Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Communicator

Corellia Digital Headquarters

"...this will result in the creation of four hundred jobs."

Seventy years ago, the young Anzat had to learn how to navigate a military briefing room. It had been the Yinchorri Uprising and he'd been responsible for part of the planning of an operation that had come to be known as Skyfall. It had failed, and the resulting defeat culminated in the Battle of the Line -- a dark horse victory for the Jedi, who'd had to change strategy on the fly, under fire, and whilst outnumbered.

Those same skills served him now, in the gladiatorial arenas of corporate warfare.

He was no longer dressed as a Jedi Knight of old. Or even a Jedi Knight of new. A plain, white shirt and a pair of dark trousers marked by gold Corellian bloodstripes had replaced the Sasori attire he'd worn as a younger boy. Only the lightsaber marked his place in their Order, and even that had changed as he'd outgrown the weapon he'd designed as a padawan. Now a teenager, the tawny haired CEO paused to look around at the assembled envoys. "Not to mention significant revenue for the government of Tralus."

The fur of an elder Selonian bristled slightly as the large, ferret-like alien leaned forward. "The benefitssss of your company'ssss expansion are clear," the undersecretary said, folding his paws down on the table. "Assss are the conditionsss you've yet to agree to."

Pacing quietly, the young Anzat smiled, a murmur of amusement escaping as he turned to look over at the large, furry creature. "You expand a business to make credits, Mister Trask, not to lose them." The offer on the table for the purchase and development of a manufacturing facility on Tralus had been countered by a series of levies, stamps, inspections, and labor codes so complex that a protocol droid couldn't have understood them. Which was probably why industrial zone property on Tralus was so much more inexpensive than its sister planet. Who'd want to start or expand a business there?

As though on cue, a silver plated administrative droid stepped inside of the board room. Bending stiffly at the waist, the boy cocked his head to one side as the droid whispered something to him.

With a nod, the youth dismissed the droid and turned back to the aliens gathered around the table. "Forgive me, my next appointment is due to arrive," the Anzat noted, signaling an end to their negotiations. At least, for the time being. "Consider the offer, gentlemen," Sor-Jan added, reinforcing the idea that it was merely that. An offer. Which had net, as of yet, been accepted by either side. "...but don't take too long."

At the implied warning, Trask turned around. Catching the larger Selonian's eye, the boy merely said, "Talus has made a tempting offer in tax deferments." And property costs that were a class IV felony, but that didn't need to be said. "I just prefer Tralus."

Emerging from out of the board room, the boy passed the same attendant droid, who was holding out a green cloak for him. Taking the garment in stride, the teen threw it on as he stepped out onto the company landing pad. They'd developed a prototype Coalition comlink, so he'd invited the Heavenshields and Master Ike to see the piece and tour the R&D facility there on Drall.

He'd told the Heavenshield masters that they could bring Theo and Nina if they liked. There were always hologames in development hell that could use the assistance of play testers.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu stood there in the new model kimono outfits they had made. The protective weave underneath and patterned silk that gave it a wonderful design and the built in environmental shield made it ideal for traveling and wearing around the galaxy as she stood a little taller in the boots they had made. It might not be much but getting an extra inch over yourself.... it was an amazing feeling while she had on her belt the special bottles of flavored mead potions the hostess division they had made. Went with the jerky she had while offering it to some of the people and getting good feedback. They had been working to make supplies for a massive army stroat had commissioned and Corellian Digital had been helping with the construction of their other expansion before she shewed some of the meaty.
Coci was looking forward to see the new communication system Sor-Jan had developed for the SSC, it was much needed and would help to centralise the operations of the Sanctum. Naturally there needed to be security measure set in place to protect communications which she had informed him. And having a look around his new facilities would be interesting. He had changed, developed into an astute business man for one his age which was to be admired. Coci was also aware of his age, that is his age in the galaxy, he had been around longer than most even her but still there was a child still dwelling in that young body.

Although his path has changed, a path that all force users much embark on from time to time, he was still very much a friend of the Sanctum. "Could you inform Mister Xantha that I have arrived please", she asked of one of the office staff. Matsu had come on the trip as well, and off doing what she does best in gathering research for a new line of products. Coci smiled at this, so different is she yet the same in a lot of ways. Unfortunately Theo nor Nina would join her this day, Theo is away studying with the Jedi Order and Nina remained on Voss.
[member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
"Master Heavenshield!"

