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Approved Tech The Dawnstar

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  • Intent: To create a repository of Zark's knowledge, as well as an anchor for his spirit to protect against Darkside attacks.
  • Image Source: Wookiepedia
  • Canon Link: Soul Snare Crystal
  • Restricted Missions: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Name: The Dawnstar (Haunted Holocron of Jedi Master Zark)
  • Manufacturer: Zark
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Organic Crystal Lattice, Soul Snare Core
  • Classification: Holocron/Spirit Core
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Light
  • Command Interface: A digital simulacrum of Jedi Master Zark, capable of answering basic questions about his life and time period, as well as the holocron's contents.
  • Section One - The Way of the Rancor: Foundational instruction manual for mastering Form VI, Niman. Includes traditional techniques in addition to personal notes on applying the form in practical scenarios, as well as comments on how to combat superior dueling forms.
  • Section Two - Luminous Beings: Advanced level studies on telekinesis and astral projection. Includes some illusion work as well as theoretical notes on fold space and achieving independent thought beyond death.
  • Section Three - Torchbearers: Master level guide to battle meditation and battlemind techniques. Includes comprehensive notes on battlefield applications and the importance of maintaining a high level of 'mundane aptitude' in troops.
  • Section Four - The Dreaming Dark: A high level overview of so called 'extra-dimensional threats' to the galaxy's well being. Much of the material within is unverifiable and borders on conspiratorial. Zark's observations during this section indicate an obsessed mind that dates back to his experiences fighting a Lotetk'k at Atrisia, and reference ongoing investigative work into the fringe paranormal under his own initiative throughout. They are referred to in name only as the 'Grey Files'.
  • Section Five - The Good That Men Do: For lack of a better descriptor, this section is an orally recited tell-all memoir of his time as a lapsed Jedi, from acquiring a frigate and crew to his pirate hunting and treasure seeking operations in the Kathol Outback up until joining the Galactic Alliance Defense Force.
  • Sage's Manual: A functioning holocron, the Dawnstar is a repository containing the sum of Jedi Master Zark's working knowledge of the Force. Includes a section on lightsaber Form VI, a more advanced guide to mental techniques ranging from telekinesis to illusions, and a section on mastering the battle meditation and battlemind disciplines.
  • Spirit Core: Surrendering himself to the Force before death could claim him, Zark's essence was able to imprint itself in part on his holocron's soul snare core. Now tied to the artifact, the Jedi Master's spirit is more resilient to the effects of Sith techniques such as Darkside tendrils. Instead of annihilating his form, such assaults would merely displace it. Over time, he will always re-coalesce so long as the holocron survives.
  • Shatterpoint: The Dawnstar is no less fragile than any other holocron, and its destruction would obliterate Zark's spirit entirely. This vulnerability is not merely physical, if confronted by multiple powerful Darkside adepts, the combined might of their mental assault upon his spirit would overload the holocron and cause it to shatter, also annihilating the Force ghost tied to it.
  • Fallen Star: While most holocrons radiate energy in the Force, the Dawnstar's soul snare crystal amplifies this effect considerably. Difficult to conceal, short of a nearby ysalamiri or a group of Force adepts combining efforts to mask its presence.
  • Cosmic Anchor: Tied to the holocron in more ways than one, the strength of Zark's spirit and its connection to this plane is relative to his proximity to the Dawnstar. Beyond its radius, his form is fleeting, and easily finished off by Darksiders with no hope of return.

The Dawnstar is a culmination of the life's work of Jedi Master Zark. While most publicly known as an Admiral in the Galactic Alliance Navy, before his time in the military he had been a sage of some repute. For some time he had lapsed as a practicing Jedi, however in the aftermath of his experiences at Atrisia and Skor II, his dedication to the lightside of the Force was renewed.

Using his clearance levels to gain access to Jedi archives and spiritual sites both throughout the Alliance and beyond, Zark spent his last few years studying the more cosmic aspects of the Force, as well as compiling this holocron. At first intending for it to function simply as a knowledge repository, throughout the course of his studies he discovered notes on the existence of soul snare crystals. Renewed war with the First Order loomed on the horizon, so the Jedi Master used his old underworld contacts to acquire one and adapted it for use as the holocron's core.

Taking to carrying it on his person at all times, it was in the Admiral's possession when he was struck down by [member="Kyrel Ren"] aboard the Itsukusk. Miraculously surviving the supercarrier's destruction, the Dawnstar was eventually recovered by the New Jedi Order and now resides primarily at the Temple on Coruscant.
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