Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Galaxy Awaits - Connection & Story

I'm dipping my toe back in, and I'm looking to make connections and engage in fun stories, as the title suggests. Looking to write either Miya or Dayn, more on them below. Open to pretty much anything. Want to kick off their stories and see where it takes them. Miya and Dayn are sold separately.

Miya Ashera

Miya - A Zeltron smuggler working for a Hutt crime syndicate. A troubled survivor with great potential. Hardly written her, so she's a blank slate in terms of which direction she takes from here and the connections she makes.
Dayn - Mandalorian. Mercenary. Bounty Hunter. He's poor, from a great clan but his immediate family is an outlier and he dreams of getting the means to break away and start up his own clan. Expect to watch him struggle with sub-par gear, as he slowly makes improvement and upgrades making him more of a potent threat in the future. Willing to flirt with crime for profit.

Dispara Na'Gara

I have a pirate that has been languishing for a while and needs to get back into some stories. Looks like Dis and Mira have some similar qualities. Maybe she and Mira could find some help further developing each other.
I'd be down to thread! :D Valery has had some interactions with Mandalorians before on Chaos that were very memorable, so might be fun to do more with it and write with Dayn.
Fantastic! Happy to plot.
Dayn Wren Dayn Wren

As of now my Character, Marlon Sularen is assembling a small team of Mercs and Bounty Hunters and given Dayn's current situation perhaps he could join Sully's team in order to make some profit, if ur interested.
Profit sounds nice! Probably interested, let me know when something comes up!

I have a pirate that has been languishing for a while and needs to get back into some stories. Looks like Dis and Mira have some similar qualities. Maybe she and Mira could find some help further developing each other.
Beautiful. I'm in

Dayn Wren Dayn Wren

Want to have Miya do something with a fellow Zeltron criminal?
Dayn Wren Dayn Wren

Hey as someone dipping their toe back in as well welcome back! I have 3 characters that I’m currently using

Jim here is a Loveable Quirky troublemaker with a knack for getting into trouble. He’s flirtatious and rebellious, but always the smooth talker. Fun for lighthearted adventures.

Garlen Zorabos Garlen Zorabos is a conniving dictator from the outer rim territories. With his monologues and over confidence hems a fun character for a political job or if one of your characters want to do an escort job.

Marl Marl is a soldier with a good heart who is wise beyond his years. He’s haunted by the past he left behind but eager for a second chance at life where he is truly free. Fun for a social encounter or some free lance gunning.
I'm dipping my toe back in, and I'm looking to make connections and engage in fun stories, as the title suggests. Looking to write either Miya or Dayn, more on them below. Open to pretty much anything. Want to kick off their stories and see where it takes them. Miya and Dayn are sold separately.

Miya - A Zeltron smuggler working for a Hutt crime syndicate. A troubled survivor with great potential. Hardly written her, so she's a blank slate in terms of which direction she takes from here and the connections she makes.
Dayn - Mandalorian. Mercenary. Bounty Hunter. He's poor, from a great clan but his immediate family is an outlier and he dreams of getting the means to break away and start up his own clan. Expect to watch him struggle with sub-par gear, as he slowly makes improvement and upgrades making him more of a potent threat in the future. Willing to flirt with crime for profit.
I’m down to run Nola with either if you wanted. Though she is kinda on the run from the Hutts.

I wouldnt mind doing a "Luke and Han" type relationship, Jedi and Smuggler, with Miya. Take a look at my char bio and let me know!

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