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The Future of TGE

What would you like to see happen?

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I don't know how much you all are aware of the situation, but the Republic has set its sights on us as its next target. The only thing that has saved us temporarily is Ayden forcing them to stand down. Ayden has given us much needed time to discuss matters. As much as it pains me to do this, it is time for TGE to decide how it ends. Whether we win against OP or not, the Republic will destroy us. I have always considered this faction just as much your guy's as mine, so it it you, not the faction staff, who decides our fate.

This leaves us with options. We can fight to the bitter end as the Republic slowly destroys the Empire planet by planet. We can disband and go minor, losing all our tech and planets in the process, or we can merge with another faction and go minor. In this last case we would be trying to keep ourselves as intact as possible, so that TGE members can continue to operate as Imperials. If you have another option, you are free to voice that as well.

For now please vote on just these options, once its clear which option has won we will move on and discuss from there.
Remind the Republic that, with us gone, they will be entirely surrounded by enemies and not likely to hold out against them if those groups choose to unify and slap them back to the Ruusan Reformation Age, which sounds quite possible.

Also inform them that the Empire is a peaceful, law-abiding faction, and thus cannot be cast as a great evil: to attack and conquer us will entirely destroy the image of the Republic once and for all as a benevolent, peace-abiding system of government.

If all else fails, lemme at them.
@[member="Tirdarius"] You're attitude warms my heart, but the Republic of late cares little for image or reason. Selena wants to destroy us, and Selena's the one in charge. Literally Selana was hours from making an invasion when Ayden forced the Republic to let them invade first.

Selena won't be satisfied until every faction on the map has been destroyed.
I say we attack her call in the aide of other factions they can't all fight us if we split them up. Make them smaller forces we can conquer! I will not see this faction die to some wannabe jedi that can't follow the code!
Tirdarius said:
Then let's take a shot at Selena. Send forth the Inquisition. She's no match for us, and never was.
Sadly, Selena would whine and scream it's meta. Then anything you did master wise even though to my knowledge you are one of the best duelists around things would not be played fairly and you'd never win, not even if we overwhelmed her with sheer numbers. Selena is a Sith in Jedi's clothing, along with the one that sank half a city to I quote "It has become clear to save the city we must sink it." This after a typhoon was caused by a Jedi which doubtless killed more. All of that basically supported by the Jedi council. >.<

They behave, 90% of them like Sith but still claim to be Jedi and are begging for war. Nothing like having a healer sit over there and see what's going on and just *facepalming* the entire time as they try to justify it. And their great leader, Selena was exiled less than a month before she was brought back in for warmongering and acting well ... like a sith, among other crimes. It's bad when Mirien looks like a Jedi. It's bad when Siobhan looks like a MORAL jedi. But that is the nature of the Jedi. It's not the republic, it's the Jedi. Not when at least 2/3rds are Jedi and there are like 2 senator alts. I want to call the Jedi, the new Sith Empire. Because it is what it is.

And @[member="Akio Kahoshi"] would be correct, Selena will not be happy till there is no other faction left on the map.
In the Darkness there is Truth
I would definitely not call the Empire peaceful. Its raison d'être is conquest after all to reclaim Palpatine's glory. A peaceful empire is an oxymoron. Only so far it has been far from successful in its attempt to attain imperial glory. As for sinking Ahto City, IC that was not authorised by the Republic. However, they've done nothing to condemn it or even deny responsibility, not even blame it on the Sith, so it seems they don't mind either, which makes all its leaders accessoires to a war crime. And of course a Jedi master caused a typhoon. A few Jedi councillors who brought up concerns about the Jedi's behaviour - though these related more to general militarism - were ridiculed in council by the knights templar majority as 'whiners'.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
There's so much that could be done with all this IC'ly, if the people in charge would be willing to do it. Imagine a Palpetine situation where the accusations leveled against the Jedi were actually legitimate! Perhaps there is some way to work on the inside?
In the Darkness there is Truth
The Republic is dominated by Jedi. They might now have NFUs who aren't all senators (or rather the senate has been neutered due to being useless), but it's practically a Jedi nation. Trying to pull a Palpatine would...require getting rid of most of its member base.

Of course, way back AE was inside because it was a Republic protectorate and briefly Akio was the Republic's naval commander. Those ties got cut however.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Well, how much would going minor and merging with another faction actually help? The Empire would still be on the path of the Republic? Which... since the last time I paid any attention to it on the map has turned into a nasty squid on the map. Can't we just burn it or something?

Seriously, numbers-wise, would it help? Is Fridge the option here? Would they be willing to even lend a helping hand against TR if the Empire did fall under them? And how would the Empire fall under them?

Amon Garrith

We need to unite with another nation to survive as a faction, petition for aid against the Republic.

IC I'd want Amon to battle to the bitter bitter end.

OOC: Not so much.

The main reason I didn't post much in the Invasion was because I saw this coming. There's something going on and you just have to pay a little bit of attention to figure it out.

Though if your looking for the best choice for you character, I'd recommend cutting and running. If I do that Amon's going straight to the CIS.
@[member="Riko Kahoshi"]

The Fringe has the number base to fight the Republic. Currently they are the only faction that can. With TGE's member base added to it, they would stand an even to good chance of actually winning against the Republic.

If we merged with OP, we'd become OP and the Republic seems uninterested in invading them. For the moment anyway.

Everyone else have less pros, but are still possibilities.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Well, speaking from a point of a Princess... Princesses help, they don't sacrifice. That's the job of guards and y'all common folk. :)

Well, I like the Fridge. Well, the writer likes Ashin. So I'm kind of bias. But if they have the numbers and a proper agreement can be made, that could work.

The OP bit... I don't know. Even if TR isn't interested in OP, it may still be interested in what was the Empire even if we became OP's minor.

So I supposed, minor and joining another faction could work. Just negotiate right, dear cousin! @[member="Akio Kahoshi"]

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