Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall to Undertown

Location: Streets of Nar Kreeta
Time: 2200

Black Sun space. A place of sin, greed, avarice, every kind of negative emotion under the sun was home to this nations planets. Crime flourished as minor clans warred for the scraps that trickled down the black suns supply chain, cockroaches and vermin all of them. The streets were home to many small cliques and tribes of gangsters and as they fought they left victims, victims that would be desperate for almost anything to survive. It was the perfect environment for the devil to make deals with them. People somehow who had lost entire limbs had somehow grown them back overnight, some even returned from the dead, sightings of a demon in dark black armor were all over the worlds underground. And most sightings suggested they had come from the cities sewers, people who had been on deaths door had crawled into it and emerged as if nothing had happened to them.

But this was all just a plot to lure a certain someone into the den of the lion. In the massive amount of information Dredge received his intel had gotten good wind that [member="Ilanthria"] a Jedi healer close to the hearts of many republic folks was here. As a healer she was more than likely doing what she did best, but Dredge was here to bring her down to his level. To make her a monster in every sense of the word.

So in the under town of Nar Kreeta, Dredge waited for the woman's curiosity to peak. Soon she would, very very soon.
Ilanthria walked through the lower streets of Nar Kreeta. Her golden aura and her unnatural height were the first things that drew people's eyes to her. They would linger upon her when they saw her blindingly beautiful features. Such was the effect a Diathim had on all those around them. She met many of those she passed with a warm smile and a friendly wave.​
It was curious that the Angelic Jedi would be in such a shady place at night. But Ilanthria had come here on business. The mysterious rumors that had been swelling about the sewers had reached the ears of the Council. Since many of the cases were healing-related, Ilanthria volunteered for the mission. She made her way towards the entrance to the city's underground network of sewer tunnels. Already she could sense that something was wrong. Her hand dropped to the lightsaber hilt strapped to her waist. She didn't like to be violent, but if she had no other choice, she would do so.​

The mouth of the sewer opened up like a cave to the young and beautiful Diathim. A few footsteps came from the entrance and radiated from the massive darkness that swelled around it. A young man entered the moonlight and he was rather average looking, he wore rags as most homeless did and he was fiddling with his arm like it had been a brand new toy on life day. He had been given it back and he quickly blew past the Jedi like she wasn't even there. He ran off into the night and soon the vortex of darkness remained open.

But shortly after a low soft noise echoed through the front of the sewer entrance, it was eerie and almost beautiful as it rolled and echoed in bassos of radiant noise that appeased the senses. Yet there was a hint of darkness to it that beckoned people to come within. It was a sirens song and the notes were still faded and the song could not be made out yet but it was definitely there. All the Jedi would have to do was step into the darkness.
Ilanthria's eyes followed the man that so swiftly ran past her. He had been holding his arm like a precious treasure. Another healing patient, no doubt. It was then that something began to fill her ears. It was a beautiful melody, weaving it's way into her mind as gently as a breeze. She found herself turning her full attention to the mouth of the sewer, listening to it. The song was almost... hypnotic. It crawled into her concentration, playing with her thoughts and motions. It became the only thing she could hear. The only thing she wanted to hear.​
She took a single step forward, and found that it grew a bit louder for a moment. And then it began to grow softer. It was fading. Moving away from her. No. She must find the source! Her feet carried her into the dark abyss, guiding her through the intricate tangle of tunnels. All she could hear was the song, and she was almost obsessed with finding out where the singer was.​
Ilanthria suddenly fell forward, tripping over something. Coming into contact with the cold dank permacrete snapped her to her senses. The music disappeared as suddenly as it had come. All that she could hear now was an echoing silence. How long had she been following the song? She couldn't remember. Her focus had become so distorted that she almost didn't remember what her purpose for being here had been. She got back to her feet and brushed herself off a bit, healing the scrapes and bruises she had received from the fall with the Force.​
She was alone. Lost in a labyrinth. With only the light from her skin illuminating the tight space around her. She didn't like this...​
As the Jedi chased the sirens song deeper into sewers mouth the air and light around her began to grow darker and darker and the air stunk of raw and untreated sewage that would burn the nostrils of lesser creatures. Then there was a loud snap and everything went dark, the woman was stuck in complete blackness where the mirk was so thick that if it were not for her golden aura she would not see her hand in front of her face. But soon the sirens song returned to her, but yet it was different. Where it had been more beautiful and drawing this was dark, malevolent, and brooding.