Crossing the lobby of the corporate headquarters, the boy approached and bowed deeply with respect toward the Corellian woman. It was doubtless mixed emotions to be home. So familiar. So different. And so under the thumb of the Sith.

The threat of the Sith was a shroud upon everything that the boy was trying to do with Corellia's economic situation. Particularly in the R&D sector. But, he was hopeful that his new allies in the Techno Union might able to alleviate those challenges. As a Jedi, it was forbidden for the boy to negotiate with the Sith. However, the Techno Union was officially neutral, and not Jedi. Some leeway in the interpretations.

Walking a fine line? Perhaps. But rare was the Jedi in a green cloak who never strayed into the grey.

Righting himself, the boy turned and bowed again, this time toward the shorter of the two women. "Master Ike," the teen supplied in greeting, before straightening himself back up. Motioning with both hands, he seemed to indicate the place around them as he offered, "Welcome to Meccha."

Ushering them in, the boy led the two toward the cliff side of the building, with a view and terrace that looked down onto Drall's Boiling Sea. "We've just finished work on a prototype," the boy remarked, supplying the reason for the invitation. The commissioning of a Coalition communications device had been an undertaking that had involved two other companies, not the least of which was Sasori. Crossing his arms, the boy tucked his hands into the sleeves of his robe as he boasted, "And I'm excited to allow you both the opportunity to examine our work."

Of course, where were his manners? These were guests.

"It's a long way from Voss. Can I get you anything?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Matsu looked at the two there and bowed her head in respect while she moved forward taking a small piece and eating it quietly. She was interested in seeing what sort of prototype they had helped... At least she was guessing this was what he had worked on with the shipments and supplies given from Sasori. She had a couple of thoughts on some of the things while she took another bite. "If you have some tea." She spoke softly but offered a wider smile while she was letting her senses expand outwards while letting a few of the things go over. "These communicators could come in handy, the clones Stroat commissioned will need comlinks to go with the armors we are working on.."
"Sor-Jan it is nice to see you again", there would be an element of concern in her voice for a boy that once stood in the corridors of the Sanctum. Her black eyes would give away her worry as they fell over him to see if he was in fact doing well. Coci does not trust the Techno Union having 'dealings' with their leadership in the past and intel had informed her some of the members are less than desirable. To put it kindly.

She turned toward Matsu and smiled with a bow of her head, "Matsu my dear good you are here, I could do with your technical knowledge to assist", although Corellian, Coci is not that tech savvy, but is clever with knowing what is needed just not how they work. "As for refreshments, I could do with some tea as well", more to be social and keep Matsu company.

"You are doing well aren't you Sor-Jan?", she asked, unable to stifle her mothering instincts. "Matsu has voiced my thoughts as well, we have need of communications for troops and for the Rangers as we discussed previously, the Jedi however need to have separate communication systems but have to ability to be compatible with the those of the troops".

She walked along side both of them, allowing Sor-Jan to leading them. "Mother" kicked in once more, "While I am here young man, if there is anything you need or that I can do, don't hesitate to ask". If he needed to talk, about anything she would always give him all the time he needed. There is a sense of confusion surrounding him and this worried her.
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]
Tea for two.

He could be polite and make it three, except he hadn't been eating much lately. He'd been hungry... but anything he put in his mouth seemed to almost turn to ash on his tongue. Turning, the boy held up two fingers for the attendant droid to see, as he spoke and said, "The rek, please."

Master Ike's mention of the Silver Sanctum's clone army drew a momentary look -- almost a glare -- from the boy. He tried to recover quickly, putting on his best salesman approach as he changed the subject slightly. "My master always preferred grub-tea," the boy mused aloud, smiling faintly as he thought of the old snake. Glancing back at the two women, he said, "I found it too bitter myself."


Did either of these women read history?

It was on that note that the boy laughed the same moment that Coci had addressed him as 'young man.' Holding one hand to his face, the boy tried to play it off as though it had been a yawn, then made a fist, held it to his face as he tried to get the smirk under control, and let out a breath before he spoke again. "Well, Old Master..."

