Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gathering [Invite Only, PM if Missed]


Disney's Princess
Sam nodded with a sigh. His mind was made up. If [member="Jack Rand"] wanted to push forward in his condition, so be it. He was a big boy. And if [member="Sabena Shai"] wanted company, that was fine too.

"Very well. Jack, if you feel comfortable continuing? Then perhaps Padawan Shai would enjoy the good company of two more sightseers."

She smiled and looked to Sabena,

"I am Knight Jhovna of the Ossus Temple. Commander Rand I and were just exploring for the adventure. However, if you would allow us Padawan? Might we accompany you on your quest? This ice crystal may come in handy with shadows further ahead."

Sam motioned to the breezy passage and held out her ethereal light-source for the Padawan to take. Sabena was free to lead the way.
Oh,” said Sabena once [member="Sam Jhovna"] introduced herself. The young woman gave a bow to the Jedi Knight, illuminated faintly by the light crystal in Sam’s hand.

I’m sorry for any disrespect. I didn’t know you were a Knight,” Sabena then told Sam.

Then, Sabena looked at the ice crystal. She took a few seconds of thought before replying, “Though, I would be glad to have company.

Accepting the offer, Sabena took the offered ice crystal. She then held it out before her - illuminating a few feet of the path before the trio. She turned to one of the two paths leading away from where [member="Jack Rand"] had fell.

I think this is the way I’m supposed to go,” commented Sabena as she took a step toward the path, “There might be an opening to the surface or something. I keep feeling some wind coming from it.

The air was still. It was quiet. Yet, Sabena moved forward.

Turning her head back for a moment, Sabena asked the two, “If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you two to the Gathering?
[ooc: sorry for delay life grabbed me]

As she arrived to build her saber it did not take her long to make the assembly, each piece was put in with care and planning time did not matter for this only that it was done right. She had made her seemingly plain saber hilt mostly just a heavy black and silver one with a phase changing ability to lengthen or shorten the blade giving her options. As she finished it and slowly lifted it she focused the energy inside mentally thinking of it working and as it turned on she smiled. "NOw I'm ready to do what my family has done for generations. To serve others for the sake of the greater good. All Soja's have served with distinction and honor but never for pride or glory. Today I too put aside those desires to make a better galaxy for everyone. I will go into the dark places where others dare not travel, I stand at the bridge and none may pass." She breathed heavily. "But I do not do this with Malice or cruelty, never for cruelty or cowardice but for the people who cannot do what you can."

The blue light of a training lightsaber bathed the belly of the cavern with its symbolic glow. Ayden Quell's blue-gray eyes were penetratingly sharp, like the plasma blade he now held in his hands. He stepped forward to his father.

"It was not I who killed mother, Alyosha. It was you. It ws your pride and your ignorance." The lines around the Human's mouth tightened, though his eyes turned from cold to thoughtful. "But I forgive you, father. I forgive you."

Ayden lowered the blade to his side.

Forgiveness. It was sometimes harder to give than to get. But Ayden had done it. He had forgiven his father, the one whose actions put the boy through misery and pain.

Pain. It was never ending.

Anger. It rose from those depths.

Righteous indignation. A priori of the pain and anger, it was completely justified.

Afterall, they say that which brings light also burns...

A dark hand then grasped Ayden's pulsating heart and squeezed. The young Padawan, his blue-gray eyes now ablaze, raised the blade in both hands. He plunged the burning plasma into his father's burly chest. The apparition screamed out in agony and his spirit swept along the length of the blade, dissolving into Ayden's body, right into his soul. The ghost, the image of his father, dissipated into the Force, and was forever lost within the depths of Ayden's being.

The young Human dropped gently to his knees. The training lightsaber fell from his grasp, disigniting as it hit the floor, and then rolled into the dark shadows of the cave. It would never be found again. Ayden brought his trembling hands to his face. He stared at them, bewildered, they were like foreign objects he had never seen before. Were these even his hands?

Then he started to weep. A small part of Ayden Quell now ceased to exist, like the phantasm of his father. It died, gone forever into the profundity of the Force. And now he cried with grief over its passing into the Force. It was a healthy sorrow, just as the healthy anger he unleashed only a few moments earlier. There was a time and place for everything, even negative emotions and this experience was wholly cathartic. He had waited years for this. Just waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

Finally it had come. He had confronted his father. He had confronted himself. Where his failures once reigned supreme, self-esteem now rose like a flame from the ashes. Ayden Quell was alive like never before.

In psychological death there is creation, and the chance for a new beginning.

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
Jack went over to the pathway that led forward, grunting a bit due to his injured rib. He smiled at [member="Sam Jhovna"] when she said that they could go forward. "Don't worry about me, I just want to keep going. No pain no gain right." He stayed behind [member="Sabena Shai"] since she held the light that lead them forwards and he patted her on the back when she accepted their company. "I'm always happy to help my magical friends', more the merrier right."

