Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Contagion

"Names Draich." Draich brought his weapon to the ready as they proceeded down the hall. Draich followed Taneas down the corridor. Clearly he knew the ship better than Draich. He wasn't about to argue routes. Blood. He could smell it here. He could hear the screech of those creatures. "I don't think we're going to find any safe passage in this place."

ADA stared idly at the holographic readout of the ship. She had been staring at it for the better half of an hour now. Using the ships own bioscan she mapped out all the life forms that inhabited the massive vessel.

The Endeavor was eight thousand meters from bow to stern and four thousand across. Blue blips of light dotted various sections of the ship. Survivors. Most had clustered in large groups, fighting for survival to be sure. There where ten large groups of around one hundred. There where scattered through out the ship from mess halls, to casinos, to a skyscraper in the commercial district. Very few of the survivors had made it on there own. Only fifty individuals had survived this far fighting on their own or in some cases with another loner. Eight hundred and seventy nine survivors in total.

And surrounding the small groups of blue where the red blips that signified the infected. The blue where drowning in a sea of red. Seventy two thousand infected. Nearly half of the ships population had succumb to the plague. The rest had been devoured or where still fighting for their life.

Something had been bothering ADA. These Rakghouls where ravenous. They hadn't exhibited any kind of behavior other than a need to feed. They didn't take victims to bolster their number. So how where their numbers so great? How in the hell did roughly half of the ships population turn? Granted the virus itself was highly infectious and could pass with just a scratch from the creatures claws, but still....

"Show bio scan, 12 hours prior." ADA instructed. The image flickered for only a moment as it reset itself to the desired time. Only five thousand of the Rakghouls appeared on the bio scan. All of them concentrated in one part of the ship. The engineering level. Only the crew would have had access to that area of the ship. As the image continued to play, the rakghouls seemed unable to leave the confined area. "Show bioscan, first contraction of rakghoul virus." The image flickered again, showing only five personnel had contracted the virus at the same time. Something had given those people the virus.

ADA stood and examined the image closer. The contraction had occurred near the cooling units. Something was amiss here. She couldn't put her finger on it but something much bigger was happening on this ship.
name: sev
rank: none
allies: none
location: docking bay A elevator/ main room to enter docking bays A-Ag shots...good thinking hiding on top of the elevator,,,,,,creatures aren't like the other some of them are..humanoid?.....virus...plague...rakghouls? are extinct cant be....scan them..use infection to find them.. *after a few seconds 5 creatures ran into the elevator as it opened slamming against the back of it. deciding to scan the creatures and then use the infection on his radar to make a sonar to find the infected, he killed the 5 creatures in the elevator with his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon* 487 bullets left no need to reload...elevator clear.... *jumps down the elevator service hatch* 20 creatures....set up choke point in elevator.... *reaching into his utility belt he pulls out a grenade and then throws it at the largest group, with a fragmented explosion 6 drop dead on the spot and the other 12 start to run towards the elevator* short quick bursts.....closest first..... *spraying in an arc motion drops 4 more and wounds 7, the other 8 still running at the elevator he starts to use small quick bursts killing another 7 before they get to close for the Z-6 Rotary blaster cannon (RBC) as the last one makes his way right to the elevator door he drops the Z-6 RBC and pulls out one of his DC-17 blaster pistols and shoots the creature in the head killing it the creature almost hitting his leg as it fell to the ground.

putting his pistol away he sends a automated message over the radio on an open frequency* (picture microsoft sam or something saying this) Docking bay A-Ag main room cleared and secured i can take 5 survivors with me, send me your locations and i will get to you *he begins to scan the room just incase there is any open ports he should seal up or set traps in finding only the air vents and a maintenance shaft that leads to docking bay's 7 upper floor and the maintenance tunnels he decides to throw a grenade in the main air vents to close them up,the air might get thick but he won't have to worry about the creatures getting in through them*

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Shane Williams"]
[member="Karen Roberts"] @"Sev" [member="Taneas "][member="Shane Williams"] [member="Draich"]

Call sign: Goji
Rank: Ensign
Position: Fighter Pilot

Goji received his orders from command, get close to the dome and try and make contact with survivors in the building. He left his squadron and went on a lone mission, not hard, 'It's a quarantine after all.' he thought to himself.

