Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Commandments

Factory Judge
Everything changed within her. Any doubt she had, any feeling of weakness was suddenly gone. Completely erased from her as she stood up. Defiant of what was going on around her. She saw what had happened. She had felt pain and knew where she was headed. I closed my eyes and held them shut as she spoke that I was her Master.

Standing up with her, I found that her determination turned into defiance, and then anger and almost hate. Even outright speaking that she wanted to kill him. Shaking my head, I placed a hand upon her head.

"No. I can feel you. The desire to leave this man in shambles is what you want."

I knew exactly what she could do. How she would be able to get what she wanted and leave with me. Allowing me to take her and continue from where she had been stolen from me.

"Gather your things. But leave him. Leave him so that he knows he no longer has control. Leave him so that he failed to do the one thing he set to do against you."

Not only that, but I was not keen on getting into a full on fight in the middle of the city. Nor have it be dragged out into the streets. For once, I opted to be like my better half standing before me, and use stealth and tactical advantage to my whims.

"Val, get what you need. Only what is necessary. The rest, or anything he gave you, leave behind."

Letting my hand trail down from her head to the strap of her dress, as much as she did pull it off, I knew not of what he did with the fabric to inhibit her.

"Even this. It could be affecting you."

I didn't really have to hide this time, but a claw came from my finger, slicing through the one strap. As though it was one little act of defiance against this man. To rip the dress he gave her.

"Do you wish for me to come with you, or will it be easier on your own?"

Faegard Faegard
My entire core was seething.

This was the power of the Sith. This was the one thing I'd been missing in my journey to learn their ways. That primal, visceral emotion that would power their use of the force. All at once everything seemed to fall into place. Never had it been so clear to me. I had my memories back, I was whole again. The Sith in the other casino, Nicholas, no longer had claim to me. But as I felt my claws pushing against my skin, the transformation nudging at me from within, Darren placed his hand on the top of my head. Like finding a mooring in a storm, I felt grounded, at least a little. He spoke, and his words seemed to calm the inner beast.

He was right, and I nodded.

To kill; to destroy and rend flesh from bone, that wasn't my way. That was Nicholas's way. With a shudder I remembered the moment I'd returned to him; the visceral remains of the sithspawn strewn about me. It had nagged at the back of mind then, but the thought was loud and clear now; it had looked like another sithspawn had destroyed them, someone - or something - with absolutely no restraint.

My breath came out in a long, even sigh through my teeth and I closed my eyes, nodding. He was right.

His next words gave me direction, a path to channel into my rage and betrayal. I nodded as Darren mentioned leaving everything behind. Oh yes, I planned to. I didn't want anything on me that still had his scent.

Darren's hand trailed from the top of my head to my shoulder, his claw coming out to pluck one of the straps. Something strange happened in that moment. On the one hand, I felt a sense of liberation; feeling as though some chain or restraint had been broken. On the other... I felt a shiver race through my spine, one that I had not felt around Darren before. No... that was a lie, I had, but never this strong. Regardless, I shelved that for the moment and instead raised my eyes to meet his.

"Wait for me here. I need to do this on my own."

Without entirely realizing what I was doing, I placed my hand over the one he had on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Master."

We both knew this was likely the only time he'd ever hear me call him by that title. But... that was what made it all the more powerful. He never made me use it, so when I did, he knew that I meant it. Darren was my true Master, and we'd both known it from the start. Finally, as I took a step back and prepared to leave, I was ready to acknowledge that.

"I'll be back soon. Wait for me here."

Turning from him, I waved a hand as I wrapped myself back up in the force, disappearing from view. For one, I didn't want Nicholas to catch me snooping about where I wasn't meant to be. For another... what I planned to do? I didn't really want to be seen.

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Factory Judge
She needed to do this on her own. I completely understood. Firstly, this was her... trial. Test of her strength. She wanted to do this. Almost as though it was hers to control now. Who would I be, to stand in her way? Also, I had the smallest of inklings that she didn't want me to see what was there. Almost as though it were a shame upon her. A shame for being controlled. She was young, and with a spirit born of the fires that seemed to only burn hotter. She Burned with a fury that I have not felt in years. One that I found... desirable. If this heat she could bring, and use it with all she has, then the potential to see her as not just a powerful user of the force, but a woman who could take the galaxy by storm if she tried.

Thanking me for releasing her, thanking me for what I had done for her, All I did was bow my head. Letting her know that I accepted it. In truth, I was releasing her from her bonds, and also... I would never admit it. I wanted her. I had grown fond of her company quite well with the time we had together. Calling me her Master. In truth, she hated that word. Using it was like spitting up bile. Disgusting to her. Yet she spoke it anyways. Because she meant it. It was not just to gain an advantage, but to let me know, she made her choice, and was not going back.

