Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Order


Active Member
Welcome to the Galactic Order
"We are a Galactic Order ruled by the Minority! An Order ruled by a new Vision! An Order of Art, not of politicians! Not of Codes! An Order devoted to the preservation of Monuments, of a safe and secure History! We are a Galactic Order that will stand for ten thousand years on the Foundation of our Ancestors!"
"I have tried to create light and destroy the darkside, then I tried to destroy the lightside and spread darkness, when I should have preserved either without favor, I abandoned the Codes, and the Order set me free."
Members of this neutral minor faction are dedicated to the preservation of art, architecture and monuments of the Galaxy, each aspire to mirror in themselves the balance in the force.
To Achieve these lofty goals and fulfill their purpose in the Galactic Order members have been divided up into three groups, each with a specific skill set...

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