Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Five Rings (Atrisian's)​

THe palace was bustling with activity now, all of the beings going around as she sat there in the chair looking down. Wooden shoes, sandals for her geta that were carved from the thick branches of one of the force sensitive trees. Laquared to resist rotting and breaking. The wood smooth with silk to cover and keep it to her feet. The music was practically vibrating against her skin though as she looked on. her hair done up, poiled, scented, with tiny beads and bells in it that made a chingle when she danced or moved around. Junko stood up finally, her kimono robes clinging to her shoulders as the hair that was loose went past her shoulders. Her eyes flicking over the people in the hall before she walked to go and finish getting ready. The solari crystal cream for her make up being used by the personal attendants she had.

Junko sat down as they laid out some new clothing for her. Since sky had gotten a new outfit and well she had her padawan Tana her brother able to go on a shopping trip well... Junko couldn't dress less to impress. She allowed the force to guide her hands as her fingers danced slowly around being worked on my the droids and the proper moisturizer was ready. She had everything when they were applying the make up as a layer to the back of her neck and throat. Her shoulders just enough so when she was wearing the princess kimono it would all flow together. Her eyelashes getting fine clumps of charcoal in them when she finally rose feeling the tightness around her waist from the obi and her displayed sabers. Everything needed to look perfect and she was getting a fan from the others while she slid on her geta.

"These are beautiful thank you." Junko spoke softly to the aging seamstress who had worked on them, skilled as a jedi artisan but she also knew how to make clothing. She had somewhat failed and come from the explorer corps. Before Junko was able to see everything else though she had a small grin appearing on her face. Excited and ready before she looked in the mirror. The gleam of the vine silk that had been weaved with the synthmesh and new skylar material, the trim of it all in red as the black went against her pale and painted skin. Her finger nails colored with a deep red. She could see the flowers and designs on the kimono, creatures and flowers were not exactly the best but she could work with it here. Where she wanted to really show it off and Junko started wwalking into the main hall of the palace.

(note open for [member="Shoma Ike"] and other Atrisian's who want to come just pm me or on discord)​
From the landing pad, the young Atrisian strolled toward the palace proper with his hands in his pockets.

A pair of orange and silver headphones hugged either side of his head, supplying a seemingly never-ending stream of Atrisian synth-pop to his ears. The boy's head bounced to the rhythm and beat, as he was admitted inside and started winding his way through the halls. It was always good to see his cousin Junko. She was really the only family that he had left.

But, he wasn't really certain what the deal was. She'd said something going shopping? That sounded... exciting-ish?

...okay, not really. He had more levels of Event Horizon: Zero Dawn that he wanted to unlock.

But that would have been rude to say, so of course he hadn't. Which was how he'd wound up here, for a shopping trip? He was hoping it would be something more... less shopping-y?

As he turned a corner, into the main hall, the boy suddenly paused.

Junko was walking toward him. And she was dressed...


...well, it was very, very, very Junko to say the least.

He suddenly felt very, very, very underdressed in his capris, tank top, and Alliance varsity jacket.

Why was she dressed up? Was there a fete? Were they going to a temple? He thought they were going shopping.

This was all very confusing.

...and, well, that was also very, very, very Junko.

"Nihao," the boy chimed brightly, giving a wave as he spoke. He stopped short an arm length away, in order to bow toward the elder cousin.
[member="Junko Ike"]​

[member="Shoma Ike"]

Junko stood there, looking at Shoma as he came and she had a moment of realization. She hadn't seen Shoma in a long time. "Nihao." She bowed to him, with a tight lipped grin playing across her face. THe hair piece clinking together before she rose back up and had a bigger smile. Taking in the sight of him and he had grown a little since she last saw him. "You've gotten taller." She said it moving forward and seeing him when she looked down.. then her hand shot out to muss his hair. "What is this? Growing out your hair?" She said it but brought her hand away licking her fingers and straightening his hair." She laughed a little though before motioning for him and they could head back. "Come on Shoma there is a lot here and we have food before heading out to the imperial center within the city."
It had been at least a month since Tanasuki had become the official, if not oddly accepted Padawan to princess [member="Junko Ike"], but no matter how much time the young Jin spent at the temple, the constant lavish sights, exotic wares, clothes and food where just constantly breath taking. On this particular day though Tanasuki had tried to keep his child like glee in check and look to part of someone with his social standing and responsibilities and as such had donned a rather elaborate outfit for today's meeting.