The sound would wash over her and the darkness that enveloped her, and soon other things would appear in it. Eyes as yellow as mustard stared into the woman. And soon they began to pop up in impossible places. All around her the eyes of feline creatures shot through the dark and stared at the Jedi the song still playing in the background. And with a hive mind they all grinned at her perfectly in sync and at the same time showing rows of inhuman teeth in a grin that spanned beyond that of normal creatures.

"And what do we have here?" The mouths all said at once yet a single voice radiated through the dark and music in upper crest Oxford British accent.

"Perhaps a little lost angel." The voice said with all the mouths moving in unison

((Ooooo.... chills.........))​
Ilanthria looked around her at all of the creatures. Her hand slipped down to her side again, feeling for her lightsaber. But... It wasn't there. It must have fallen off her belt when she fell. Or... did she drop it when she was walking? The music was making it impossible to think. She looked down at the ground, trying desperately to see the gleam of her weapon in the dim light from her aura.​
"Why are you here, creatures of the darkness? Are you the ones that are healing the wounded that come here?"
Ilanthria's voice was calm, yet firm. Though she appeared unphased, inside, everything was slowly allowing the fear to creep in.​
((it's what I do lol))


Rolling rich echoes of sophisticated laughter rolled off of the voice and the mouths all moved in unison still by throwing their heads back so the jagged edges of their sharp fangs glinted off what little light the woman emitted. The eyes and teeth that surrounded her soon pulled back and that wide grin stretched back out for the woman to see. The eyes grew a bit closer and their feline nature became more apparent as the rich British voice continued to speak.

"Oh sweet child We are afraid that we are not the ones you seek, but we are only the servitors to he who heals the dammed, we are but humble servants in the awe of his malevolence." The voice said and the teeth and eyes spun around like a barrel rolling for a moment.

"He you seek is merciful, kind, and just. Perhaps he can even save you our child. Do you wish to proceed? What have you to trade to be granted entry?" The eyes grew a bit closer and madness sparked in the eyes of the creatures.

"Would you prefer it we rip the flesh from your pretty bones? That would be payment enough. Speak fast child lest we grow bored with you." The British voice chuckled again with the mouths eerily following along with the voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere
Ilanthria was not entirely certain that she should proceed. These cackling creatures were quite obviously not to be trusted. But what choice did she have? They were surrounding her, so if she tried to run, she would be attacked. She lost her weapon, so her only means of defense would be what little Force training she possessed, and that would most likely only gain her a few more minutes of life. Besides, even if she did manage to escape, she was still hopelessly lost with who knows what else waiting for her behind every corner.​
She looked down to the ring on her finger. It was the ring that she and another padawan had discovered in the vaults of the Temple on Ossus. It wouldn't be much, but in the way of trade, it was the only thing of value she possessed.​
So, she slipped the bronze signet ring from her finger and held it up to the creature in front of her.​
"This is all I have..."

The mouths stood silent for a moment, inspecting and taking stock of the ring she had presented. Bronze with a few little carvings in it, a rather decent piece of jewelry. The voice made a "hmmmm" sound as it took a closer look, one of the faces coming within inches of the woman as the others grew closer and closer. The feline eyes quickly darted and with that the ring was swiped from the woman's hand and vanished into the black without so much as a twinkle.

"We find this..." The rich intelligent voice paused drawing out the sentence.

"Satisfactory." He said with that wide and inhuman grin of rows and rows of teeth.

"Oh one last thing my dear, you will not be needing that pesky lightsaber. Our Lord will see you now, proceed forward and you shall find him." With that the voice faded out and with two claps the eyes and mouths vanished completely and a small path of torches ignited give the woman a heading.

The path proceeded forward for a good hundred yards and from there it stop on a closed door that had images of armies of dark and vile creatures doing horrible things to innocent people. It had a old world genocide feeling to it. Upon the door two words were listed on a wooded block.

