Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Doctor Will See You Now

☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Taking her datapad off of the clip on her belt, Aes'ona powered it on and took down a quick memo to send to her pharmacology specialist, asking for a few days' dose of Comaren capsules. Their side effects were very limited, but at the very least would take away the pain and not make [member="Mariya Fleischer"] drowsy as the Nyex had. "You got it," said Aes'ona as she sent it off.

Mariya took her chance to talk, and Aes'ona nodded at the mention of her tattoo; she had noticed it while getting Mariya out of her stolen uniform to better assess her injuries. But she had not idea what it was, so had not thought much of it.

She knit her brows in slight confusion. "A Hutt gang, the GAR, the underground, then prison?" she asked, her voice low again. "I...don't know what to say." The doctor was so rarely at a complete loss for words, a product of her ever-active mind. Finally, she began, "The galaxy's a hard place, violence at every corner." She sighed. "Makes me feel bad I didn't go for field medic... Not-not necessarily for combat. Maybe humanitarian relief."
She moves like she don't care
"Yup, you got the timeline right. But it's not all doom and gloom," Mariya noticed the doctor's confused look and nodded her head to confirm the understanding was correct. It was understandable. Her background was indeed complex, even unbelievable at times. The talk triggered more memory flashbacks as she rescinded the past. Images of her friends' faces. She could name them as they popped up.

"GAR was fun actually... One of them was a Colonel named RM 117. A nice superior, I still remember those distinct markings on his helmet. Another one was a Mandalorian called Kane. Big, green armour and muscular. Some of the women fancied him quite a bit. He was like a big brother..."

More flashbacks. The timeline in her mind shifted to the Underworld.

"Then infighting occurred and some of them left for the Underworld to work as bounty hunters. You know about Saede already, so I'll skip that part. The prison was just a short stint, nothing fancy."

She decided that she spoke enough about her past for now. [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] had made some comments about field medic. Previously, there were also comments made about her career choice as a doctor but was cut short. Mariya decided it was a good time to pop that question up again.

"Field medic? You did mention something about your doctor career... about survival."
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona frowned, and it became somewhat deeply set into her face. Still, it gave the impression that she was not angry at [member="Mariya Fleischer"], but rather was somewhat perturbed at the topic itself. "Yes, uh, survival," she repeated, her voice now somewhere between the volume that they had been using and her normal one.

"One needs to make themselves useful in this part of the galaxy," the doctor began to explain. "I commend the Order for its effectiveness, but..." She trailed off before trying again. "But its not all good."

She took a deep breath, let out the sigh, and crossed her legs. "Father didn't make me do anything I didn't want to. But, at the same time, I was expected to, as the daughter--" a pause, "--even an adopted daughter of an officer join the military. For reasons, ahem, he never truly explained, he didn't want me to be come a stormtrooper. Maybe I was too old at the time..." Then, she put up a finger to pause herself again. "Mind you, I don't like guns, so I was perfectly fine with that.

"It was either navy officer, doctor, or mechanic. I suppose, technically, I'm a mix of the first two." She gave a shake of her head. "Gave engineering a go in uni. New Habat. Not my cup of tea." Only then did she allow a small smile to crack her frown as she crossed her legs the other way.

"I didn't want to disappoint him. He never told me this either, but I knew I had to at least try and live up to him. A public face to keep, if you will. My understanding of it was that the unspoken goal of the military was to create legacies, families that would always serve, generation to generation." Another pause, during which she finished off her water. "It's difficult to say how I knew that, but I do, and I feel fairly confident that I'm right. I could always be wrong, but at the time I didn't want to risk the Security Bureau arresting me or worse, maybe Nileeta, and I've spent a little too much of my life getting here to up and leave. Plus, I like what I'm doing."
She moves like she don't care
"I see..."

[member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] had just painted a society that was different from what she had experienced. The social pressure was great, judging from the need to create legacies. Not just any legacy, but a legacy to serve the Order till the end of time. Double that effect in a military family and you would have gotten yourself a case of a person who was forced to serve the military because her parents did. Technically, one could just run away from everything. But in the First Order, friends and relatives could be dragged into trouble because of an individual's whims that went against the Order's view.

On the flip side, everything would run smoothly and efficiently when people followed rules and regulations. The best part of a society and culture was also its worst feature.

