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Approved Starship The Ebion

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The Ebion



  • Classification: Personal Transport/Enclave Vessel
  • Length: 200 meters
  • Width: 76 meters
  • Height: 70 meters
  • Armament: Moderate
    ​[3] Dual Turbolasers
  • [4] Fore-Mounted Heavy Laser Cannons
  • [2] Fore-Mounted Light Ion Cannons
  • [1] 1 Twin Laser Cannon Turret
  • [6] Concussion Missile Launchers (2 Fore, 2 Starboard, 2 Port)

[*]Defenses: High
  • Armor
    Reinforced Hull​
  • Double-Layered, Warship-Grade Deflector Shields

[*]Defensive Weaponry
  • Point-Defense Cannons
  • Anti-Missile Octets

[*]Electronic Defenses
  • Cap Drain
  • De-Ionizer
  • Socketguard

[*]Hangar: Low (0 Squadrons)
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Fast (Class 0.5; Backup Class 8.0)
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Sensor and Targeting Systems.
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Navigation and Avionics Systems.
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Communications Suite. (Encrypted with Planetary Military Keys.)
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Atmospheric Seals and Perfunctory Oxygen Scrubbers.
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Life Support and Integrated Medical Suite(s).
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Subspace and HoloNet Transceiver(s).
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Inertial Compensators.
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Tractor and Pressor Beam Emitters.
  • Standard [Military-Grade, Corvette-Class.] Shift and Relativistic Shielding.
  • Enslaved and Integrated Droid Brains (Heuristic Processors.); Automated Subsystems.
  • Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer.
  • Droid Crew.
  • Miniature Cloning Facility.
  • Built Like a Tank...: As the Ebion was designed to serve as a mobile home and base of operations for Tsisaar, as well as housing the technologies needed for him to maintain his current body and construct a new one, it was designed with high levels of defense in mind. Between a thick hull, double-layered particle and ray shields, electronic defenses, and a harder-hitting level of armament than is normal for a corvette of its size, it will pack a surprise for any unwary beings that try to attack it.
  • Skeleton Crew: Thanks to automation provided by the droid brains and the fact that the ship primarily relies on a droid crew, the number of living crew members required by the ship is extremely low. If necessary, Tsisaar is capable of commanding and using it on his own, though he prefers to have at least some trained naval personnel onboard to actually direct what happens. He isn't an admiral, and the droids aren't imaginative enough to run the ship at peak effectiveness on their own.
  • ...Moves Like a Tortoise: The defensive emphasis of the Ebion has led to it having to make sacrifices in the speed department. While it is equipped to handle itself in a fight, it is not designed to be able to outrun its opponents at sublight speeds. Should it be overly outnumbered or surrounded, the ship will be hard-pressed to survive; however, if it can manage to find an opening to activate its hyperdrive and isn't interdicted, many ships would have trouble catching up to it.
  • Afterthought Aft-end: The stern of the ship is very unprotected aside from the shields and reinforced hull; beyond some of the point-defense cannons and anti-missle octets, the only weaponry that can be trained to fire behind the ship with ease is one of the dual turbolaser cannons and the twin laser cannon turret; as well, neither one possesses a good firing arc. The ship is designed to fight a frontal assault, not a rearward one.
  • Paltry Passenger Space: The hangar of the ship is small. It can not hold a full squadron of fighters; at most, it can hold about six fighters, or a few light freighters. The even-smaller upper hangar near the bridge can only hold a small shuttle.

The Chthonic-Class Enclave Vessel was a planned line of corvettes/personal transports that were to be designed by REC for use by buyers of Force-sensitive organizations. Designed to be run primarily by droid crews, the rest of the space in the ship was given over to passenger space, common rooms, training areas, and the like. As such, it was designed to be able to accommodate up to 300 passnegers and crew in spartan, military-style accomodations; or, for those desiring more comfort, it could hold up to 250, with commanding officers (or masters) especially having more spacious suites.

However, prospective buyers for the line never panned out. As such, production was nearly ended entirely on the single prototype that was being constructed, which was to be named the Chthonic, as the flagship vessel of the line. However, that was until another being caught wind of the project, and came to those in charge of it.

This being was Tsisaar Taral, an Inquisitor of the Sith Empire; having gotten ahold of the project leads and some corporate heads through the use of various contacts available to him, he was able to encourage them to continue construction on the prototype vessel. However, he did require some changes.

The first was that the medical bay would be greatly expanded, with a miniature cloning facility added on. According to Tsisaar's specifications, this miniature facility would incorporate examples of Khommite, Kaminoan, Spaarti, and Arkanian technologies, enabling him a great level of facility in his pursuits. The other modification was the incorporation of multiple droid-brains throughout the ship, to automate various systems and decrease the size of the crew needed to run the ship, as well as make up for some space lost with the cloning facility.

With all that said and done, the passenger capacity of the ship was reduced to only 170 beings, as Tsisaar specified for the more comfortable layout of accommodations. He also christened it the Ebion, rather than the original name it was planned to carry; afterwards, upon the completion of construction and paying for the ship, he took it into the depths of Sith space, where it could begin its use as his personal base of operations.
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