Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Contingency: Ensuring survival one day at a time.




These are dark times indeed. The Galaxy is in turmoil. The lines between right and wrong, between good and evil have been blurred. Governments are turning on each other. Allies have become enemies and enemies have become emboldened further. Even the so called righteous Jedi have committed atrocities beyond measure. The Sith have become desperate and even more chaotic and dangerous than ever before. Reports surface of simultaneous Humanitarian missions turning into all out war. There are even rumors of an extinction level event occurring on the Mandalorian home world. With no light at the end of the tunnel.





A group of citizens of this Galaxy in turmoil have grown tired of hiding in the shadows. Tired of keeping their heads down and waiting for better times. They have grown tired of waiting for a savior. Deciding to be their own savior they have banded together. A plan is being created to whether the storm, to take their own destiny into their hands. A contingency plan to face an uncertain future. A call is being put out to all who wish to no longer stand on the side lines but to make a difference. Once house at a time, one city at a time, and one planet at a time.




OOC details:

The Contingency is a neutral group of Galactic citizens working together for mutual survival. They operate on a hands off policy. The means as long as you leave us alone we leave you alone. There are no fights unless you pick one. There are no enemies unless you make yourself one and there are no allies.

The Contingency is lead by a Conclave of Planetary Diplomats over seen by a Chancellor. The Chancellor and their advisers serve as a guiding hand for the Conclave giving advice and a helping hand to its members. The ultimate goal of the Conclave is the mutual protection and survival of it's member worlds...........the goal of the Chancellor to see that goal accomplished.

The Contingency is defended by a small Naval and Army force. The force operates out of a location known simply as the Barracks. The navy patrols Contingency space ensuring the security of the space surrounding Contingency member worlds. While primarily a defensive force it's officers and pilots are more than capable of engaging hostile threats before they can mount an attack against The Contingency. The Commanding Officer of the Navy survives as an adviser to the Conclave Chancellor. Much like the Navy the Army patrols Contingency worlds as a primary defensive and peace keeping force. It provides the people with the safe and secure environment they request and in fact require. If needed the Army may serve as a retaliatory invasion force against Contingency aggressors. The Army Commanding Officer also serves as an adviser to the Conclave Chancellor.

The Contingency acknowledges the wisdom and abilities of the Galaxies Force Users. To this end there is the Enclave. Part Temple and part Academy the Enclave is neither Jedi nor Sith. Recognizing that situations arise they may call for either a Soft touch or a vengeful fist practitioners of both the light side and dark side of the Force are welcome to explore the mysteries of the Force. The only requirement for admission to the Enclave is that you leave your prejudices, codes, and philosophies at the door. The members and students of the Enclave are overseen and mentored by a Elder. This Elder serves double duty as adviser to the Conclave Chancellor in matters of the Force and it's applications.

Anyone interested in The Contingency or what it has to offer can either PM @Vengeance or post below. In the interest of forming a small group of core writers in the early stages The Contingency is Admin approval.

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