The Dark Man

Image Source: Force Enlightenment
Intent: To create a Holocron artefact.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: The Dark Man
Model: Holocron
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Organic Crystal-lattice
The holocron was created by The Dark Man, prior to, and leading up to, his death. His innate ability for precognition had long forewarned him of his impending doom, and as he was ever known for in his final moments, a single thought had resonated throughout the Force before all was silent, 'Darkness consumes, but, I shall mark the abyss with eternal fire.' His way of marking the abyss, as it were, leading a fiery path to the future for generations hence, is his knowledge. A strong and firm believer that the Sith and Jedi war is as inevitable as life and death, and by way of securing his knowledge, he believes that while there are still sources of knowledge out there, the Jedi will never truly die out. Much the same could be said about the Sith.
Unalike to other holocrons, this holocron teaches not techniques, nor forms or abilities. It is a tool of guidance, instruction and wisdom. The gatekeeper, finding suitable Jedi - and none other - will aid them, answering questions, sharing the personal beliefs, thoughts and opinions of The Dark Man. It holds information on the various factions, and locations of Jedi Temples. It works more as a datacron than a holocron. It's gatekeeper is willing to coach younglings and padawans onto the right path.
The gatekeeper appears to have no distinguishing facial features, but has a solid form. It appears as a translucent humanoid figure. This being will discern those who seek the knowledge held within, finding only those not interested in power, or techniques, but insight and wisdom. Once the gatekeeper has allowed this person to access its knowledge, it will not allow the being to delve through it. Rather, the gatekeeper will allow the Jedi to ask questions, and answer accordingly. Primarily it provides insight on the Force, opinions of the Jedi Order, and the location of the Nar Shaddaa chapter house.
Primary Source: N/A