Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Everflame

There had been many whom had arrived to pay their respects, though there was a dear friend that had not. Standing quietly before the large sarcophagus, the young woman ran her hand along the top. Her slender fingers traced over the wolf emblem of the family before running along the flames that lay beneath its open maw. The Sarcophagus of the Everflame, or so it had been called by many. The symbol of the Duchess' ever burning flame to bring change to the galaxy.
With a heavy sigh the young woman kept her crimson eyes forward, just staring at the Sarcophagus. She had wished she could merely lay her mother to rest, though she figured that there were enough people out there with a distaste for that family that they might take to brash action. She was going to have none of that, and even if it meant carrying around a Sarcophagus for the rest of her life, then she would do it just to allow her mother to rest in peace.
"Thank you for coming. I know you were her deepest friend. She spoke much about you."
Almira spoke, keeping her eyes forward. The long gown she wore was much like her mothers, though she also took after her father. The white hair lain cascading down her back, while the upper portion of the gown looked more like battle armor. The lower half had a slit up each side to allow her legs a bit more freedom than the confining gowns that her mother was so fond of.
Remaining still, she couldn't think of what else to say. How was she going to speak to Felicity's mother? It hadn't been much long ago when the young girl had agreed to this crazy and outlandish plan. They were going to the edges of the Galaxy to rebuild, and when the time came right, unleash their anger upon the galaxy. Almira was sure that Feena was not going to be pleased about it. She was sure that in someway she was going to have to channel her mother, the Duchess, if she was going to have any kind of sway here.
[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
"Of course," she replied, "She would do the same for me."

True enough, she was sure. A real pity that she had gone before her. No, not just a pity, a tragedy. Feena was the savior of Naboo. Her dear fiend was the savior of a Galaxy. Despite the claims that her son made, Feena knew better. Duchess Magrath was out to bring peace. That had been her goal in life, and, it would seem, in death as well. She was not about to put the whims of a young man above Galactic peace, even if the boy did hate her.

Black was not a color Feena chose to wear often. Symbolically, it spoke of death and pain. Pain on Naboo had been rare since the invasion. Feena had worked extra hard day and night to ensure black was used strictly for funerals. And for that occasion, the Queen of Naboo was wearing a deep black gown, dull, no shine, no beading, just lace at the sleeves and embroidery on the bodice. A clean look.

"My daughter admired her," she continued, "I haven't spoken to her since it's happened. How is she?"

[member="Almira Magrath"]
Taking a moment, she allowed her hand to linger on the sarcophagus as if she were trying to channel the being that lay at rest within. Slowly turning to face the Queen, her crimson red hues fell upon her. Had someone merely walked by and taken a glance at her, they could have shown that the Duchess remained standing if they did not look closer upon the young woman's eyes or hair. She stood just as tall and elegant, though her dress was more relaxed, suited for an Echani warrior than an elegant Duchess.
Allowing herself a moment of thought, she stepped forward from the small raised pedestal that the large sarcophagus rest upon. Approaching the Queen, and allowing an all too familiar smile to grace her lips before she spoke. Almira found it odd how easily she had begun to take upon the mannerisms of her mother.
"She's in pain. She's filled with sorrow and anger, like many of us are. She also wants to find out whom did this to her mentor, she wants justice, revenge. Her mind is clouded by her anger, and she may take brash action to achieve her goals."
With a soft sigh, she turned back towards the sarcophagus, looking at the large structure. Closing her eyes for a moment, they opened slowly as she returned to the Queen. Even now Almira was beginning to understand and appreciate just how patient a woman her mother was.
"Felicity still needs guidance. If she is kept bottled up or spirited away she may act out. I would like that she remain with the Magraths for a time."
[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
She looked like her Mother. No. Not in the way Felicity looked like her Mother. This young woman really did look like her Mother. It was actually a little eerie. Like her dear friend brought back from death. The Queen cleared her throat.

