Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fist of Justice


ACQUISITION: [member="Tubul Xenar"]
HUNTERS: GHORUA THE FISH, [member="Kiber Thaxton"]
TIME: 20:00

Ghorua the Fish looked across from his partner, Kiber, as they descended down an elevator towards the shady underbelly of Nar Shaddaa. Not that the rest of the planet wasn't shady. Ghorua had been here before, and he had decided that one time in this stinkhole was enough. At least he had contacts here. A small, young slicer by the name of Yee. He was practically a child, but he was reliable enough on a holopad. Reliable enough to have sliced his way through the various security cameras of various bars, and found their target. The Chevin was spotted entering the Drunken Rancor, a disgusting little pub, away from the main roads. Smart.

As they rocketed down the elevator, the Herglic reviewed his plan with his fellow hunter. "Okay, we know that the acquisition has guards. We also know that he comes here often, to sell his... erm... wares." Ghorua said it timidly, trying not to insult the Mandalorian. "No doubt he's being watched over by someone. So, I was thinking that you wait outside, while I try to lure him out, and into the open. Then, you catch him with a stun gun to the back. Of course, the back-up plan is that we beat the living kark out of him, and all of his guards..." The turbolift door opened with a hiss.

Ghorua personally did not like their odds. He felt heavy with his new combat armor. Well, heavier. He felt powerful, though. Like a living tank, ready to kick butt, and take names. His blaster, the Spinster, rested on his back comfortably. He took solace in knowing it was there. His two DC-15's were holstered on his belt, and his vibroknife was in his boot, just in case. Best case scenario, he would have to use none of his weapons. Worst case scenario, he used all of them.


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
[member="Ghorua the Fish"]

Kiber nodded at Ghorua's plan and remembered the times he had been to Nar Shaddaa; on missions to kill slavers, paid for by the Twi'leks of Ryloth, and rescue their daughters. "Sounds good Ghoura. So how will you get him outside?" the Mandalorian asked, twirling his stun gun in his hand. "And I'll try not to stun him... too much," he grinned behind his black and silver helmet. He could see that they were attracting a bit of attention from passersby - it seemed that the residents had not seem bounty hunters before. "Go on Ghorua. Do your best," Kiber slapped his fellow hunter on the back and wished him luck, before taking cover deep in the shadows outside the Drunken Rancor.

You have no idea what is coming your way Chevin...
"I'll find a way..." said Ghorua, eyeing the sign on the outside. "Stay hidden." With that, the Herglic took off his helmet, and walked into the bar.

The setting comforted Ghorua. This place reminded him of the slums of Courscant. Poor, dirty, but everyone seemed happy in their squalor. The bar held a few patrons of various species, each drinking a beverage. Perhaps their target would be too drunk to fight. Ghorua went to the bar and ordered a drink. When it came, he swished it around in his mouth, and spit it back out, so that his breath would smell of alcohol without him actually being drunk. He took another glance around the bar, looking for Tubul Xenar

[member="Kiber Thaxton"] [member="Tubul Xenar"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
[member="Ghorua the Fish"]

Kiber slinked deeper into the shadows, and then he lay in wait for Ghorua to emerge from the Drunken Rancor with Tubul Xenar. As he waited, thousands of memories came rushing back to him about his prior visits to Nar Shaddaa - twice he had thrown slavers from upstairs balconies onto the pavement below to the horror of onlookers; three times he had shot slavers point blank while inside bars here - the patrons didn't bat an eyelid as they watched someone be shot to death before their eyes, and he had hanged a slaver from a chandelier in his luxury suite in one of the upscale hotels. Stunning this Chevin would take him one more step closer to eradicating slavery. He gripped the stun gun tightly and he looekd it over; it was a rather powerful weapon and was able to take down most species with several seconds of high voltage electricity.

"Just you wait and see Chevin, just you wait and see..."

Sal Katarn

Tubul emerged from the pub's bathroom and almost immediately a pair of Twi'leks found him. One on each of his long arms, the Chevin waddled deeper into the Drunken Rancor. The fine establishment was one of his favorite places to visit and he knew the owner personally.

"Whatdya have on tap tonight, Nucky?"

"Loads, but I think yuz askin' bout the Whyren's Reserve," said the Rodian.

"Aye, poor me a glass wouldye. Oh and gimme a bowl of spice."

Bar stools didn't exactly agree with a being of Tubul's physiology, but he sat on a couch specially brought out for him. The two twi'leks lounged with him. Soon he was presented with a glass of Whyren's and a bowl of spice. He puffed on the spice, spreading a thickening cloud of heady narcotics around him.

[member="Ghorua the Fish"] | [member="Kiber Thaxton"]
There he is. Ghorua tried not to look to obviously at the Chevin as he walked to the bar. He knows the barkeep. That'll make it tougher.

As Tubul walked back to his couch, Ghorua leaned heavily on the bar, and guffawed at nothing. The more flamboyant and large he looked, the less likely anyone would think he was devising a plan. As expected, he attracted heads, but it was more as if they were annoyed with him, and not that he was out of place. Ghorua supposed that they got plenty of large customers here. He walked up to the barkeep, leaning, and whispering, slurring his words a bit. "Excuse me... kind sir..." He leaned against the bar again. "I don't suppose you know where I can get some entertainment... Or perhaps buy a... servant."

Catching the meaning of the Herglic's words, the Rodian leaned on the bar next to Ghorua. "I think you wunt to talk to my pal over there. He deals alot wi' purchasable servants." The bartender pointed to Tubul, making sure that the supposedly drunk slimeball in front of him saw the slaver.

"Why, thank you," he said, with a tip of a hat that wasn't there. Slowly, he lumbered his way over to the couch, purposefully staring at the wall above the slaver. "Hey, nice ladies," he said to Xenar, admiring the Twi'leks. "Are you the guy to go to if I want to... acquire some for myself?" He purposefully breathed hard, letting the alcoholic smell of his breath waft over the Chevin and his girls. He tried to look big, dumb, and manipulable. For some reason, Herglics had that air about them.

[member="Tubul Xenar"] [member="Kiber Thaxton"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
[member="Ghorua the Fish"]

Kiber snuck up to one of the side windows and could see into the Drunken Rancor. Ghorua was doing this thing and could see him admiring the Chevin's two Twi'leks. Do your best buddy... the Mandalorian said in his thoughts as he looked out from his hiding place and watched as the citizens of Nar Shaddaa went about their business. At night, it was a dangerous place, and you had to have your wits about you and the power of a blaster at your hip to defend yourself from any quarter, along with carrying a close-quarter weapon for when it got really dirty.

This brought back memories for Kiber - he had been in Ghorua's spot as the bounty hunter who was looking for another famous slaver. The slaver tried to make a run for it, but that Mando fired point blank into the slaver's head as he charged the bounty hunter with a broadsword. The body hit the floor and no one even battered an eyelid at this sight. Yes, this place was a hive of scum and the worst of the worst, but in Kiber's line of work, if you had the right number of credits in your pocket, you could get almost anyone to talk about anyone and anything.

A sound from behind startled the Mando - it was just a rat having a nose around in the garbage. He looked back through the window and he saw Ghorua standing in front of Tubul and talking about something. Kiber was glad he was not there; it would have ended up with him using the Force on the Chevin, but remembered what Vassara had told him - "Don't flaunt your power in front of others," - so it would have to just end up being him and the stun gun against the slaver. It was better than nothing. He slunk back in the shadows and waited for his moment.

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