Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Flow Of The Current [Je'gan]

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Je'gan Olraen

Standing alone in the massive training room, the GrandMaster of the Jedi Order wiped the sweat off his brow. Hours of morning exercise had worn him out, and his increased training regimen was to blame. Ever since he had ascended to being the head of the Jedi Order, eh had pushed himself even further in all disciplines. No longer did he just work on combat, but he had made himself train even more on that as well. If he wasn't in a meeting, a mission, or leading the Order, he was training. The status quo he had once held as normal and acceptable for himself was now null and void. He didn't want to meet the end that his predecessor had, and the galaxy was becoming a much darker place ever since Teferi Efreet's passing. The Clockwork Invasion had merely stalled the inevitable, and the reports on his desk, and what he had seen on missions had verified it.

The Sith were coming.

Using the same towel he had used on his forehead, he quickly wiped off the dirt on his electrum plated hilts and clipped them to his belt. Continuing to dry off his perspiration that covered his nude torso, the Jedi Master began to get his belongings in Order. A class of younglings would be here within the next hour, and they didn't need to see him. Not like this anyways, to them he was the leader of the Order. They didn't need to see the intensity that was etched all over him from practicing Vaapad and his various Force Powers on end for hours. Electric Judgment and Force Light had been the newest powers he had added to his considerable repertoire, and the Empress gaining power and forced his hand in learning. The Force was meant to be a lifelong journey of learning, and Ashin Varanin was forcing him to become a more complete Jedi.

"Is that the last of it?" He whispered to himself as he surveyed the room after he had cleaned it. Telekinesis and some good old hard work had seen the room restored to it's original neatness, and a smile crossed his face. Well that was until he heard a beeping sound coming from his bag. "What in the feth?" Crossing the distance quickly, the Jedi opened his bag to see the holocron he carried on him at all times beeping. Though it was acting quite oddly, even for itself. Pulling it out, he set it down on the floor and watched as it truly activated for the first time...

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Your average holocron's gatekeeper was comprised, to one degree or another, of a facsimile or impression of its creator's spirit. For the most part, of course, when one activated the holocron of Je'gan Olra'en, it disgorged information dispassionately. Some holocrons, like the one secretly owned by Tahira Solo, contained their creators' spirits.

This one was, apparently, somewhere in between. And it had never been so before.

"Darron. Hard at work again, I see. You haven't been slacking on your training now that you're Grandmaster. If anything, I'd say you've increased it. More stress to superconduct away, perhaps, brother?"
If there weren't ligaments, tendons, and a joint holding his jaw in place....Darron Wraith's would be on the floor.

"Je'gan Olraen..."

The rag he had been holding his hand fell to the ground as shock was all over his face. Blue eyes were wide from sheer amazement. Words failed him at the moment as he walked over to the small triangle shaped object before him. The Jedi Master crossed the distance as he stared at the hologram of the one man he had considered his equal. The immovable object to his unstoppable force, the yin to his yang. In battle there hadn't been a better team, and this man was the friend who he had counted as a brother. The one who had helped him tame his immense power in the Force, and who had helped forge him into what he was now. Questions began to form, and he was still at a loss. Instead he just stared at the features of the man he had always been able to count on, the man who had been there with him through the dark times. The man who had seen him to be frozen for two decades...

His normally calm face suddenly changed to an annoyed expression, and it pained him deep inside to feel annoyance at his friend.

Finding his voice, he finally spoke. "No brother, the galaxy is a darker place than what it once was....why did you freeze me?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"First off, I didn't freeze you. I let you stay frozen. But even assuming I did, the question contains the answer. You think it's a coincidence that you woke up just before Teferi died? Just before my granddaughter came stampeding down the Perlemian?"

The little holographic figure shook his head.

"No, brother, the plan wasn't mine, nor was the prophecy. That belonged to an old, old acquaintance from my darker days, a man who helped me shelter various fringe Force traditions during the Darkness. A Whiphid named Velok.

"I kept you on ice so you could stop her. But I also kept you on ice so you could save her."
"I'm well aware of Velok, he wasn't a fan of me knocking him unconscious on Rhen Var. He spoke of this prophecy, why did you go along with him? That was twenty years lost, everyone I know is dead...or a holocron." He waved his hands at the hologram of his former best friend.

The GrandMaster paced a bit, before finally settling down. So If Je'gan wasn't the one to freeze him, then who was? "So you're telling me you found my body after what they did to Jason right before my eyes, yet you just left me there? Poor show of friendship, I can see your reasoning though." He was very careful with his words, as any interaction with Je'gan was something he relished deep down. Even if their relationship was different now, and Darron had no clue if the man who had made the holocron was alive. Another question formed on his lips, and escaped his mouth.

"Are you alive now?"

He didn't even let Je'gan answer as he voiced another query about Ashin. "I've tried to save her before brother, she's infected with poisons. We have an alliance, but my question is. How do i put someone down who shares your blood, someone who would work with me to save the galaxy if circumstances were different? My anger no longer rules me, and I can see this situation for what it is. She is an equal to us both in the Force and with the blade, yet she's stuck on the darkside. So how would you save your grandchild?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Why did I go along with him? Because he was right, Darron. Because his prophecy was clear, even though he didn't entirely understand its significance or its implications. And that, of course, was because it wasn't technically his prophecy. Velok once loved a woman, a Prophet of the Dark Side. She died in the process of his hunt for Sith Lords. The prophecy was hers.