"My son fights for the Republic and had come to inform me that the current Republic leader intends to wipe out your family- every last one," she looked the woman up and down, smiling apologetically. "Naturally, you can imagine he was less than pleased with me when I protested. He made it perfectly clear that not even my daughter, his own sister, would be safe from the slaughter if the Republic wins this... war."

She said the last word with disgust. It was well known that Naboo's Queen was a pacifist by nature and absolutely detested war.

[member="Almira Magrath"]
Allowing a heavy sigh to pass her lips, she looked back before looking forward once more. To hear that the Republic was willing to wipe out a family just because it sought out peace and was able to work with the Sith was a sad state of affairs indeed. Taking a moment for herself, she looked towards the guards that had remained within the small temple to guard the sarcophagus.
"So this is what becomes of the Republic and the Jedi, the vaunted "Guardians" of the Galaxy. Willing to destroy a family just because its Matron had sought peace through cooperation and balance rather than choosing to ally herself with just the Jedi..."
As a child she had heard many tales about how the Republic had been a guardian and beacon of hope. How the Jedi had been the bastions against the darkness. Now though she could see that the Jedi had fully lost their way, and had allowed themselves to be corrupted by their new found lust for war against an ancient enemy. There had been a woman whom was willing to preach cooperation, peace and balance, yet she was taken, and now the Republic sought to end the entire family.
"As hard as this is to say, we wont be staying here. When the Republic comes they will find a world devoid of the Magraths, and their laws do not extend to the far reaches of the Galaxy."
Stepping off of the small pedestal, she looked to the Queen for a moment. Clasping her hands together in front of her, the young woman thought to her own children and how they would not get to see or live in the same home she had at their age. Then her thoughts returned to Felicity and the future that was to come.
"We are leaving for the Unknown Regions to protect ourselves. There is work to be done in the dark places, and I believe my mother would agree when I say this difficult thought. Felicity wants to join us. I will not force her to leave, I can not. I know my mother would also advise you to allow her to make her own choices, and she will not be alone. I look upon her as I do my own sisters, and even Helene has taken an interest in her future."
[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena ran a hand through her thick black curls, casually plucking a stray grey here and there. This was exactly what she had told her son as well. Right before he called her ignorant and pathetic. Because she did not believe in the Republic now. Because she did not wish for war. Because she believed in a better way.
Because she would not abandon her world and fight with him against her friends.

The boy was too much like his father. Too much angst. He had this idea of glory in his head. Thought he knew everything.
He knew nothing.

"I trust your family," she replied, "You can ask my husband too. Takes a lot for me to trust anybody with my daughter these days. If she wishes to stay, she may stay. I only ask that when you take her with you, keep an eye on her. She is... head strong. I'm sure you've seen it already. She's a sweet girl, but..."

She trailed off, clearing her throat.

"Before she leaves with you, though, I wish for her to visit Naboo again. Just once more. I miss her. Her Father misses her more."

