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The Dark Order of the Sith (Sub-Faction)

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The Dark Order of the Sith
"The Sith is to know freedom and taste victory" - Yuthura Ban

General Information
  • Father Faction: The Dark Empire
  • Supreme Ruler(s): The Dark Emperor/The Circle of Darkness
  • Alignment: Darkside

  • Council of Masters
  • Temple of Knights
  • The Sith Academy
  • Council of Knowledge
  • Council of Shadows
  • Council of Secrets

"If you seek to aid everyone who suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself....and weaken them." - Darth Traya

The Dark Order of the Sith is the home to all Sith within the Dark Empire, made a sub-faction to allow for greater expansion of ideas and possible mechanics to increase the amount of entertainment gained from being a member of the Sith. The Dark Order answer the the Dark Empire's leadership (The Circle of Darkness) but also has its own command structure that deals solely with the problems faced by the Sith alone. One cannot be a Sith and apart of the Dark Empire without being a member if the Dark Order and vice versa.

Unlike the previous Sith Empire, the Sith aren't as integrated into public life as they were previously. Instead, the Dark Order acts almost as a Shadow Organization like the CIA or Bothan SpyNet, their existence is known but the full extent of their power and expanse throughout the galaxy is not. The Order is responsible for a multitude of missions within the Empire from ensuring domestic security and obedience to leading invasions and even infiltrating enemy governments. Back stabbing and infighting to promote ones power is rampant and even tolerated to some extent, as long as it is not perceived as harming the overall cause of the Dark Empire.

"But in their hearts they never forgot the Jedi. The hatred for the Jedi Order burns in their veins like fire, and it echoes in their teachings" - Darth Traya

Council of Master and the Circle of Darkness

The Dark Order of the Sith answer to the Circle of Darkness and the Dark Emperor of the Dark Empire, but they still possess their own internal leadership. At the head of this hierarchy is the Council of Masters who reside over all decisions made in the Order and are only outranked by the Dark Emperor. While the Council holds no powers over the Empire at large, they decide upon matters of punishment in the Sith and the promotions of Sith to the next tier of Sith society. Often the Masters are responsible for heading operations or completing them on their own and can be tasked with near anything by the Dark Emperor.

Council of Knowledge:

The Council of Knowledge is a collection of the Orders most sophisticated Sith who are tasked with deciding the worth of different pieces of collected Darkside knowledge and artifacts and then dealing with them dependent of their judgment. There are three basic levels of importance that are used as labels in the Dark Order. Standard Knowledge is knowledge that is perceived as being of not note worthy importance and are generally only made into two copies, one for the Dark Empire's Knowledge Vault and one for the Dark Orders Vault with the original being hidden somewhere within the Empire. Important Knowledge is perceived as being crucial to the structure of the Dark Order and is made into four copies, one for the Empire and Dark Order's vaults and the other two hidden throughout the Empire with the original is safeguarded vaults. The Final level is Classified which is perceived as being the most sensitive of all objects and information, most of the time these are items that are considered too important to make copies of or are unable to be copied (such as artifacts). Such items are sealed within a vault under the Imperial Palace that only the Circle of Darkness has access to.

Council of Shadows:

Unlike the Conclave of Shadows, the Council of Shadows are a collective of the Orders most cunning and manipulative of Sith. The Council is tasked with putting together or carrying out sensitive black operations like infiltrating the top tiers of enemy government. The Council is the most secretive part of the Order, so secretive that only a handful of Sith know of its existence at any one time. The Circle of Darkness has full command over the council but they are usually given orders specifically by the Dark Minister.

Council of Secrets:

The Council of Secrets is an organization tasked with safeguarding the secrets of the Sith Order and Empire as a whole. They have access to all files within the Dark Empire, though they may not have clearance to read all of them. In the event of a threat of an enemy breach of security, the Council of Secrets is tasked with covering up the tracks, whether it be covering the movements of a captured spy or deleting and burning all information pertaining to sensitive Empire/Sith information. As soon as a planet is invaded, a spy captured or an operation exposed the Council of Secrets is on the scene and getting to work to destroy anything that could give the enemy and edge or lead them to the Dark Empire. For all intents and purposes, the Council of Secrets are the leak pluggers of the Empire and some of the most trusted individuals the Empire can offer.

  • To restore Sith dominance to the galaxy
  • To improve upon the shortcomings of the last Sith Empire
  • To offer a wide range of experiences and opportunities for all members
  • To be a sub-faction of the Dark Empire
Closing Statements

The Dark Empire hopes to take the best parts of the Old Sith Empire and the great ideas I've heard from multiple other members and improve on them to make something unique and great. The Dark Order will be an extension of that dream by offering our Sith members their own personal space to keep things more organized for everyone!

Long live the Sith!

Our doors are open and we are waiting for you!

Information on the Dark Empire can be found here and the faction page here

The Dark Order of the Sith page can be found right 'mere

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