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Approved Starship The Gala-Fighter

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Active Member
The Gala-Fighter/ GF-1.0
  • Classification: Interceptor
  • Length: 9.6 meters
  • Width: 6.5 meters
  • Height: 3 meters
  • Armament: Low2 Laser Cannons
  • 2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4 Concussion Missiles each)
[*]Defenses: High
[*]Squadron Count: Low:8
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Moderate
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • Standard Communications Array
  • High-quality Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • High-quality Sensor Array
  • Standard Starfighter Weapons: Laser Cannons, Concussion Missile Launcher
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
  • High quality deflector shields and Sensor Array for protective and scouting purposes, in the Corporate Protectorate.
  • Low Armament, only reliable in large groups and squadrons
    Description: The GF-1.0 is an Interceptor created by the Corporate Protectorate, meant for bodyguard purposes. They typically accompany Corporate Officials alongside standard issue fighters. They make up for their low armament with great deflectors. They are used as moving shields because of this
[member="Avery Regailis"], Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening (whichever may apply to you),

I will be reviewing your submission and hope that we can make this just as quick and painless of a process as possible so that we can ensure you get that starfighter you desire here. Just a few quick housekeeping/administrative adjustments that I've noticed that should be simple, easy fixes.

Avery Regailis said:
Primary Source:
You do not need to list the Image source again here. The Primary Source category is more for when you're basing a submission off a previously approved or canon piece of technology or starship.

Avery Regailis said:
Manufacturer: The Corporate Protectorate
Please link the manufacturer to the submission. It's greatly appreciated.

Avery Regailis said:
Material:Durasteel hull
If you please link any named materials to the submission it would be greatly appreciated.
[member="Avery Regailis"] | [member="Alden Akaran"]

I see you've set the squadron count to 4, but have left the rating as moderate. I'm including a quote from the template below.

  • Squadron Count: (Please provide the amount of fighters this submission would have in a squadron. The average squadron for any starfighter is 12, at lengths averaging 12.5 meters. The bigger the fighter, the smaller your Squadron Count should be. The smaller the fighter, the bigger your Squadron count can be. [None: 1 | Very Low: 4 | Low: 8 | Average: 12 | Moderate: 16 | High: 20 | Very High: 24 | Extreme: 28] Squadron Sizes may be listed as just the rating.)
In order to balance this sub, the squadron rating needs to be Low, that is 8 ships.

Of course, if you want I will approve this submission as it currently stands.
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