"Yes. When Velok froze you -- and that's a story you do not need to know -- I left you in the carbonite slab. But I wasn't simply running around for those years, Darron, ignoring you in your carbonite prison. Velok ate my soul. Consumed my power and my knowledge. I managed to escape after several years; that was when I met Tahira. By then, your carbonite slab had fallen into the ownership of my son Cerberus and my granddaughter Ashin, as far as I can tell. For several years now, though, yes, in one way or another, I've allowed you to remain asleep.

"I am, so far as I can tell, dead. I don't know where my spirit is, whether I've found yet another new body, or anything at all about that.

"How do you save my grandchild, Darron? I should think it was obvious. What holds her back from salvation? Her body, Darron. Why would I keep you frozen? What could you do that no other Jedi could do? Kill her. There's a body waiting for her, a body without poison."
"So it was Velok who ended us both..."

Darron fell to one knee, and he tried to look the diminutive, holographic version of his best friend in the eyes. Je'gan's expression was hard to read as always, and the way he was listing off such monumental revelations was disturbing. There would have been more drama in reading an address listing than what was going on presently, his friend's Jedi calm had never left it seemed. Even has he recited the fact that he was most likely dead, Velok had lead to both of their downfalls. It seemed that Je'gan had never forgotten him, but had merely been keeping Darron safe for the right date. A pang of sadness struck in his soul, and he viewed the man he had known as a brother in an entirely different light. "How is it I knew you most of my life, and I only feel like now I can truly appreciate your friendship now that the real you doesn't walk this galaxy? You know how much I could have needed your advice these past few months as the galaxy has gone to hell?"

Rubbing his knee for a moment where a training droid had caught him, all movement ceased upon listening to Je'gan's advice about Ashin.

"No, I refuse to kill someone who has your blood old friend. She isn't a bad person, a misguided soul because of the darkside yes. There is redemption there, I don't think we have to give her a new body to get her redeemed. Do you know of any cures, or anything that can help Sith poisons? Were it not for those poisons she'd be here training with me, she carries herself like you my friend. Except there is no doubt on her moral compass like you dealt with when you were a Sith Lord. She may be of the darkside, but she follows her Orders rules and seeks law and Order."

He quickly sat down and crossed his legs before the holocron to better regard Je'gan. "I wish I could say she was a despot, a tyrant, but she's actually doing good with her Empire. Yes there are monsters in her Order, but she is definitely a lesser evil in her treatment of those she rules. I feel a convergence in the Force is nearing, the Roche Asteroid belt will determine a lot. I will have to face her, no one else can brother.."

Blue eyes looked to the floor before he stated another thought, and posed a question. "I have so many questions to ask you...and do you remember a Jedi Master with the last name Mazhar? His daughter Rosa is engaged to me, and pregnant with my child."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Yes, you're right, nobody else can. And you need to kill her. Do you want to know what happens if you don't, Darron? She will always be trapped by her blood. And she'll conquer the Republic. You know she can do it. She has the manpower.

"If you kill her, she'll be free.

"Yes, I remember Mazhar. I'm glad you finally found someone. You certainly tried, before."
"So you want me to kill her, I only will do such a thing if there is no other alternative Je'gan. Taking a life is something I don't take so carelessly anymore. There aren't enough good people in this galaxy for me to murder someone who's a good person on the inside."

He would have laughed at the comment about his love life, but he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the holocron. "You would make jokes about me saying I have a family forming around me, and that I"m genuinely happy for the first time in ages. Such a good friend brother."

Darron got rather pensive for a moment before asking another question on his mind.

"You were the best illusionist ever Je'gan, I need to learn how to ferret out such illusions. Kamon Vondiranach has stylized himself the GrandMaster of well...himself. His Rogue Order is potentially dangerous and should he ever pose a threat. I need to be prepared for the white current."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"As I said, there's a body waiting for her, a clone free from poison. That much has been arranged, but she won't accept it. And I am happy for you, brother -- you can count on that."

The gatekeeper became pensive.

"Kamon was always a rogue, always a wild one. He learned well from Tahira, perhaps too well. I've seen him be a terrorist against his enemies, Darron. And now you say..."

The gatekeeper shook his head.

"You're too specialized. I can't make an illusionist out of you. But Fallanassi can sense other Fallanassi; a skilled White Current practitioner can sense the White Current in use, even full Immersion, the stealth technique that hides you from everything. I can possibly give you the ability to sense the Current. It would give you a general idea of his whereabouts if he's hiding from you, no more.

"There's a thing called Current-scribing. Writing letters in the fabric of reality. If you can learn to perceive Current-scribing, you can learn to perceive White Current effects. When I made this holocron, I wrote on it with Current-scribing."

He explained the very specific, relaxed meditation necessary.

"Can you read what I wrote?" It was nothing more than 'Property of Darron Wraith.'

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