[member="Almira Magrath"]
Taking a moment for herself, Almira realized just how Sith like the Jedi and Republic were becoming. There was no more room of acceptance or even a hint at an attempt to reconcile. The Jedi had fallen from the vaunted guardians of the Galaxy to nothing more than a rabble that followed the commands of an increasingly hostile Republic. Shaking her head for a moment she fell back upon the thoughts and stories she had been told. When she was younger she might have even considered asking her Father to take her to a Jedi Temple so she could be trained there. Now that very notion that she even had that thought seemed to be foreign.
"If she desires to return home, I am one whom can not tell her no. Felicity is free to come and go as she pleases with the Magraths. While I would desire to keep her at our side, just as much as Helene would see her succeed in training, I can trust you with the hardest of the truths."
Turning for a moment she had to steel herself. There was a war coming, and as much as she loved Felicity, she too did not want to see her blind emotions guiding her hand. She would rather that the young woman run off with her own little brother; whom she knew was the reason Felicity had been sent to them, or even have her run off with that Owain boy of hers. At least then they could find some little world in the Outer Rim that was not touched by war and if they were lucky, perhaps they could have their own life and children without war ever coming to their home.
"I called Felicity my sister, and I love as much as I love my own siblings. My mother adored her and saw her as a daughter, just as any of my own sisters. That is why I must make the hardest request. Keep her away from all of this. Away from the Magraths. Away from Naboo. When she leaves turn a blind eye and let her run off to some small little planet with whomever she loves. I would rather see her happy than to have her witness the events that are to come."
Taking a moment to realize just how much like her mother she was slowly becoming, she smiled at the thought. Clasping her hands together in a similar motion, she adopted the same move of running her hand along the front of her gown to smooth out the wrinkles. It was nearly as if she were a clone of the Duchess and that the woman had not died at all. Looking to the Queen she smiled that same smile that had graced her mother's lips.
"Our family, our home where ever it may be shall always be open to you my Queen. Just as it shall always be open for Felicity. No matter what is to come, I must request of you the hardest thing that a mother can."
Motioning softly to a young woman whom appeared at the entrance to the small mourning room, she nodded. The girl stepping in holding a bundle in her arms. Smiling, Almira moved towards her, brushing the cloth out of the way to reveal a sleeping little girl. A newborn not five months old.
"Most of my children are in their teens. They spend their lives as I had, with their fathers. I must ask that you take my youngest to Naboo. Do not let a single soul know whom she is or what family she comes from. She herself can not know either until it is right. If the Republic is set on hunting down every last Magrath and destroying our family, then I leave to you the single legacy of our family. My daughter."
[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Just like her Mother. Just like her. Feena wondered if anyone ever saw her in any of her own girls. Did they look at Celeste or Felicity and think 'Wow, they're just like the Queen'? No. Not likely. They both had no much of their Father in them. Felicity especially. Nobody was about to tell her where to go and what to do. and Celeste? Celeste could hold up a picture of Feena when she was a young woman and you could hardly tell the difference. But even she was nothing like her Mother. Maybe if Feena had more time for the girls...?

She let that thought die. She felt guilty enough already about how little time she had for her children. No need to punish herself more. She was right. She needed to let Felicity grow on her own, make her own decisions. But it was safest for her to leave both Naboo, and the family behind. Strike out. Be free. At least until the war was over. The girl was gifted, but her talents were hard on her. She couldn't control it. Not yet.

Silently, the Queen nodded in agreement. The young Magrath woman was having something brought in.


Oh! The Queen blinked in shock. A baby. Another little baby girl. She hadn't held one since Celeste. That was almost fourteen years ago. She hadn't had time for her own children, Yet here she was, about to accept another. She hesitated. Could she? Did she have time? With the oncoming war, just keeping the peace on the planet was going to be hard enough. Could she do it while watching over a little one?

The Queen nodded, understanding the request.

"The child will be safe," she promised, "Of that I have no doubt. Her identity will be kept secret. I will give her a new, temporary name, identity, life. However, I myself can not take care of a baby. I hardly have time for my own daughters and they are grown. I will keep an eye on her, of course, make sure she is given everything she needs... But why not give her to Felicity to raise?"