Mariya wondered if Ae'sona had been carrying a burden subconsciously. Her comments on not wanting to disappoint her dad meant there were certain unspoken expectations she was trying to meet. Asking her to break out of the limbo might not be possible when she was being chained down by legacies, society expectations and personal relationships. She could drag every single acquaintance into trouble if the Order wanted to make an example out of her.

"It's like wishing for fresh food and all you are given is a packet of food ration. So you end up heating the packet to make it more appetising instead of eating it cold or go hungry."

It was a strange analogy, comparing food to life. But the blonde felt it made some sense.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona did not wish to do much correcting of the food analogy's details, so she simply smiled and gave [member="Mariya Fleischer"] a slight, affirming nod. "Something like that." Her friend's understand of her situation seemed to be a little simplified, but it was close enough. In fact, the doctor was quite loyal to her faction, just critical of certain aspects. And because she could not change those aspects, she had to be grudgingly play along to be a part of the grander scheme of things, which she generally agreed with.

She picked up her datapad again and swiped it on to take a look at the station's time. It was almost 5:30 now. "Say, which transport are you gonna take?" she asked as she powered the screen off and slid it back to where it had been. "There's one at six, seven, and nine. 5:30 now. I can run to the pharm tower to get your meds."
She moves like she don't care
"Oh... hmmm..."

Part of her wished to stay on longer, but she also realised that it would be good idea if she made the slip as soon as possible. Even though she liked [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"], Mariya allowed her logic to prevail this time round as she grudgingly replied, "I hate to say this... but... I should go before anyone notices my secret. If that happens..." she eyed her new friend for a moment, "... no, I don't think even you can stop the First Order troopers from arresting me."

Not to mention that the doctor might be arrested and charged for helping a prisoner. She would not want that to happen. Nothing was worse than repaying someone with trouble, especially someone who had helped her.

"But we still have thirty minutes to spare. That's enough for a walk to the tower to get my medicine and still talk. And I'll see you at the ball, hehe."

She brightened up, an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
"Sound logic. And I'd have to agree." [member="Mariya Fleischer"] made a fair point--the doctor was only agreeing, not trying to get rid of her. On the contrary, she was secretly looking forward to this mystery ball...if she could foot her work off to someone.

Pushing that thought out of her head for now (she could figure it out later), Aes'ona took their trays with all the garbage and compost from their meal over to the drop-off center and sorted the former from the latter, allowing Mariya to help if she so insisted. Then, it seemed like she was headed back to the turbolift, but she took a turn down the adjacent hall bound for Mountbatten's second tower.

"So, uh, Mary," she continued, seeing as doctors, staff, and patients were milling about and she did not feel like taking a risk, "where do you live, if I might ask? J-just the sector is fine. I'm accustomed to most of the known galaxy, but I don't, uh, get out much. It's a work thing."

((OOC: I'm so sorry I'm behind on our two threads! I'll try and catch up soon c:))
She moves like she don't care
"Hmmm... " Mariya pondered for a moment while she followed the doctor towards the second tower, guessing that [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] was curious to know more about the galaxy. She wondered how she could respond accordingly. Fortunately, the people around here were mostly occupied with their own work, so she decided to it should be fine to make things easier using a graphical aid.

"It would be easier to show you," she tapped lightly on the datapad under the doctor's arm. "Can we browse the holonet? Yup..."

The pad was turned on, held by the doctor as the holo browser opened the map of the galaxy in privacy mode. "I used to stay here..." her finger glided along the galaxy map, reaching the Outer Rim and briefly tapped on Nar Shaddaa, her homeworld.

"... but I have a Grandma here, in Coruscant. I need to visit her first after leaving this medical station," her finger skipped past the middle of the galaxy where Coruscant was and tapped on the nearby the icy planet of Arkania instead. The visual map also highlighted the distance of Arkania, halfway across the galaxy and far away from the First Order's influence. "You should drop by for a visit someday, she is rather friendly," the blonde gave her friend a subtle eyebrow raise, referring to the ball that would be hosted by the Collective on Arkania.

The two of them reached the second tower, entering through the security doors without any hiccup.

OOC: No worries, because school is absolutely more important than this! Also, just erm... making the doctor help out a little with the pad :)
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
"Uh..." Aes'ona began, about to argue. She knew the main regions by general bounds and only some planets by name, but she knew that was not Courscant. But, as soon as her confusion had come it disappeared, and she understood. Tricky.

There was a reason Aes'ona had not become a Security Agent, and that was it.

