Prime Minster of the Galactic Republic." Upright twisted his wrist and activated his wrist-mounted datapad, a hologram of the woman snapped to life. "I've been tailing her for a while now, gathering the few resources I can. I have a hitman, but this is a big job that could cost more than just creds."
The hologram of the woman was replaced by a wanted poster of a Keshiri named Lily Rose, previously known as the bounty hunter 'Luminous.' The price for her was high in Republic space, and Mandalorians, and Protectorate, and Sith, and even Raven. A former Mandalorian who had begun a killing-spree against her own to earn herself a reputation and credits, she took a few assassination jobs in Proectorate space, later became the Royal Guard of Darth Mierin of the One Sith until she turned-cloak and just about everyone wanted her at that point.
"This is our sniper, she's got a lot of heat on her arse, we need that heat off her. I could contact some Ravens to get off her tail, but that might cause some diplomatic backlash with the Sith. Easy way to go is faking her death. I know a man, Watkin Tudor, he's a bit looney since he spent some time on Tatooine. That planet will fry your brains. He can fake a murder, one of you will need to find him. The other will need to come with me to the Republics capital. We'll start some basic scouting, suss out the joint and figure what routine the Prime Minster has each day. From there we just collect the equipment we'll need for the job."
"Now you want to know what you get in return for such a high-risk job? Sure I could tell you what to do, but I'm not Vice President anymore. And seeing as I am dead, my credits will be cut evenly between you two. You'll become trillionaires overnight, and the Dragon Palace Casino will be signed off into both of your names."
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Isaac Ideus"]