Tanasuki's current attire was more just ceremonial than anything else, the Kimono being an array of different colours and patterns, floral art work and other picture woven into the pink fabric like a tapestry, neatly held around the effeminate boys waist by a large green and decorated bow. In addition, his hair was styled in its usual pony tail, but this time with more styling added to it, and ornamented with tassels, bells, a flower headband and a royal like hair pin that kept said pony tailed tied together, looking more like a tiara or crown. To top it all off Tanasuki wore one of his Wakisahi sheathed and on side, bringing a slight samurai look to the whole dress, finished with a red umbrella.... yes, he did look the part of a Royal.

Coming around the comer his brown eyes spotted his master, as well as a familiar young boy, 'wait, I know that kid, its [member="Shoma Ike"], guess it was only a matter of time before I bumped into him again, certainly looks like he has been busy, either that or such an outfit is what he considers to be formal wear... should probably say hello as well'. With a straight posture and form Tanasuki approached the two Ike family members, a warm but slightly cocky smile on his face, "Konichiwa Shoma-sama, it is good to see you".
The boy just gave a slight bow at the comment about being taller.

Was he? He didn't think so. But, he also wasn't sure how else to respond. So he just bowed and said, "Ah, so. So desu ne." Bow. Polite. Bow. Polite. It was always the best strategy for navigating Atrisian conversation.

The addition of a second person in kimono definitely had the boy feeling self-conscious about the fact that he was just wearing his usual clothes. It took a moment, but Shoma felt as though he should recognize this individual. When she... he..? -- Shoma was a little confused at the moment -- addressed Shoma by name, it finally clicked. It had been the last time that Shoma had surveyed the area around Jar'Kai.

Bowing toward the kimono clad second individual, the boy worked to try and come up with a name for this individual. "Yumi-san... desu ka?"

No, he wasn't sure. But he was giving it a shot.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Shoma Ike"]

Junko turned her head to see her pqadawan. Tanaski was for lack of a better term beautiful and she felt proud of him. For all it was a litle strange but she had gotten over that initial shock easily enough. He had proven to be skilled, talented and a loyal jedi that would be a value to the lightside of the force. With Shoma here though she was looking at it and everything else they had to show off. Junko looked at Shoma whon might have been underdressed but she wasn't going to hold that against him. She had well ben rather vague about the dress attire you should wear and she was one to always try to look better then most. her padawan reflected that drive though as she turned around. Using her geta for the heel to spin a little when she was walking there, seeing all of the yovshin who were there, dressed as well as women from the Imperial court who served to fill it in. "You look lovely my padawan." She said it looking at the hair and outfit... everything was there before she moved to the table with some food on it. Picking up a small piece of candied fruit that was dusted before she ate it. A little explosion of juice squirting out and down her chin. "Oh that is good," She said it with a small smile and there was an array of food for snacking on as well as the scent of meats and everything else being cooked coming from the kitchen.
Watching the expression on Shoma's face as he tried to remember who Tanasuki was brought a slight humorous smile to the young Padawans face, even though they were the samish age he could not help but feel like an older relative teasing their younger relative during a family reunion. "Hi, it good to see you again, we never got a real chance to talk to one another on that day".

His attention shifted to Junko as she commented on his elaborate attire, "Hee hee, thank you, I may have gone a bit over the top with the decorations and accessories, my first time attending such a meeting dinner.... took quite a while to get everything into place". Tanasuki returned a smile to his master, then proceeding to follow the princess to the dinning table, once again donned with an ever impressive display of food from all corners of the galaxy.

