Darth Vazela
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Following

At the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness, with the Jedi Order's victory, a following of Dark Jedi led by Ajunta Pall were exiled from the known space of the Galactic Republic and out into what was then Wild Space.
Through the guidance of Karness Muur and Sorzus Syn, these Dark Jedi settled on Korriban, home world of the Sith.
For thousands of years, the Sith Order followed in the footsteps of their Dark Jedi ancestors, following the legacy set forth by the first Lords of the Sith.

Thousands of years after Ajunta Pall and his following settled on Korriban, the galaxy was plunged into an era of darkness once more by disease.
The Four-Hundred Year Darkness that came to be came to an abrupt end after four centuries of disease, famine and death.
Civilizations that suffered under the bane of the Gulag virus emerged from the darkness and slowly, over time, the galaxy began to rebuild.
In 836 ABY, the Sith Empire that returned from the Sith Worlds collapsed under a wave of invasions from the Galactic Republic, Jedi Order and Mandalorians.
Seeking to avenge the losses suffered at Mandalore in 835 ABY, Captain Larraq instigated the Base Delta Zero that destroyed Dromund Kaas, capital of the Sith Empire.
Before the Empire capitulated, a Sith Lord saw Dromund Kaas on ablaze long before the Mandalorians set it on fire.
His name was Darth Vazela.

In the Unknown Regions, above a world called Gulamendis, the Primeval, a ghost fleet that had been preparing it's invasion for centuries was ready to make it's mark on the galaxy.
In 837 ABY, a Dark Jedi made contact with them.
His name was Vilox Pazela.
Since joining the Primeval, the Dark Master has spent eight years among you. Now he is ready to begin the construction of his own following.
Will you join him?