We went to the dome and when he was in the assigned coordinates he turned off his engines and turned on his radio, "To those who are alive within the city ship Destriers, this is Fighter Pilot, call sign 'Goji', member of the Healers Escort Division, your ship is hereby seized by the Admiral Jaster Awaud and placed under quarantine until cleansing units have arrived, if there are any survivors, it is imperative that you contact me to relay to command or get the ships communication back online and contact the fleet, any ship leaving the quarantine area will be confiscated and occupants will be placed in custody, please respond to all hailings by members of the Healers Escort Devision."

He didn't think anyone was still alive down there, only possibility was that the Republic Soldiers were bunkered down setting up safe houses.
Healers escort division....goji...cleansing units?..purge..enemies?...reply?...reply *clicking a button on the side of his helmet goji....sev here...docking bay A secure...main room to docking bays A-Ag secure...will be heading out into the city soon... ending the transmission there he goes back to the elevator and picks up his Z-6 R.B.C and touching his helmets Jaig eyes and waits for a response*
Goji was surprised, a responce? There had to be a mistake, no.... This @"Sev" was in the hanger bay. "Wow, the admiral was right." He said over the open channel. After realizing what he said he recovered, "I mean Sev this is Goji, how many survivors do you have with you?" He switched over to the command channel, "Command, this is 'Goji', we got a survivor in hanger bay Alpha, can fit medical frigate if needed." He waited for a responce.

"Goji, this is command, the admiral will not send in the frigate without proper checks, loosing 1,000 men on ones word, try and get ahold of the Republic soldiers to clear a landing zone and they will get there reinforcements, until then, rescue mission is on hold."

"Roger that command." Goji didn't agree, but it came from the admiral so he had to bite his tonge and wait it out.
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "] @"Sev" @Draich

After a while they managed to get some people from inside the building seemed a few lived, moving onward he lead the march onward. The republic troopers lead them carefully as they headed for the hanger and the awaiting ships. "Alright everyone stay calm, won't be too long now." He tapped into local comms. "This is Sergeant Williams I got about 40 people or so here locked themselves in an arena their safe but we are moving toward the main hanger bay. But I only got a squad and a few of them who got weapons we need to know if theres any unsafe psots heading toward the deck from one level up. Also I don't know if there any passages blocked off. Place is pretty screwed up I can't even get access to most terminal functions."
*looking at the main entrance to the building from the elevator and hearing a response from goji he taps the side of his helmet whilst scanning the area with his sonar for the infected* goji....trusting?....maybe...most likely not...helpful?..probably...give him the information :"sev" the only one...i would suggest sending a small strike team...... help secure the area even if its just one more person...would make it easy to fight....rescue others....*
@"Sev" [member="Shane Williams"]

Goji heard this over the radio and switched back to the command channel, "Command, I have 40 survivors and a squad of troopers heading to hanger bay alpha, request medical frigate enter and take on survivors and leave support troops."

Goji wasn't sure of the admiral was good for it, he always placed the troops before anyone else, but he said the oath like everyone else here. They sure did take there time though. After 10 min command radioed in, "Okay, the admiral is alowing a containment foothold be placed on the ship, 1,000 troops will be stationed there to retrieve and evacuate survivors until the Quarantine Gaurds arrive, roger that goji?"

"Got it command," he switched over to the open brodcast frequency, "This is Goji of Healer Escort Division, we are sending a medical frigate to Hanger Bay Alpha 2-B, any survivors in the hanger bay need to gain control of the hanger bay shields and allow ships to pass through them, Gunships will clear the landing pad, mark survivors with flares until the frigate docks."

