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Approved Tech The Eternity Cube

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The Pale Death of the Eldorai
The Eternity Cube


The closest image I can find to it.
Imagine it much larger, bronze coloured, and with three symbols per side only.

Image Source: Here.
Intent: To create a cool little story device for [member="Sumiko Tanaka"] and Illyria. This puzzlebox has many challenges which has to be completed before it can be opened. In reality it creates a nice little safe to keep small valuables in. It also has a dense, written script inscribed on the inner sections of it which serves as a training tool.
Other than that, it has no power in and of itself. It is a storage compartment inside a puzzle box, nothing more.
Development Thread: Yes. 76 posts.
Manufacturer: [member="Darth Shadow"]
Model: Not Applicable
Affiliation: N/A
Modularity: No
Production: Production: Unique
Material: Alchemised bronzium and neutronium.

The ancient Sith created many astonishing items, but few can marvel the Cube for sheer complexity and resilience.
In appearance the Cube is an extremely heavy metal Cube of alchemised metal 15cm3 covered in silvery runes cut into the metal. Due to its density and the alchemy used on it, the Cube weighs approximately 10kg, far heavier than it should for something this small.
To anyone versed in the Force the Cube gives off a muted Dark Side aura when closed. When opened, the aura is much stronger.

Having used potent alchemy and Sith Magic to protect the box, the Cube is almost impervious to harm. It is immune to lightsabres and all regular weapons. It is designed to resist eternity, and is extremely good at doing so. The Cube itself is airtight and will not admit water or other liquids even if submerged. It cannot be pried open by any means, even using the Force.
To destroy the Cube would require cataclysmic conditions such as a stellar object or casting it into a volcano (which it might well survive, but be out of reach thereby).

The Cube itself though is merely a container. Inside it is a 5cm3 cube of open space where an object can be placed and stored for millennia unmolested. Anything placed into this tight space can be sealed in and protected.

Opening the box requires a considerable skill and knowledge of ancient Sith skills and magic. On each of the six surfaces of the Cube are three runes representing words in the ancient Sith language. They are as follows:

  1. Fire
  2. Ash
  3. Darkness
  4. Air
  5. Dew
  6. Lightning
  7. Water
  8. Ice
  9. Steam
  10. Earth
  11. Rust
  12. Magnetism
  13. Life
  14. Light
  15. Time
  16. Death
  17. Corruption
  18. Power

One might assume to open it one would simply apply what it asks for to that rune; rust onto the rust rune. However, this is the great trap of the Cube. Doing so will unleash some horrific Force created harm onto the would be discoverer.
Rather, one must realise that the 18 runes form 9 pairs, and that the material must be applied to the opposite rune. These pairs are:

Fire Water
Ash Ice
Darkness Light
Air Earth
Dew Rust
Lightning Steam
Power Magnetism
Life Death
Time Corruption

Some of these, such as fire and water, are easily understood, but some are very esoteric such as time or power.
Two, Darkness and Light require applications of those aspects of the Force, which is not always easy if one does not have a handy Jedi around to trick into using (as Sumiko and Illyria did). Shadow himself had a Light imbued crystal which he used for this task.

When all are applied correctly, the cube will fold itself flat and expose the inner storage chamber. It can then be reassembled easily, at which time it will lock again.

The Cube was created by the ancient Sith Lord Darth Shadow to guard his most precious item; a ring containing a fragment of his spirit (to be submitted soon). This item was forged during the time of the old Sith Empire by Shadow before his imprisonment by the Sith Emperor.
The Cube subsequently passed as a curio from collector to collector until the Sith Lord reawoke in the Golden Age and kept it close by him. On his apparent death at the hands of Siobhan Kerrigan it passed to his erstwhile apprentice and ally Illyria and Sumiko. These two, with the help of a sentient Sith sword, helped unlock the puzzle and open the box.

Primary Source: N/A
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