Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Devil's Reject


Doviculous kept his saber aimed at the man, but now he was slightly intrigued. "And what's stopping me from cutting you down right here and now? What if I don't want to find any holocrons for you? What if I just want to taste your blood on my lips as I tear you to little pieces?" He chuckled, licking his lips as he did.
Xhinx then turned and stared in the demons eyes. "j'us hyal midwan kraujas tu'iea. {You crave power, blood coating your crimson face? You want those to fear you? All can be achievable.}"
Well-Known Member
"We are already feared. But despite what you may think, we... are no Sith. We are beyond Sith, the Sith are our prey. You are our prey, but," Jhar was surprised by his partners hesitance, but he supposed that holocrons too had value to a weapon of the Dark Side.

"That can be delayed, for a time. I simply would like to warn you that this would not be done for you, and by the end of the ordeal, at least one of the three of us will be dead. I intend that to be you. I think I've made myself clear, Doviculous? Make a decision, kill him, or kill him later. I will follow you in whatever you choose."

Having revealed himself, and staying his knife to the voice of what might probably be considered his Master, he now stood very close to this, "Sith". He would have very easily killed him right then, but it seemed that the Devil's Reject had a hand in greed as well. Entities of supernatural influence such as this almost always were able to be pulled into a deal, contract, or game, of which the initiating mortal would have no hope of competing against. It was bold of this weak apprentice to believe he had a choice in the matter of his own death, but for now he would allow him to think he had a choice.


Doviculous laughed as his partner arrived on the scene, "Indeed my friend, and how foolishly has this lamb come to the wolves. I believe we shall test him, see if he's worth our notice if he manages to survive, and if he dies. Then we leave his body to be devoured by the rodents." Doviculous brought his lightsaber up suddenly, swinging it in a diagonal bottom right to top left slash towards the Masked Man, the first move to be made in this now very deadly situation.
As the body falls to the ground it flashes to be revealed a simple messenger droid, inside is a programmed recording. "I see you are not willing to cooperate, Now I ask one last time, do you wish for unlimited power?" the voice replied angrily.
Well-Known Member
A droid, how mundane, and generally uncreative. Jhar's illusions, though weak they were at times, were far more convincing.

"Well one is certainly a coward. How could a fool such as you, know anything of power? You have made your position clear. Now prey, be prepared to be hunted, your corpse shall become our play thing, of which we shall defile ruthlessly, and humiliate when we toss it upon the door step of your masters. They too, shall die due to your insolence." He didn't care whether or not this "Sith" could see them, but a finger of accusation was pointed at their strange, unseen prey. The blood hound nose of the force that was beset upon the Noghri was well suited to this type of hunt. He would serve his Master in the name of his Patron Vader well in this respect.

"Come Doviculous, lead the way." He sheathed away his blade, and pulled up his hood, beginning to blend with reality until he was no longer a part of it.

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