Jack straightened himself when the padawan asked why he was here and he put on an over reacting pondering face when he thought. "For me it's not a question of why I came, it's more why not." Jack came simply for the thrill of it, his father always told him nothing ventured nothing gained. Plus having the company of two lovely jedi didn't hurt, but he kept that to himself.


Disney's Princess
Sam scratched her chin. She wasn't quite sure what to make of this venture so far. Hmm. Oh well? Perhaps the future would hold the key to this little mystery of hers.

"Ahem. Yes well. I came simply for the experience. Having never completed the Gathering Ceremony for myself on Ilum, it seemed only appropriate to indulge myself."

She dusted herself off and looked around warily. Jhovna was not as optimistic as [member="Jack Rand"] or [member="Sabena Shai"] . Something told her that hardships still lurked ahead. Though, given their late date? Who could really say for sure.

"Now. We can chat more once we've completed our objective, yes? Idle fancies are no place for a Crystal Cavern. Magical companions or not."

Sam spurred the fellowship onwards. The less time they spent down here in the lower chambers, the better.
iler]OOC -– For reference again if anyone hasn’t watched. [/spoiler]

Aaralyn would still be seated in the center of the room, focused on the Force as [member="Layna Akhora"] approached. She nodded softly and gestured towards the young Padawan. "It isn't so much about the Lightsaber, but the lessons learned. What have you learned?"

There were others still roaming about.

OOC - Feel free to complete it at this point. With the invasions and other things, I feel this got put to the side, which happens! But you guys were awesome!

[member="Sam Jhovna"] | [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Sabena Shai"] | [member="Kosuke Yamauchi"] | [member="Maria Natalja"] | [member="Gherron Vael"] | | [member="Elizie Adasca"] | [member="Sophia Walsh"] | [member="Veega Anarth"] | [member="Kiren sepherus"] | [member="Ayden Quell"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Rael sul B'an"] | [member="Catherine Soja"]| [member="Layna Akhora"]
I’ve never heard of a place like this elsewhere in the galaxy,” commented Sabena after hearing [member="Sam Jhovna"]’s and [member="Jack Rand"]’s reasoning for joining the Gathering, “I can’t blame you two for wanting to see it.

As Sabena took more steps forward on her path, the wind that she heard grew louder. The air still remained unmoving - silent to all others.

Personally, I came here at my master’s recommendation,” confessed Sabena, “I lost my lightsaber at Manaan. She said the trials of the caverns would benefit me more than the crystal I take from it.

The Padawan had a lightsaber noticeably strapped to her belt.

So far, Sabena’s journey had remained uneventful. She saw no sign of her crystal and seemed to lag behind the others in her quest.

Turning her head slightly back, Sabena then said, “Jack, do you mind if I ask-

A crack interrupted Sabena. The ground beneath her shattered. The hole that formed below her swallowed her. The light crystal in her hand flew up into the air and landed in front of Jack and Sam. With a scream, Sabena fell down the cave-in. Rocks from above fell and covered the hole - creating a barrier between Sabena and the party.

Like a slide, Sabena slid down several meters of the hole in the rock. She eventually hit the bottom face down - a padding of snow softened the landing. Sabena groaned - still in pain. She pushed on the ground to lift her upper body up.

Turning her head up, Sabena saw what appeared to be the face of a Twi’lek girl. In her eyes alone, she swore she saw the twisted and gnawed flesh of the woman. Trisha would be the name that Sabena recalled - the name of a fellow Jedi that perished aboard the Phobos during the Battle of Manaan. Someone that Sabena had no means of saving.

In an unthinking reaction, Sabena flung herself back to get away from the head. She knocked her against the face of a wall behind her. Sabena closed her eyes and rubbed the back of her head. Once she opened them, she saw a rock that appeared to resemble a skull in the place of what she thought was Trisha’s head.

At the corner of Sabena’s sight was a soft glow. She turned her head toward it - seeing a light-blue radiance coming from beyond the corner.

Turning up to the hole that she fell through, Sabena yelled, “Jack? Sam?

Sabena’s calls would go unanswered - her voice unable to travel to the other side of the blocked hole and the voices of her party would be much of the same. Sabena waited for several seconds as only silence answered her.

Then, she turned her attention back to the glow. Slowly, Sabena stood back up. The damage done to her felt as if it was just bruising - not as severe as Jack’s injury seemed to have been. Seeing only one path forward, Sabena began to walk toward the glow to investigate its source. The sound of wind continued to beat against her ears.
As soon as Sabena turned the corner, she saw the source of the glow. At the other side of a cavernous “room” within the caves was a shining crystal. The crystal had a bright green hue. The walls and rock surrounding Sabena were a deep blue - giving off the light blue glow that she saw from where she fell. The crystal was still fairly far away.