"Right," she corrected herself. "I'll...try to," the doctor added slowly, noting the distance as well. She'd have to somehow avoid Alliance space, but it could theoretically be done. Though there was always that little detail of getting her shifts covered for who-knew-how long. Still, she smiled up at [member="Mariya Fleischer"].

"Hey, can we waive the metal detector this time, Imlun?" she asked one of the guards that she apparently knew, taking hold of her friend's good arm. "I just put some hardware in this one's arm. We're just heading to pick up a painkiller prescription."

Imlun smiled back at Aes'ona and nodded. "'Course. Go ahead, Terrani."

As both women passed by the security scanners, Aes'ona shot her a concerned look. She told Mariya, "We had a bout of armed theft of drugs a while back," she explained. "Kinda hard ta move on from something like that."

When they finally reached the pharmacy room, Aes'ona approached one of the windows labeled 'Doctor's Pickup'. "Rehscel, Mary," she told the worker with a charming smile. "A week's doses of Comeren tablets, put in for by Doctor Calore."

The woman behind the desk, seemingly recognizing Aes'ona, smiled back before typing on her computer to confirm. "Right away, Doctor Terrani," she said before excusing herself to go find 'Mary''s prescription. She was not gone for more than a minute, and handed over the pill bottle. "Have a nice evening."

"You do as well." With that, Aes'ona returned to Mariya and offered over the Comaren doses. "Don't take it all at once," she half-joked, but then: "I know pain like that makes it tempting." She could not speak from first-hand experience, but she had seen one-too-many a pain killer or sedative overdose in SPD's Intensive Care and Severe-Emergency wards.
She moves like she don't care
Mariya nodded silently, wondering who had the capability to steal drugs from a medical station like this. Might be an insider job, but it was not her business to poke her nose in. All she needed to do was get her medication and leave the station in less than thirty minutes. She collected her painkillers from the doctor, a tiny pill bottle which she stuffed into one of the many pockets of her security guard uniform.

"I will certainly make sure to take it only when necessary. Won't want to find myself getting addicted to another drug," she gave [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] an assuring nod.

A glance at the digital clock on the wall showed the time to be 5:45 pm. Fifteen minutes. Just enough for them to make their way to the shuttle bay where the next one would be arriving. There was still so much to do, so much to talk about. The mercenary had no wish to leave so soon, not after she had just found herself an unexpected friend. But time was always merciless. Always slipped by quickly. Too quickly for her sometimes.

"It's time for me to go, Aes'ona," the blonde smiled sadly, tilting her head towards the direction of the clock. The two of them left the pharmacy desk, this time walking in silence towards the docking bay where her ride would be. There was still time for one final conversation.

"Heavens, I almost forget! What's your holonet mail address? Private one, if you have. Just tell me verbally and I'll make sure the line is encrypted when I talk to you again. Might even send you a hologram video or two."
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
"Uh..." Aes'ona hesitatingly began, running a hand back though her hair. "I don't have a personal mail. You can reach me here at 'terrania@sanctityphysicdorm.fims'." A nervous laugh. "I'm basically always on in one form or another."

Then, Aes'ona returned [member="Mariya Fleischer"]'s sad smile. "Be careful on your way home, 'right? If you need anything--" the doctor took Mariya's good hand in both of hers, "--run into some trouble, I'm only a few keystrokes away." And then the doctor gave a more joking smirk. "But yes, please do encrypt it."
She moves like she don't care
""For a moment, I thought it would be an easy address to remember. But there is no way I can remember 'terrania@sanctityphysicdorm.fims' without noting it down," she laughed and borrowed [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]'s pen to note down the address on the pill bottle. It was rare for her to use a pen, considering all the typing and it showed. Her writing was a scribbled mess on the bottle's holo label that only she could read.

"I'll be careful, Aes'ona. You too, alright? I'll see you soon in Coruscant. Good bye."

She gave the doctor a warm hug with her only good hand and two air kisses on either cheek, a Faire la bise. Then she forced herself to let go, making her way solemnly to the shuttle doors. She was the last one to board the Xi-class light shuttle, walking up the ramp and turning her head to give the doctor a goodbye wave.

"Good bye! Take care!"

The ramp hoisted up and she made her way to an empty seat. The engines roared and took off, leaving FIMS Mountbatten. Mariya dug out the pill bottle and held it in her hand, looking at the holonet address blankly.

"We'll meet again, I promise."


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