Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Crown


  • Corporation Name: The Crown
  • Headquarters: Denon
  • Locations: Denon, Manda, Teth
  • Operations: Governance, construction, armed contracting, entertainment
  • Tier: 3
The Crown is the corporate embodiment of the operations and property of the Fel's, at least being that of Max's and his immediate family. It functions as a way to not only organise Fel holdings, but also offer other factions and governments an option for easing stresses of governance for planets, systems and more, by contracting or offering them to The Crown with their conditions. For further development of their holdings, and to establish new holdings and colonies, as well as general construction contracts, The Crown has construction capabilities. Another function of the entity is to protect Fel interests through armed forces. These forces also enable the ability to enact military and security contracts, though under much scrutinisation before acceptance. Lastly, additional income and public vision is granted by entertainment projects that are pursued, entertaining not only those within Fel holdings, but also expanding to other spheres of influence. The Crown expresses an interest to cooperate with any faction or government that would not enact hostile actions towards it. This is despite any governmental funding that may occur. Contracts are carefully assessed before accepted to ensure a stance which would not harm Fel interests or public perception. Overall, malicious actions are often seen as something that would diminish the aims of The Crown.

The occupation of Bastion and other areas of Max Fel and his family resulted in the loss of valuable and previously long-held assets. In order to better organise and gain a larger base of interests, The Crown was established as a company itself. Family wealth and territories of Max provided initial funding, and further funding was thought to be certain to come from major governments. Indeed, Max's connections within the Third Galactic Empire would prove useful in accelerating the growth of the company. Further strengthening of relations with relevant authority and judgement figures would appear to be the ultimate gateway to success, however, such as Imperial Justice. Establishing the headquarters in Denon provided a busy centre of trade and business innovation, as well as giving a central position in the galaxy.

  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

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