The surrounding area began to seem fuzzy to Sabena. A light fog permeated the air. The hissing of the wind, which only she could hear, grew louder. The stalagmites surrounding Sabena appeared to be in strange shapes.

Walking toward the crystal, Sabena’s eyes remained locked on it. She did not notice the rock just before her feet that stretched up several inches. She tripped and fell forward. She managed to stretch out her hands to break her own fall - planting her palms into the somewhat deep snow.

Pushing herself to sit upright on her knees, Sabena’s eyes widened at the new apparent site before her. The strangely shaped rocks appeared as people to Sabena for a brief second - those that she had seen die in the war against the One Sith as well as those that had been lost.

Even though the illusion was for a brief second, Sabena could not help but look away by turning her head to the ground. She did not want to get back up on her feet.
Minutes passed. Sabena remained on her knees - staring to the ground. As she spent time idling, her body grew colder. This particular cavern was far more chill than the rest of the caves. Her body would not have been able to hold up for more than half-an-hour.

The young Jedi’s mind continued to race. She deeply regretted the loss of those she had seen perished before her eyes in the past. Trisha was just one of many that were lost in this war against the One Sith - a war that she took a break from to travel to Ilum and collect a crystal.

In the front of her thoughts, Sabena wondered how things would have played out if she was stronger. She curled her hands into a first - clutching snow.

Looking up, Sabena saw her crystal still glowing. The distance seemed to be extreme. She noticed a massive crevice that split the cavern in half - separating Sabena from the crystal. The path of strength for a Jedi was long.

For a moment, Sabena glanced back down. Kiskla, while caught by the Sith, was on Sabena’s mind. She seemed to be gathering the will to stand up once more and get the crystal before time ran out.
The snow crackled as Sabena took several steps toward the glowing crystal. She approached the chasm that separated herself from her goal. Her eyes examined the ice - noting any possible ways she could just climb around.

The cavern remained almost perfectly silent. Yet, Sabena heard a growing rumbling from within the crevice. She took a couple tepid steps toward the edge. The sound reminded her of something stabbing into ice.

In the back of her mind, Sabena felt a sense of unease. Her body tensed up as the sound grew increasingly louder - as if something approached step by step with each passing second.

After the sound from within the chasm reached a peak, silence greeted Sabena once again. The lightsaber at Sabena’s hip remained undrawn. She remained in a ready-stance - prepared to burst into action at the first notice.

Then, a dark mass flew out from the crevice -revealing it to Sabena’s sight. The creature landed in front of Sabena. One look at its brown head with beady eyes and sharp teeth allowed for Sabena to recognize the beast as a Gorgodon - something that [member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] warned the people entering of the caves. The beast before Sabena had climbed the crevice with no effort.

The Gorgodon’s weight was enough to shake the ground immediately next to it. This caught Sabena off guard. She looked to the ground to regain balance. Yet before she could do anything, the Gorgodon took a swing with its massive right arm.

The back of its hand struck Sabena near the left side of her torso. There was an audible crack that Sabena could hear as her body flew back and into the air. She slammed against an icy rock and slid to the ground.

Slowly, the Gorgodon approached Sabena as she painfully sat herself up. The beast snarled during its approach. Sabena’s hand instinctively reached for the lightsaber hilt strapped to her belt. She stopped herself just before touching it.

It isn’t mine to use," she said to herself.

With futility, Sabena attempted to get back onto her feet before the Gorgodon reached her. She was able to prop herself up by using the rock behind her. As soon as she got on her feet though, the Gorgodon was right on top of her.

Once again, the Gorgodon swung at Sabena with its right arm. This time, it swung outward and struck Sabena’s right side. She was sent spiraling in the air. Instead of a rock, she landed in the snow only to roll a few more meters until she reached a giant column of ice.

While on the ground, Sabena wheezed and coughed as she tried to get back up. The two strikes by the massive creature left her relatively petite body quickly exhausted. Broken bones were almost an assurance.

If only…” she began with a heavy breath before a strong shiver interrupted her.

A strange sensation alarmed the young woman - something not created by the cave itself. It felt as if hands crawling up toward her head and face - digging and gnawing as her heart began to race. Adrenaline raced through Sabena’s veins. Her breathing quickened. Her arms shook. Then, a haunting voice greeted her.

T͘҉ơ̴̴͢͡o̧͘̕͢ ̨̡̀҉͟w̸̢͘e̷͡a̕͢k̢͟͏,̸̷̨̧͢ ̴̕͘͢S̷̡̨͜h͏ą́͟͟i̷̡̛͠͠.̷̷̛͜͝

Sabena’s pupils momentarily dilated. She clutched her hands into a fist - with her knuckles pressed into the snow. She gritted her teeth and began to pick herself back up. The Gorgodon picked up the pace - slowly rolling into a full-on charge at Sabena.