Goji had orders to wait and communicate to other if they called, nothing else was given, nor did he hear from the officer building he was there for.


Disney's Princess
Karen listened to the radio.

She sighed. It appeared they were forgetting something rather important. This ship was not infected by accident. This was a biological act of terror. And that meant, you guessed it, ...Terrorists. Probably hidden amongst the survivors or dead already. Nobody knew. And if they could infect one ship? They could do it again. And again. And again.

She picked up the radio and threw the transceiver out the window by it's cord. Better reception that way.

~ "Calling Pilot Gogi. Calling Pilot Gogi. Please adjust to this frequency. Repeat, please adjust to this frequency." ~

She waited for a moment. Tech was a little static around here.

~ "Pilot, this is Lieutenant Sara Silverman of the Echo City Police Force. If you can hear me, please tell your Commander's that this outbreak was not an accident. This is a biological act of terror. And our perps could still be amongst the survivors." ~

She waited for that to sink in.

~ "All survivors are suspects until somebody confirms what the heck is happening down here. Keep your head on soldier. ...You're going to need it." ~

Karen disconnected the radio and then threw a glass bottle against the ground. That was good enough for now.

"Frak it. Gosh darn gung-ho soldiers." She vented, "Gonna get us all killed..."

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]​
blow elevator...get to alpha 2-B....check ammo..good....grenades?...3 left.....flamer cartridge....2 left.....heavy ammo clip.....2 left...mission success probability: 70% depending on able....*clicking his helmet after checking his equipment he says to goji:heading to alpha 2-B make sure they have a few Z-6 R.B.C clips waiting for me.....tough fight ahead of me hope to see you on the ground there *getting a comfortable grip on his Z-6 he waits to see that goji understood he was heading over to clear out the docking bay*
[member="Karen Roberts"]

Goji heard it well, 'Who said anything about the fregate leaving the ship, did the admiral plan to leave the quarantine with the survivors? No... He ordered no ships to leave the city ship. He responded, "Lieutenant Sara Silverman, this is Goji, join Containment Camp 1-Alpha to work with Captian De'ser, quarantine is still in effect, all survivors will be examined and separated from each other till test can be completed, once cleared you can make your case with command, I repeat, meet up with Contaiment Units to plea your case, ship will not leave dock until Quarantine Guard arrives and proper test and de-chemical wash has been completed."

Goji was a pilot and they didn't say who should be in command of the rescue, but Captian De'ser was the best in the fleet after the admiral and will most likely want to be first boot on the ground. Plus, he was a stone cold killer.


Disney's Princess
Goji said his peace. Welp. There it is, I suppose. Surrender and be quarantined. Ugh. Karen ignited her lightsaber and killed the radio. It sparked to a somber little death,

"Kark that idea."

She smiled and ignored a plea to visit Camp One. She wasn't going to help these strange mercenaries. Oh no. She'd happily find the bridge instead and make a call to Belsavis. She had friends in Omega. The Pyre could have a long-range expeditionary unit here in less than a day. At least that way she knew which bureaucracy she'd be dealing with. This... Healer's Guild? Sounded like a perfectly good Bespin Cult to her.

Meh. Karen was paranoid like that. She'd seen too much Vong combat and Sith alchemy to ever trust anybody new again. Old habits die hard, ya know.

"Okay Karen. Looks like the cavalry is a' incoming. As soon as they deposit those soldiers all these creatures will have something new to keep them company." She leaned out of the police car and looked towards the Hangers, "...Yep. That will be my chance to make it to the Command Structure. Maybe make that phone call to a few old friends. Let's hope the ol' Colonel is in a good mood today. Shall we?"

She smiled as the wind swept through her hair. Ahh. Nothing like a little apocalypse in the morning.


*ooc: Exit Thread*

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