Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Darker Sin I

Nar Shaddaa, the world were everything was okay, and everything was for sale. Why Erika was here? She sensed someone with the same presence as hers, and her father's. He had already sent his two apprentices to come, and help find the man, or woman producing the presence. She was waiting at the landing pads waiting for the two. She wore her usual, but she had her hair up in a loose pony tail. The smell was horrible, and she swore something in the air was stuck in her hair. "Yuck." She said to her self. Aliens walked back, and forth, some were waiting like her. She sighed, what was taking them so long? [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]
Adan collected his gear holstered the blaster and sheathed his vibro blade, threw his leather trench coat on and set out with Eliza to the freighter that will be transporting them to Nar Shaddah. Adan has not been in Nar shaddah for a long time, he was wondering if that wretched planet has changed or not. Adan and Eliza headed out to the freighter, walking for couple minutes silence was around as they were walking to the freighter. They got on board, Adan got in the pilot seat and Eliza got in the co-pilot seat and flew off to Nar shadda. Adan wondering to himself what Romeo's daughter Erica was like, but that was not the most important task at hand. Adan and Eliza finally reached Nar shaddah landing at the docking bay, Adan opened the doors to the ship, and all of sudden the smell of the city filled the ship. "Eliza you smell that? I haven't smelled that beautiful smell in such a long time." Adan has grown use to that smell but to anyone else that has not at least spent a month on this planet would say its a vile smell of decaying corpse or a dying animal. @Eliza Sin [member="Erika Sin"]
Eliza was silent during the ride to Nar Shaddah, she had a lot to think about. She had met Erika once, she seemed fairly nice. Though Romeo mentioned they were looking for another Sin, could that be a cousin of his. They had to find but not contact him, weird.
"Oh goodness, you call that smell beautiful?" They warned her that the planet was a little odd, but they didn't warn her about the wretched smell. What in the world could that be? The first thing that came to her mind was death, it was the smell of death. She took a deep breath, trying to just simply breath without gagging.
"Okay, should we go find Erika?"
[member="Erika Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"]


Watching from the darkness, red eyes watched carefully on Eliza. He looked up at the ship coming to dock. "So she brought friends, or he sent her help." He whispered to himself. He smirked, and looked back at the girl. He chuckled to himself, and walked off into the crowds. He would watch every movement they made, while they searched for them. He lifted up his dark hood, and disappeared into the mass of people. [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Erika Sin"]
"Yes Eliza dear I call that a beautiful smell, only because I kind of missed the place." This was Adan's second home this was the only other place he spent as much time as he did back home with his sister and mother, which actually come to think of it they probably died from worry over him disappearing, it was only a thought a figure of speech hopefully nothing did happen to them. Adan zipped up his leather trench coat walking out from the ship. "yes Eliza lets go and find Erika she is probably bored out of her mind and a little pissed for waiting so long for us she'll get over it" Adan let out a quiet laugh and walked with a smirk on his face. [member="Erika Sin"] @Eliza Downheart @Razer Sin
"Beautiful, well then you have a weird sense of smell." Other than the smell, the place wasn't to bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad.
"She can't be to far away can she?" She looked around, and she spotted her pacing back and forth. "There she is," Eliza pointed straight ahead. "She does not look happy..."

[member="Erika Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Razer Sin"]
She stopped as she spotted, and waved them over. "Where have ya'll been? Oh no...did ya' it in there?!" She ran to them, her hair bouncing about. She stopped in front of the big devil and looked up at him. "Who the hell is..this?!" She said a little imtomtaded. "Anyways I feel like I've been watched ever since i stepped foot here."
Adan looked at the little girl and then at Eliza "Is that the first question you ask every new person you meet?" Adan smiled at Erika. "I am your dad's old friend and he is teaching me some things, and the reason he sent me is because I know this place like the back of my head, which makes things easier. Speaking of being watched I don't doubt you have been watched not only by the person we have come to check out but this whole place is watching us this whole city has ears and eyes everywhere, so stay close and don't run off anywhere." Adan had a very serious facial expression when he was saying this, he knew very well what evils this place holds. [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Erika Sin"] [member="Razer Sin"]
"Well hello again to you to Erika, good to see you." She nodded at Adan's response. "So where do we start? I don't know this place very well so you two will have to lead the way." She was very open minded about spending time with he two of them but she wondered if this was going to go as planned. She faked a smile and pulled up the hood to her cloak,"Shall we go?"

[member="Razer Sin"] [member="Erika Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"]
As soon as Adan heard the word T-Digs he stopped immediately in his tracks, for it was the bar that he held his meetings with his mercenary crew and his long lost friend Jerrick. As well that's where he met Romeo. "T-Digs? there are so many memories in that place, so many of them." Adan began to walk slowly once again towards T-Digs bar with Eliza and Erika. [member="Erika Sin"] [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Razer Sin"]
Eliza matched Adan's pace and leaned closer, "Are you okay? You seem on edge?" She leaned back again following Erika. Something had obviously triggered something.
"Hey Erika, is this a really well known bar?" She was slightly worried but she followed along knowing she couldn't do anything about it.

[member="Erika Sin"] [member="Adan Jax"]

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