Kir̕a,” said Sabena under her breath, “Kisk̵l̵á…

The Gorgodon was quick in its charge -eventually slamming its body into the ice column that was beside Sabena. The column cracked both at the base and near the top. It quickly succumbed to gravity and fell toward the crevice between Sabena and the crystal. The column managed to form a fragile ice bridge once it fell.

The beast roared in pain. Its severed right arm laid on the snowy ground a few meters behind it. The limb had a charred end where it had been separated from the Gorgodon’s body - sizzling and smoking as it came into contact with the cold air.

A few meters more behind the Gorgodon - toward where it had come from - stood Sabena. She managed to get herself up and quickly move to dodge the Gorgodon’s charge. Yet while she did attempt to stand tall, her stance was slouched and indicative of the damage she sustained from the two earlier hits.

A red hue washed over the cool-white cavern. In Sabena’s right hand was the lightsaber she had been carrying with her - humming brightly with a crimson blade. She had procured it during the Battle of Manaan. She used this lightsaber to severe the beast’s right arm in an instant.

Turning toward the Gorgodon, Sabena maintained a stern gaze on the life-threatening creature. The Force flowed freely through her with great intensity. The passionate life-or-death moment only further fueled her strength in the Force - which allowed her to stand against the Gorgodon.

Even with its wound, the beast was not deterred from its prey. It turned around to face Sabena and rushed toward the young woman once again.

Sabena reacted with a quick shuffle of her feet to turn her body around. She pointed the crimson blade at the Gorgodon. Then as the creature drew close, she gestured her left hand up. A rush of snow flew toward the Sabena’s lightsaber blade - instantly vaporizing it into steam.

The steam rushed into the beast’s face - still hotter than boiling water. Immediately, the Gorgodon stopped in its tracked and clutched its face with its left hand. It screamed in agony.

Before Sabena was an exposed target - the bare chest of the Gorgodon. Taking the opportunity, Sabena lunged forth and plunged the red lightsaber into the sternum of the Gorgodon. It took no time before it pierced the beast’s heart.

Immediately, the beast wrapped its left arm around Sabena and began to squeeze tightly. The pain was almost unbearable for Sabena as the Gorgodon attempted to crush her to death. Its strength quickly left, though. Death soon took the Gorgodon. As it passed, it released Sabena and fell away from Sabena and onto its back.

Still standing, Sabena looked at the Gorgodon that had caused her much grief. She had quick, heavy breaths. Exhausted nearly to the brink, it took her a tremendous amount of will as well as some use of the Force to remain standing. She deactivated the foreign lightsaber that she used and returned it to its place on her belt.

Sabena noticed the column that had fell and formed a bridge across the chasm. She quickly made her way to it and carefully crossed it - eventually reaching the other side without issue.

Once she made it across, Sabena lifted her head to gaze upon the crystal for the first time since the Gorgodon appeared. There was no longer any glow. She slowly approached where the source of the glow had been. Sabena’s eyebrows furrowed. She looked at what seemed to be an icy altar that was about knee high.

Resting on the altar was a dull, lifeless, greenish crystal. Sabena fell to her knees - her mouth ajar.

It did not feel to Sabena as if it was her crystal.

Tried and drained with her eyes a bit wet, Sabena remained in the cavern and stared at the crystal with thoughts racing in her mind.

Time passed, and eventually Sabena exited the caves to where Aaralyn and the rest of the students that completed their trails went to. In her hand was the dull crystal she found.
It took some time for Ayden to collect himself. Dusk was coming, temperatures becoming more frigid. He shivered; he could feel it in his bones. He felt weak and drained after all he'd been through. With trembling legs, the young padawan stood and opened his eyes. A bright light instantly penetrated deep within the darkness of the cave. Where the dark shadow of his father had stood was a lightsaber crystal. It shone bright; its light illuminating the inner cave walls. Stalagamites, mineral rocks, and barren ground became awash with blue.

He stepped forward and brought the crystal into gloved hands; fingers traversing the slender face of the crystal. The crystal contours fit snug in his fist, and then in his pocket. Taking up his training lightsaber, Ayden trudged back the way he came, black boots crunching on the brittle mineral floor.

Ayden finally reached the jaws of the cave. He emerged to see the other Jedi gathering, the exuberant faces of his fellow students, along with crystals and worthy inner senses of accomplishment for their first missions. And this time the planet no longer seemed gray and dull, but alive. Alive with distilled purity. Snowflakes casually drifted, silently sauntered. The wind was a whisper.

And Ayden... he stood to the horizon, his eyes drinking in the pale yellow sun, away from the cave... away from the past.

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