Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Curse Which Binds Us

"It's all about willpower; learning to notice when it's going to take you over, and fighting to keep it at bay. I live my life in an almost constant state of movement meditation, fighting to keep at balance with myself, my emotions, and within the Force. Are you familiar with meditation at all, Jade?"

Leaning back slightly on the stool she gave the woman time to eat, drink, and relax, hoping that she wasn't pushing her too far too quickly. It might have helped to have [member='Sargon Vynea'] around, after all he had been the beacon of hope for her during her particularly dark time, but she had not seen or heard from him in some time, not since her last trip to Bakura. No, she'd have to deal with this herself. Pay forward what had been gifted to her.

[member="Jade The Rogue"]
Jade chuckled deeply. " of course, do it when I can. Kinda hard to meditate when your trying not to get killed. The streets don't care about force users, only use them as they see fit. "

She ate a very delicious piece of meat wrapped in a sweet bread.

" did you know we are all puppets? Not to the force, rather to anyone above us. Every move and choice isn't entirely our own. And the force? Simply a pack of hounds at our command. Of course..... The hounds do rebel....."

She finished eating the meal on the tray and drank the cool water in a smooth cup.

"... The bite and tear like kriff."
"It is difficult when the curse is in full effect, but if you get into the knack of meditating while doing other things, being vigilant in the Force, then slowly we can lessen the effects of our lizard friend here, move him further from you until his influence is gone entirely, and you will be able to fully function while still accessing the Force."

She waited for a moment or so, allowing the woman to finish her meal and speak her mind while she did so. Strange views, different from her own, but Jyn wasn't the kind of person to deny someone else their beliefs. She had spent much of her life being forced to conform.

"I belong to an Order known as the Je'daii. I believe our practices may benefit you greatly. You see, we focus on finding a Balance both in the Force and within our general lives, we do not utilize the light or the dark exclusively, but both aspects in conjunction, in harmony. Wholly neutral. While I will not push you to join our Order, such would be wrong of me, I would like to try some of our techniques upon you. If you are willing."

[member="Jade The Rogue"]
Jyn gave the woman a light nod of the head and smiled, patting her shoulder very softly as she rose up from her stool and stood in preparation to leave.

"For now, you rest. The lizard isn't going anywhere, so you should be able to think and focus, and if you feel up to walking around we can make sure that it is brought alongside you until you feel a little more confident in fighting off your sickness. Meditate, my friend, and we will begin lessons on staving off the conflict in your mind tomorrow."

For now Jyn was satisfied that the woman was in one piece, and that the lizard was successfully doing its job.

"If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. I'm just one call away."

[member="Jade The Rogue"]
Jade was silent as the woman walked out of the room. Laying back against the pillows, she closed her unseeing eyes.
"Would you hand me the lizard?" She asked a nurse when she had came in the check the force user.
"Hand you the lizard?" She asked, confused for some reason. Jade gave a small growl.
"Yes, I have not had real companionship in years, longer than you were alive. I wish to actually have a chance to bond with something!" The nurse muttered under her breath and opened the cage. She dropped the lizard onto Jade's chest. The lizard yipped and hissed at the nurse. Jade placed a trembling hand on the creature and it calmed, focusing on her.
"Crazy witch!" The nurse muttered under her breath as she left the room. Jade ignored the comment, focusing on the now purring lizard.

The next time a nurse checked on her, both her, she was sound asleep; the lizard asleep, curled around her left wrist, which was draped across her abdomen.

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