Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The First Permutation



"There is no way this is going to work" says Tywinn, abruptly standing up and pacing around.

"Remember your teachings on Mandalore, and remember what we taught you, young one." says a cloaked figure across the room.

"They're going to find out, and I'm going to have to figure this out from the afterlife!" he screamed.

"Young one, our teachings have given you an advantage that very few every receive, but don't mistake that for a gift. We need those documents, soon." says the man, old and slow but full of power, a Sith.

"You ask and I shall make it happen, sir. When can I finally move back home and away from here. I want to start MY LIFE on my terms now, and I ...."

"You will do as we say, and when the time is ready, you'll know. You have power unrealized inside of you, and we will help you control that." says the man, walking out of the room, towards his ships hangar.

Tywinn bows, holding the bow not by choice, but instead because of some powerful Force holding him into the position. Tywinn has had moments like this in the past when meeting with his contact, a old man from what he thought. Weekly, Tywinn would step into his bedroom and meditate, trying to become a Jedi. What kid wouldn't want to be a Mandalorian Jedi? Those teachings never got him a lightsaber, or the ability to do force lightning, but at the end of the day, he could understand his own body, and sometimes influence others.

Tywinn, being a orphan given to the Mandalorians, spent his young days as a youngling, learning languages, meditating, forging, and learning transport/logistics to help his Master. Reports often showed roaming bands of outlaws attacking small villages, so Tywinn was confined to the cryo-forge for many years, only leaving to help Master on his trips to buy and sell. Huttese was the first language to come to him, as trading with the Hutts was normal occurrence, for everyone. By 16, Tywinn was fluent in Huttese, Jawaese, Droidspeak, Mando'a, Rodian, Tusken, and learning Sith to help his allies (with the Mandos), because a interpreter was able to barter better.

Ever try to sell to the Hutts and only speaking common?! Didn't think so. Master pushed the boundaries of the scope of smithing, learning local trading/barter routes, engraining himself in the local peoples, and helping in any way that he could.

"Never let someone struggle when you can help" he would always say. Master never wanted anyone to suffer, especially when we had so much to give.


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The morning sun beamed down as if it was coming from the fabled Death Star. Scorched planets like this often didn't sustain much life, but Tattooine was special, it was home.

No training could prepare you for the sand storms that engulfed cities, alien species that were as big as skyscrapers, and the scarcity of resources essential to life. Water, a requirement of human life on any planet, is so hard to come by, some remote villages survive on a gallon a week, unheard of any other place.

"This desert is the reason why so many have perished, and I won't be one of them," exasperated Tywinn as he collapses on a sand dune, perched tall above all the others.

Previous teachings of the Tuskens has grizzled him, to this point, atop a sand dune, unconscious. Pride is often the downfall of man, and it continues to run through his head, his bodies luckily protected by his armor and shawl. Sand toned, tattered, with a slight burning smell after the crash.

Traveling to Tattooine was no easy feat. Outer rim worlds are often home to raiders, smugglers and all manner of scum and villainy. Tattooine was no different, and also home to a rogue sect of those still loyal to the Hutts, a branch of the Mandalorian Enclave, among so many other factions.

As the sand crashes over his helmet, targeting computer deep into the dune, the sand reminds him of his old home..

Mandalore, a once great home of his adopted people, the Mandalorians, had been ravaged by the war of betrayal, coming from the Sith Empire. Mines of beskar laid waste to, in search of its rare metal, a necessity in the eyes of the Sith Empire to mount its return.

The mines littered the once great planet, and after the assault, now left empty at places, barren and cold. Beskar was still aplenty but now much harder to attain, as mines are covered with mercenaries, protected by the proud Mandalorian peoples. Mines bring forth such a great ability to the Mandalorian people to bring forth a metal, unrivaled anywhere in the galaxy for its toughness. Mandalorian armor is the most sought after in the entire galaxy, just owning a set makes you a target.

Much like Tattooine, Mandalore has many small tribes, towns and roaming flotillas which are almost entirely new worlds. One may be run by a smuggling ring, have security all over, and always having problems. Another may be a bustling metropolis, running a smooth transition between worlds with a space port and police force. Mandalore had a small "town" of fifty people far off from the capital, where Tywinn was raised.

Only twelve small buildings littered the barren, boiling hot city of Norg Balaal, a small hub and training ground of a Master Kayatr'ade Beskarsmith. Boys come from all around to learn from this great woman, a hardened smith with generations of talent, who was very selective over her apprentices. Apprentices aren't just a helper, but an extension of your talent, and knowledge of your craft.

Tywinn was the first human taken by the Master, in over 35 years...


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Shuk'orok: Krung and Pugg

Broken beskar laid strewn across a sand patched stone ground, as sparks fly around the room. Master Smith here in Mandalore, had spent over 40 years learning her craft, and teaching it to Tywinn was a unprecedented event, as not many humans had ever been chosen to learn the secrets of beskar smithing. Tywinn was no ordinary student, for at age nine, stood six foot, and weighed over two hundred pounds. After hitting the age of man, sixteen, Tywinn was six foot six inches, two hundred and sixty-five pounds, a tower even amongst many alien races.

Tywinn was like no other student this Master had, for his determination came from his anger towards those who would tell him he's not worthy of such a knowledge. Working from the wee hours of the morning, often working deeper into the night, Tywinn developed a reputation as a tireless worker and student of the craft. When foundlings are brought into the Mandalorian culture, they have the choice to give up the immense combat training of the Mandalorian army, in favor of becoming a smith. Sacrifice the combat, for the glory of making the armor and weapons.

One weapon however, the storied Shuk'orok Beskar gauntlets, were the smiths best option of a weapon. Hardened Beskar gauntlets, said to give the users almost super strength, able to break bones, armor, and even enable its user to catch a lightsaber. Shuk'orok gauntlets were aunt by their owners, and never given to those outside of the smithing trade. Training with this weapon also rivaled that of many other alien hand to hand weapons, giving the range that many others could not.

On Tywinns twenty second birthday, Tywinn was granted permission from his master to begin work on his gauntlets, a sign that his time of being an apprentice was over, and also that Tywinn must begin his first journey alone in the galaxy with his new made weapons. It took Tywinn six long weeks of working with the beskar and nothing else to get it to what he wanted, a thicker, more rigid version of the normal gauntlets, but also lighter due to his Masters technique of cold forging.

Standing in front of the fabled gauntlets, he knew this moment would be special, so he prepared a speech.

"It's been twenty two long years, but I am ready. I will travel to Tatooine, and begin my studies of the local Enclave, while continuing my training with the knowledge given to me by you. Krung and Pugg, will be a great defense on my journey. Thank you Master." said Tywinn, exasperated yet excited.

His Master bowed and watched Tywinn walk from the room, gauntlets, mallet, and helmet in hand. Tywinn would be leaving Mandalore for the first time since coming there as a baby.



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