"Please Knock"
Already, Ilanthria felt that this was a horrible idea. It was most likely a trap of some kind, and she was walking right into it. She glanced backward at the tunnel behind her. All she could see was murky blackness, as if there was something preventing her from leaving. She closed her eyes, meditating a small bit and reciting the Jedi Code in her head to calm herself down. It didn't help that she was surrounded by dark energy. She then took a deep breath, and walked up to the door.​
Ever so gently, she tapped her knuckle a few times on the wood.​

Upon the third rap of the monsterous door it slowly creeped open until a soft light hit her in the face, brighter torches began to illuminate the room beyond her and a feeling of hopelessness, despair, and doom would wash upon her like a wave of vile and unclean water. The aura that came with the room was vile and it's darkness was barely kept at bay by the light of the torches. When the young Diathim would make her first few steps into the room there was an awful sight.

Corpses littered the ground and they appeared to be homeless and vagabonds who refused the price of being healed, their unmoving forms covered the ground and there appeared to be twenty or so of them total, all motionless and dead. Above them stood monsters of several different flavors. The first was Yuuzhan Vong, the force dead zealots that wore sick grins of slaughter upon their faces some spattered with blood. The second rat folk that stood upon two legs and carried sick jagged blades that made sure those who were dead stayed that way, and the last were hulking Graug that stood on other doors holding blaster rifles. Everything stopped and the thirty or so creatures looked at the woman some bearing fangs. They began to take up their weapons before a single voice pierced the hostile vibes.

"Proceed child of light." A dark booming voice said.

Above all of them sitting on a throne that stood upon a junction pipes that had a small concrete staircase leading up to it was a figure of pure darkness. The infamous Dredge sat upon the throne and he eyed the Jedi in his dark and blackened armor.

"Welcome." He said genuinely
This place...​
Ilanthria's expression turned to horror as she stared down at the gruesome scene before her. So many just... dead. Killed without a thought. And all of these creatures just sneering about what they had done. About halfway through the room, she had to stop. A tiny sort of whimper, barely heard, escaped her lips. She squeezed her eyes shut and covered her mouth with her hand to keep from vomiting. The loss of so many innocent lives...​
She looked up at the figure on the throne, tears brimming slightly in her eyes.​
"These people.... They were innocent.... How could you...."
Her voice was small, and filled with sorrow.​

The Graug, Vong, and Kaalonians all laughed softly in unison, almost as if they had rehearsed it. Or perhaps they had been doing it for so long it just came naturally to them when a Jedi or would be do gooder asked how could such a thing like this could happen. The forces of darkness finished their little romp of laughter and the door behind the woman slammed shut to let the woman know there was no escaping him. Dredge sat up in his seat and the corners of his mouth beneath the helmet stretched into a grin. He looked at the woman and spoke I his dark voice.

"It was rather simple really. Humans are such fragile creatures, a simple stab or gutting and death ensues. They make such beatific music as they die screaming." Dredge said and the laughter of the room rounded again.

"They did not pay the price to heal their wounds and when they refuesed, well." Dredge waved a hand to the corpses on the ground as blood pooled around their bodies congealing on the floor. He mused softly and looked down at the woman more intently

"Now child of light. Please state your business." He said with a smile
Only moral-less cowards would kill those who could not defend themselves. Ilanthria said a small prayer in her mind that those who had suffered and died would suffer no more as they joined with the Force. She took a deep breath and locked her gaze on the throned one.​
"I was sent here by the Jedi Council to investigate the mysterious circumstances in which these people where being healed so miraculously. I see now that they were not being healed, but being manipulated by the twisted games of a monster."
Her face became stoic and calm, her words suddenly clear and unflinching.​

Dredge spat out a chuckle at the child's words, it rolled and he found it amusing. Perhaps he was playing a twisted game with the civilians of this world. Perhaps it was was sick but he enjoyed every moment of doing it. The monster was exactly what the the Diathim had said, a monster. He finished off his little laugh and decided to give a retort to the young woman. She needed to be taught her place within the world when speaking to one as malevolent as He.

