Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The First of its Kind


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo hated the usual muzak that played over most waiting calls. It was generally muted and always instrumental in nature, but almost always featured some sort of jazzy undertones. He hated jazzy undertones.

Unfortunately, he had to tough it out for this particular call because it was an important one. He had a new plan in the works, but with all the current experimental technology Tenloss R&D was cooking up nowadays, he really didn't have the resources and materials to fully dedicate to this particular project.

So, with things stretched thin, he called an individual he knew he could pull into the works, one that he knew wouldn't pass up on an opportunity such as this.

[member="Darell Irani"] was a man he knew would jump at the chance, or at least be highly interested in such a chance, and so he'd called direct to the man's office. Unfortunately, he must have called at an inopportune moment because he'd immediately been put on hold and forced to deal with the usual aforementioned muzak.

It was now a waiting game between Popo's dislike of muzak and Irani answering the call...

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

It seemed like his work had multiplied since the assault of the Selectivists and the Prime Minister on his holdings within the Republic framework. This was an illusion, of course. The truth was that Irani was working on fewer projects - a fact he did not realize, but which was orchestrated by his assistants. Both Mai and Ash were actively conspiring to have him work less by taking up more work, and giving him less work in the progress.

He was catching on though. A Sith Lord had his ways, as always.

"Who is on the call, Ash?" the CEO would ask while suppressing a groan. The knots in his back were currently being massaged out by a professional masseur - a Herglic, in fact, a suggestion from Hion. Though currently Irani was wondering if his associate was trying to get him killed.

"Tenloss, Darell. Popo has a proposal for you."

Irani grunted.

"Put him through." The relationship between Tenloss and Saiba had grown since their cooperation in the face of the Republic. Not surprising, when entities get backed into corners the most unlikely of friendships can be made.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Finally the blasted muzak stopped and the call was finally picked up. Thankfully, Popo's patience held up and he didn't need to replace yet another commlink.

"Hello, Mr. Irani," he stated politely, his deep voice rumbling the air about him. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important."

It never hurt to be polite and businesslike, in fact it often did damage doing things the opposite way. The Hutt didn't appreciate the hold with jazzy muzak, but sometimes you had to grit and bear it to make sure things had to get done appropriately and on time.

Besides, there were worse things than terrible music.

[member="Darell Irani"]

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