A talk with Coci sounded like an enjoyable undertaking. Except, where would he begin? His murderous, pubescent urges? Her clone army?

"...let's start with why you're both here," the boy supplied finally, as the protocol droid returned to the room, wheeling in a cart that contained tea for two and a wrist link which seemed a decent sized datapad. "Trade with the Techno Union has some benefits," Sor-Jan began, taking the tray from the droid and talking as he poured the tea for the two woman. Handing the first cup out toward Matsu, the boy noted, "Tea from Theed's royal plantations."

Now, on to the main course. "Allow me to present to you, the prototype ex-jay-nine," the boy said, lifting up the model and extending it out for either woman to inspect, visually or take it if they wanted. "Multi-spectral antennae, capable of operating in multiple channels across a range of frequencies," the boy supplied, in answer to Coci's reminder. "They can be biometrically tagged to operate only to their assigned user, and access to specific channels and frequencies controlled, isolated, restricted... all at the touch of a button."

Not a bad bit of business. Of course, security was also another piece. "We've drafted specifications for the crytologic encryption keys, but I imagine you would want the Antarian Rangers to create that final piece."

He imagined neither needed an explanation, but for the sake of the demonstration and conversation, he remarked, "Our manufacturing facilities are too close to the Sith," Wasn't that the truth? Sor-Jan wasn't certain if Corellia's current situation was inconvenient, unfortunate, or just a disaster. "And we wouldn't want a stolen shipment to compromise the data security."

No. This device would be as secure as he could make it. The encryption protocols set by the Coalition. Access limited by the Coalition, to the Coalition, and the codes for the encryption keys able to be altered -- so any stolen or last communicators would become obsolete with a data refresh.

"This way, the Coalition will control its own security. No one here at Corellia Digital will know the codes to access your secure feeds."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Listening to the two of them as she thought bout it... well if the one goal panned out there would likely be something in the future for secure jedi communications. She had been experimenting with lambent and some some of the biotechnology but needed to conduct further research. As it was going for herself though there were some great things coming through in future she hoped. "It is good to see as well and I am not certain of this as well, from some old business dealings and history the Techno Union use to just take assets when they were the CIS." She had the benefit of being old and that could go a long way at times for learning about some of the things governments within the galaxy did... helped that she had one of the people who had worked with them in the beginning that now had been absorbed into Sasori and provide them some insight. "The device is nice looking and should be nice to see with some of the things we have like the armors for the ranger's."
"This is precisely what we require Sor-Jan. It is normal procedure to have codes limited to a trusted few and I am pleased to here that SSC security has been considered", simply put there would be no deal had it been otherwise as the safety of all members of the Silver Sanctum paramount.

She looked over the communication device handed to her, it is neat and compact and with the requirement they had discussed. "Thank you Sor-Jan I do look forward to see the final product". The tea had arrived and Coci moved to the tray to pour for Matsu and herself.

"What else have you to show us?", she asked before taking a sip of her tea and bringing the cup back to the table.
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]
It seemed that both of the woman were pleased with the result.

"I'm pleased it meets with your satisfaction," the boy noted simply. A satisfied customer was a paying customer. And, with luck, a return customer as well.

Setting aside the comlink, the boy instead produced a palm-sized holo-imager, which he used to project the three-dimensional detail of an expansive complex. "We're in negotiations with the governments of Talus and Tralus for a new manufacturing facility," the boy noted, as he brought up the image. It was the plans for the building he'd been meeting with the Tralus' Chamber of Commerce about.

"If we're successful, it'll expand our production capacity so that we can deliver the XJ9 to you ahead of schedule."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

Matsu looked at him and raised an eyebrow with a grin coming to her face. "We have other ways to manufacture as well. Sasori has spent a fair amount of time working with molecular conversion technology we found on karra. We have been able to cut down heavy production costs and facilities for a number of things and can produce right out of the hanger on the ships" It also made food and in some cases clothing for work on the holosuites to give a more historical accuracy to them. She had found a great interest thanks to taiden for energy conversion and manipulation of base materials into something far superior and more complex until they had a nice addition to ships and temples.

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