She smiled, just imagining how her husband would react to seeing his little girl raising a baby. Reluctant as Feena was to admit it, The girl was no child. She was a woman now. Young, inexperienced, but grown. She was able to do this, and she knew she would do it too. Her daughter adored [member="Almira Magrath"] . She would do anything she asked of her.
It would have been a lie had she said the thought never crossed her mind. Though it had, on multiple occasions since the young girl had been born. Taking a moment for herself, Almira looked back towards the sarcophagus, her eyes then falling upon her own daughter as she wrapped an arm around the little bundle and held her close to her breast. Smiling at her as she sighed slightly and brushed the stand of white hair from her face.
"That thought had come to my mind on multiple occasions. If anything it would keep Felicity away from all that was and is to come. I know she loved my mother just as much as many of her own children. I know that she would want to find those responsible for her death just as many others. Though I would rather see her happily living in bliss on some backwater world than in the blood and muck of war."
With a soft sigh she leaned down and kissed the child's forehead. Smiling as the baby slept soundly, oblivious to the threats and dangers that surrounded her at all times. Turning back to the young woman, she smiled and nodded. The woman carrying the bundle away, the four guards that stood outside surrounding her; showing just how worried about the girl that Almira was.
"Perhaps it would be for the best. To have her take the child and raise her as her own daughter. Away from the wars that ravage the more Coreward worlds."
[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
A million thoughts were in the Queens head as the child was taken away. If her daughter essenttially adopted the girl, did that make her a Grandmother in a sense? Her daughter was only sixteen. Was it too early? Well, Feena had been planning on marrying her off soon anyway though. It was a good age, right? Would Felicity resent it? She would do it, of course. Feena knew her daughter well enough to know that. But would she be happy?
Didn't matter anymore. The options were limited. She couldn't come back to Naboo anymore. Naboo was too risky. Here was dangerous too, if her sons threats were genuine. But would Felicity run off alone to raise a child that was not hers? No. She wasn't blind. She saw the way she looked at that... boy. That Barnabus boy of hers. Fine. She hated it, but their childish love was necessary. She would allow it. For now.

"I think it is the best option available. And a small way for our family to be joined together at last."

At least one good thing had come of this disaster.

"Will you tell Felicity yourself, or shall I?"

[member="Almira Magrath"]
"No... no this is something I must ask her myself."
Almira took a moment to steel herself as she thought of the possibilities. She wanted Felicity at her side, and yet she knew that the best course of action was to entrust this child to her. It was the only way that she could see of keeping her from the carnage that was to come. Taking a moment to think about a few more cherished memories that she had spent, so few with her newborn and all those that she had spent with her other children. Many were old enough that they could have easily stood next to her as she was about to unleash the family upon the galaxy.
Shaking her head she remembered that those thoughts were not to be brought to the front. They had been sent to their father's for that very reason. Smiling as she looked back to the Queen, she bowed softly, closing her eyes for a moment.
"Thank you."
She spoke before standing once more. Turning as she pivoted on her foot, looking back over her shoulder. The sarcophagus would be moved shortly, and it was fine to allow her mother to rest in the company of her friend for just a bit longer. Stopping at the door though, she closed her eyes, softly speaking.
"I hope when this is all through we are able to unite our families properly. Even if Felicity decides on another whom is not my brother... She and you will always be our family."
With that she opened her eyes before stepping away. There were a great deal of things to get in order, and a very important question that had to be asked to a young woman. A question that Almira knew would shake her to her core, and yet it might just bring out a being much like the Duchess in the young woman.
[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
And Like that, the Magrath girl- no, woman, left her alone with the memory of her dear friend. Motherhood was complicated. On one hand, she wanted to keep her little ones safe and warm by her side. On the other hand, her children were grown. Cyril was already off on his own. Felicity was sure to follow soon. Then Celeste. And good thing too. It was dangerous, more so the closer she kept them. Sometimes when the nest was in danger, a mother bird had to let her babies fly.

Feena looked down at the coffin, raising a hand to touch the smooth surface.

"I suppose things don't always go according to plan, do they, my friend? If there was any justice in this Galaxy, I would be in that coffin now instead of you. You were always the one with the great vision. And here I am, a grumpy Queen, too sick to follow my own big dreams. Too tired now. And you had so much ahead of you... No. Life certainly is not fair, and Justice is a myth. But I will do what little I can for you and for your family. I owe you nothing less."

She had work to do now. So much work. She was a woman who was quite skilled at multitasking. She could mourn while she did her duty to her people, and to the Galaxy. One step at a time.

[member="Almira Magrath"]

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