The smell and aroma alone was for filling, it presence filling the entire hall. He quickly reached into the buffet of food, picking out a small bit sized piece of seared meat, taking a firm and hard bite. The outside being crunchy and tender, while the inside was juicy ad rich, running all through his mouth with flavor, "The food that is made here never ceases to amaze my taste buds".

[member="Junko Ike"] l [member="Shoma Ike"]
MemeLord Ike was demonstrating a variety of distinct facial expressions.



Junko had talked about going shopping. Except Junko and Yumi-san were dressed up like they were to temple for a fete celebration. And now they were eating breakfast?

The boy's head tilted to one side. Surely they hadn't gotten all dressed up... just to eat?

"So... you said something about shopping?" Shoma ventured aloud, picking up a sliced peach for himself. He didn't eat it, instead he looked between the two teenagers as he was somewhat apprehensive about just what, precisely, he'd volunteered himself for.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Shoma Ike"]

Junko looked at Shoma as he seemed to be confused, to look at things they were going to be doing she spoke. "Yes Shoma, shopping.. a lot of shopping... but we are going to need energy for it. Traveling through the city and carrying all fo the bags." She could go on and on but the point was they needed to carb load for the intense journey ahead. She was looking at her padawan and was excited about it here. Seeing the outfit. "Oh worry not my padawan, looking great like this was an important thinga nd if that could be the thing that became them. Made them bond as master and padawan well it would serve them well. Better then just being hotheaded... they would just be hot.... and Shoma did have the most adorable confused face ever... he needed his strength to well carry the bags.
Tana looked back to Shoma as they sat down the eat noting the confused and odd expression on his face, 'is he not used to this sort of behavior? hmmm, maybe he does not spend a lot of time around the palace, the Alliance jacket an all might have something to do with that". His next question cleared things up a bit more, as it seemed Junko had only told him about the shopping and not everything else, was their a reason? or did she think Shoma would already know a bout the typical eating arrangement they had before leaving on any trips. "What master says is right, and also its almost lunch time, well for me anyways, its also a good chance for us to bond with one another, maybe discuss what shopping we will be undertaking today, did you have a specific store you wanted to go too Shoma-sama"?

[member="Junko Ike"] l [member="Shoma Ike"]
The Atrisian boy looked at Junko.

They were going to need energy. For shopping? Apparently, that answer was yes. Lots of shopping. All the shopping.

Should he be concerned? The youngling's face shifted over to Yumi as though begging some kind of sign of reassurance. He didn't get any. Instead, he got asked about shopping. Because this was a thing.

And apparently it was happening.

How was he even supposed to answer that question? "Uh... if there's a Corellia Digital Store, I could get a new holo-game... I guess," the boy opined aloud.

"What about you, Yumi-san? What are you shopping for?"

That was a safer question than asking Junko. An easier question for Junko might have been what aren't you shopping for?

[member="Junko Ike"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]​
[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Shoma Ike"]

Junko looked at Shoma's face and there seemed to be a lot going on for the small amount of conversation he had. She wondered what he was thinking and remained seated there. Brunch conversation would be important and she wanted her padawan to be confortable to talk around people. So she picked up a small roll and tasted a torn off piece to make sure it was good. Then she scooped the inside of it, leaving a hollow piece of bread that was used as a scoop with some of the soup they had. Thick beef broth, veggies, potato's and the meat al within as she could bite it and chew it. She was interested in the conversation but was letting herself enjoy the food. She had some of the citrus juice with a nod of her head
Tanasuki stopped eating for a second to think things over, he did have quite the list of items, though probably nowhere near the amount his master had in mind, shopping was not really his fortay.

"Well, the digital store does sound fun, I may pick some things up myself, then there are matters about my star fighter, an old classic from the clone wars, need to get a small replacement part for it, next would be the beauty salon and hairdressers, gotta keep my looks up and all and last but not least a little clothes shopping, kind of need to buy male outfits once in a while".

Well more like clothes in general, the palace attire was good and all, along with the force infused combat robes, but some casual and easy going, like what shoma was wearing himself.

[member="Junko Ike"] l [member="Shoma Ike"]

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