"A twisted game you say? I have restored life to those who had lost it, limbs to those who were injured in war or crossfire, I have given them a new life." Dredge scoffed humorously and continued

"Perhaps at a price of their freedom but there must be payment for services rendered. It is only fair is it not?" Dredge said and snapped his fingers shortly after.

Soon a group of Slaves taken from Makeb walked from behind the throne carrying various foods and drink. They wore rags and the looks of desperation was plastered on their gaunt and starved faces as they were forces to carry food that they could not touch for fear of death. A small girl shakily poured a glass of wine for Dredge and carried it up the steps where he promptly took it and shoved the girl off the pipeline so she fell on the unforgiving concrete with a thud. She let out a short cry of pain then her parents rushed to her to help the small child up. She was okay, but a Graug behind the parents quickly began to flog the three of them. A few Graug and Yuuzhan Vong pointed their weapons at the Jedi to make sure she didn't try anything funny. Dredge smiled and sipped at the wine again.

"Would you care for a drink, some food?" He asked in a casual tone
Ilanthria couldn't stand this. When the poor girl was kicked from the throne, she took a step forward, about to join the parents in checking on the child. But the guards pointed their weapons to her abdomen and forbade her to go any further. She had to look away when the flogging ensued. With each crack from the flogging stick and cry from the trio, Ilanthria's face grimaced as if she could feel their pain.​
She clenched her fists slightly when the monster spoke to her.​
"How can you expect me to have an appetite?"

"It's just death and sorrow child, it is a normality within this galaxy. A subsequental part of our every day lives, so if you can not eat when faced with a normality than perhaps you are of no use to these people as a savior." Dredge spoke and chuckled again before waving his hand at the nearby Graug.

The beast stopped and the three of them were left in the ground, little quiet sobs escaping their mouths in a pathetic gesture of futility and hopelessness. Dredge smiled she stirred his wine again before sipping at the red liquid. The monster looked at the woman and the family and soon he would make his play for the woman. Unlike his last two victims this woman had power in her, he could sense the force flowing through her and perhaps he could find use for her. Dredge took another sip and set the glass down.

"Have you ever heard the tale of the fox and the scorpion?" He asked her in that tone of voice that sounded like they were having an every day conversation, and that he wasn't torturing and hurting these people.
Normality? Yes, in a sense, that was true. But if it truly happened everywhere, the Galaxy would be more like Hell than an actual place to live. Ilanthria looked down at her feet, her bright cyan orbs focusing on her shoes as the soft crying reached her ears.​
His voice disgusted her.​
"No, I have not..."
She replied in a cold tone.​

Dredge smirked and picked uo the glass of wine taking another long sip from it's lip. He sighed happily and set it back down before looking to the woman who seemed to be looking down at the ground like a defeated child. The sight of it amused him and he wished to break the woman here and now, but it would have to wait. For now it was story time, and Dredge was rather good at that.

"One day there was a little scorpion, and a mighty river, the Scorpion needed to cross the river but he was to small and weak to do it alone. So he needed help." Dredge said aloud

"So soon a fox came by and scorpion said to fox that he needed help to cross the river. The fox said that he would help as long as he didn't sting him. To which Scorpion replied." Dredge took another sip and set the glass back down

"'Of course I won't sting you while we cross, if I do we both die.' So the fox agrees to the scorpion and the two proceed to cross the river with scorpion on the fox's back." Dredge paused again and swished at his wine.

"About mid way through the river scorpion stings fox. Fox says to scorpion 'Why have you stung me? Now we will both die.' To which scorpion responds." Dredge took another drink and smiled at the woman

"I am what I am, it is in my nature' and soon fox and Scorpion both die in the river." Dredge finished the story and chuckled softly.

"Do you know how the story relates to you my child?" He asked her in his friendly voice
"... I am the fox. You believe that you will be able to make me see you as someone I trust. But the moment I let down my guard, you will strike."
Ilanthria glanced back up at the throne, her head still tilted toward the floor. Of course he would think this. Though his dark power might be overwhelming, he would find that she would not be so easily swayed.​

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