Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Familiar and Forgotten

"I never foresee any of this galaxy being so persuasive that I would bend knee ere 'em. And yet," the red woman smiled for a moment, "worthwhile allies can be a pleasant thing. E'en if such an alliance doth not survive the day. Hence, as I hast just arrived 'i this galaxy, this 'Confederate' nation that hath punished thou so shall be considered an ally by proxy. Till such time it is not. A nonaggression pact, which sacrifices nought and gains much."

The best use for peace was the strategic opportunity to reposition and bolster one's resources; and when an opening presented itself, strike. There was no such thing as a lasting peace to the Devoratrix. Peace was a lie. Inevitably someone or something would believe you were weak, and would seek to exploit that weakness. So long as even one person lived that did not worship the concept of peace in their heart and soul, there would never be a lasting peace. All it took was a match to set the timber aflame. A spark. Lahmia and her children would not fall prey so easily. Ironically, so long as Lahmia's lineage existed then there would be no lasting peace in the galaxy. She looked forward to those that would seek to slay her for being such a monster -- and the delicious hypocrisy that resulted from such an act.

"Tell me, cousin, what are thy aims, after thou hast served this penance, or 'i lieu of it? I hast a mind to lay siege to vessels not mine own. Plunder and pillage information and material till I find something -- or someone -- worthwhile 'i pursuing a moe constructive craft. If none appear, haply I shall try mine hand at building an empire 'i this realm as well. I'ld look forward to the bloodshed from that." Laughter rang from her black lips as she lounged in the comforts of their surround. Let the little ones present see her. Let the spies ruminate over her thoughts. Lahmia was not a woman that sought to obey the law of the land -- she was the law of the land. Even if she had to kill tens or hundreds or thousands of people to make that plain.
[member="Lahmia deWinter"]​

If it had not already been clear enough, Scherezade was completely and utterly taken with her cousin. Sure, it was slightly strange to her eyes that her cousin was probably the first of her kin that she knew of that did not look almost completely human, but that didn't matter. In every other way that presented itself, Lahmia was everything Scherezade could have ever wished for in a family member.

And that non-aggression thing… It was good. She hadn't wanted to stir a war between her cousin and the Confederacy. Force knew she'd be the one to take the full blame if such a thing ever were to happen. But while she herself could be used, and had on more than one occasion been used as the scapegoat, she didn't want her cousin wasting time on headaches like that. She'd do the penance and steer those she cared about far and clear away from potentially falling into the same horrible traps.

Of course, this was before other events took place. Events that would've made it so much easier to explain, to detail, to give information, to invite. But Scherezade was not her mother, and had not been granted the gift of the Sight. The only tools in her hands were those of the present.

"I would love to come help you out," she grinned from ear to ear, leaning forward by a smidge of an inch, "I'm good with the whole violence thing. Plunder and pillage is just up my ally. If you want your own empire though, you're going to have to do a little bit less of that and a little bit more of alliance building."
"Alliance building." Lahmia regarded her cousin for a moment with a small smile. "This is not unfamiliar to me, yet only with those like myself. I receive never many of this soft-bellied galaxy shall take to mine aims." Laughter played across her dark lips at the thought.

After a moment of gazing into the distance, the red woman's eyes fixed on Scherezade once more. "In truth, many sought me out for I had lived beyond any other. Some may hast received me a divine savior. Not all were forsooth the fittest to survive 'i that merciless realm, and sought the protection of those that were. Unlike so many others, I used 'em 'i capacities suited to their ill condition, and 'i so doing formed decree out of chaos." A lone finger tapped her lips for a moment. "The old method would not doth hither. Conquering by means of force would suit mine crew, yet would set some against me at the onset."

"Cousin," Lahmia smiled as she paused a moment, "would thou recommend I strive to compose mine own governance, or would it be meetest to remain free of such entanglements? Find a means of constant supply of mine ship and our needs, and remain free to try or strike wherever we see fit?" What Scherezade seemed to suggest earlier was that of the latter. There didn't seem to be any reason to decline remaining Queen of her own ship. Take what they needed. Crush any that opposed them. Becoming a Queen of something like one or more planets would require time ensuring her subjects obeyed her commands, and that was not quite as entertaining as ripping someone in half with her own two hands.

Tag: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]​

"Order in Chaos," Scherezade whispered with a little smile as she listened to her cousin tell the tale of how she'd gained power beyond the galaxy's edge. It was… almost breathtaking, at least as she saw it in her head. Not for the first time that evening, part of her wished she had been there to see at least some of it.

And then the question came. Scherezade blinked, trying to find the words. Her thoughts ran in circles. Yes, she had given a sort of answer earlier, but this question was more direct, more… Pointed. Pointy. Scherezade often had the pointy answers in time of need.

"Freedom," she said at last, "Don't bow your head to rules that do not represent what you believe in. If the galaxy is going to hate and punish you regardless of what you do, at least do what comes with the most freedom and choices you can have. What else is there, when you have the power and the experience?"
The red woman smiled with Scherezade's reply. It certainly struck true with her cousin's thoughts earlier. "So it is." She squeezed her familial companion's hand as she smiled once more. "So I shall. If an Empire builds itself around me by necessity once moe then I shall suffer it. Elsewhile, claim what I summon." No need to reinvent herself for this rather orderly galaxy. Perhaps those in it thought it a mess, but they had not seen true anarchy in motion -- a realm ever teetering on the edge of oblivion.

"I hope thou shall upon me whenever and wherever thou hast want, Cousin. I'ld like nought moe than to see thy strength of will in deed. Likewise, crave me as to what is yours and I shall be sure mine crew does not plunder it. 'Tis the least I doth." Her green eyes held fast to that of the other deWinter. All Scherezade had to do was ask. After all, Lahmia had no allegiance, alliance, nor knowledge of any other in the galaxy. Let them burn, and let her ship be the one to set it alight.


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