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LFG The Eritiseum of Hellique II

Darth Hellique II has a ship that needs crewman, and a small dark enclave for a few Sith apprentices. Who wants in?
Still you should read the long version. I worked hard on it.

Aboard Darth Hellique II's Grievous-Class Star Destroyer, Shift, is the Eritiseum. The Eritiseum is a place dedicated to becoming who one is meant to be. Now who one is meant to be is up to themself, but at the Eritiseum there is the guiding claw of Darth Hellique II.

Darth Hellique II knows what it means to be an outcast, an exile, and a victim of exclusion nigh his entire life. Because of that fact, he is a man who turns few away. All are welcome on his ship. All are welcome to serve, to collaborate, to pursue more. He is benevolent as well as malevolent, generous as ambitious, and as warm as he is cold. The people at his side see the best while those in his way see the worst.

If you would like to learn of the darkside, serve a dark lord of the sith, or pursue that which you cannot accomplish alone, you are invited aboard the Shift and into the Eritiseum.

Ok. Real talk. I'm like really excited to write this brand spankin' new Sith Lord and I have got some big plans for him. Part of that is his Command of the Shift, and the leading of a small dark enclave known as the Eritiseum.

As far as the Eritiseum goes its basically a Sith Mentor Program. I'll take up to three acolyte/apprentices and train them to be capable warriors/inquisitors/lorekeepers/whatever. We can do some long form story telling and some episodic threads kinda' like a tv show. Think Farcsape, Star Trek, and all those cop, doctor, firemen shows.

As far as the Shift goes, same style of storytelling but I'd like to write with non-force users too. Loyal Soldiers, Ship Crewman & Naval Officers, Scientists, Archaeologists, etc. Y'know and we'll all have this Star Destroyer in common. Sounds like fun to me. Let me know what you guys think.
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