RC 212
The Black Imperium is ruled by the Emperor and his hands are the noble bloodlines he commands. Currently the major feature of the Imperium is the fallen Jedi and Templar added to the fold and remade as the Black Templar Order.
The forces are made of Royal houses soldiers reconditioned and retrained for the purposes of the Imperium alone.
The Politcal Structure
The Imperium poltics are of vassal lords fueding among one another, but ultimately loyal to Emperor Titus. Each house pledges it's support and wealth to the Imperium for a cut of the worlds conquered.
As new worlds are brought to their knee, the old rulers are executed and new Bloodlines are christened nobility by the Emperors word alone. These new installments rule in his stead as he travels and destroys the enemies of the Imperium.
The Main populace runs on a Caste system.
The Warrior class rules here, headed by the Black Templar order. Inquisistion is Rampant, Jedi and other lightsiders are killed on sight. The Warrior class enjoys special privelleges and tax breaks that the lower classes do not.
The Middle class is comprised of factory workers and die hard citizens. Each citizen pays his tax and contribute through a vast Industrial complex to the Imperium. They work tirelessly, eating little and rejoicing in their mediocre freedom.
The lowest class are slaves, conquered at war. Slaves work the agriculture and dirtiest jobs of the Imperium, enjoying no rights and grovelling at their masters feet. Any slave that is caught out of line is killed immediately, to preserve the power structure.
The Primary Economy of the Imperium consists of warcraft. Factories churn out raw materials into armor, weapons, vehicles and vessels. There is little trade of luxury. The enitre machine is geared towards the proliferation and creation of new and advanced arms to crush the enemy with.
The Black Imperium is ruled by the Emperor and his hands are the noble bloodlines he commands. Currently the major feature of the Imperium is the fallen Jedi and Templar added to the fold and remade as the Black Templar Order.
The forces are made of Royal houses soldiers reconditioned and retrained for the purposes of the Imperium alone.
The Politcal Structure
The Imperium poltics are of vassal lords fueding among one another, but ultimately loyal to Emperor Titus. Each house pledges it's support and wealth to the Imperium for a cut of the worlds conquered.
As new worlds are brought to their knee, the old rulers are executed and new Bloodlines are christened nobility by the Emperors word alone. These new installments rule in his stead as he travels and destroys the enemies of the Imperium.
The Main populace runs on a Caste system.
The Warrior class rules here, headed by the Black Templar order. Inquisistion is Rampant, Jedi and other lightsiders are killed on sight. The Warrior class enjoys special privelleges and tax breaks that the lower classes do not.
The Middle class is comprised of factory workers and die hard citizens. Each citizen pays his tax and contribute through a vast Industrial complex to the Imperium. They work tirelessly, eating little and rejoicing in their mediocre freedom.
The lowest class are slaves, conquered at war. Slaves work the agriculture and dirtiest jobs of the Imperium, enjoying no rights and grovelling at their masters feet. Any slave that is caught out of line is killed immediately, to preserve the power structure.
The Primary Economy of the Imperium consists of warcraft. Factories churn out raw materials into armor, weapons, vehicles and vessels. There is little trade of luxury. The enitre machine is geared towards the proliferation and creation of new and advanced arms to crush the enemy with.