Wait for her here. Once more nodding my head to her, I did as she asked. Watching as she backed up from me, and then with the smallest hints of the force, watched as she vanished from sight. I chuckled out loud and spoke. Maybe she could hear me, if she didn't it would not matter.

"Damn you are getting good at that."

I knew she had powers that aided the more stealthy approach, but being able to turn invisible so easily, and knowing she could phase through objects with no problems, was a feat. Hell, I had not performed any feats such as that. While I could teleport, it was one I had harnessed over years of usage. She was a natural at this.

I turned around for a moment. Almost as though it would allow me to collect my own thoughts from her. Giving myself space. Just thinking. This Master of hers, I knew not his name, nor where he was from. All I could tell, was that he knew Alchemy of some form. What it was, and how much was unknown as well. I am sure one day I may have to come face to face with this individual, but for now, letting Valrayne ghost this man, was best for her. She wasn't ready to do what I was able to. She was feral and untapped. Natural, but untapped. If I let her loose, she could lose herself.

I wouldn't let that happen. Hell, maybe I will never see this man. Leaving his thread of fate into her hands. Allowing her to make the decision on what she could do with him. However, no matter what choice she made, I would support it. Not only because Dark Jedi are rare in the galaxy, but having someone such as Val as an ally, was not just advantageous for me, but for her. She may not see it now, but... I needed her. I had many needs for her. Ones that I hoped she would fulfill. All of my other apprentices have been long dead. While my Nephew, Niece, and Daughter were all on their own now, they chose to take a step back from the galactic spotlight. Living their life as normal people. Not tools of war.

But for me, a man bred for such tasks, I couldn't. Living alone, on a "normal" life was... dangerous for me. Idle hands killed me. I had to do something with them. Whatever I could with them. Whatever I knew to do best. Kill. However, that meant working with the Sith Empire. The price to pay to not be "bored" or "retired." Maybe one day I could rest. However, I had no plans too.

Looking up to the sky as it was starting to darken even further, showing that it was becoming the darkest time before Dawn. Breathing in deeply, I waited for her.

As she asked of me.

Faegard Faegard
Invisible to the eye, I paused as Darren complimented my abilities.

I was, wasn't I? I hadn't even noticed the ease with which I could now use the force. I guess I had grown, some. I paused for a moment, tail flicking behind me, before I disappeared from the rooftop, leaving my Master to wait for my return. I promised myself not to keep him waiting too long as I made my way swiftly down the stairs. Already I had planned out exactly what I was going to do.

Before long I was back in the first casino. Hidden though I was, I remained alert for a sign of Nicholas. He wouldn't be able to see me, but he'd be able to sense my presence if I got too close. Thankfully, he must have still been tending whatever business he had here. No one tells you about travelling when you're invisible. You don't realize the subtle way people will adjust their course to stay out of your way until they don't see you anymore. It's uncanny how seemingly rude everyone suddenly becomes. It really makes it apparent just how much people passively noticed about you.

Thankfully, I made my way to where the speeder was parked.

I scowled to myself as I reached into it, my cheeks burning as I recalled having sat in the passenger seat, my hand resting on Nicholas's thigh, utterly oblivious to what he'd taken from me. But no, I had to take a deep breath; center myself, save the rage for later. Don't wreck the place, that's what he would do. So it was with a delicate hand that I reached into the speeder.

Where was it? My teeth clenched as I looked around, carefully checking the compartments and pockets. The panic was rising. Please no, please don't tell me it was back on that--


As I moved my arm, something clicked, and the seat I'd been sitting in lifted, revealing a small compartment. Curious, I opened it all the way. There, stuffed inside, was a beautiful jacket, and resting on top of it, was my necklace. With a sigh of relief, I grabbed them, placing the necklace back around my neck and resting the jacket on the top of the speeder.

Halfway done.

Next, I slid the dress I wore off my shoulders. The cut strap already hung loose and the other one slid down my bare shoulder. I shimmied out of the garment and took a step out of it, leaving it crumpled on the ground for a moment. Unstrapping the heels one at a time, I hen placed those together, folded the dress, and left it all neatly upon the seat inside the speeder. Finally, I grabbed the broken collar I'd been holding and laid it on top.

Then, now fully naked apart from A'Baal's shard, and still wrapped up in the force, I turned from the speeder and made my way back to where Darren was hopefully still waiting for me.

It was cool on the roof. While the dress had provided little protection from the wind, I still felt significantly colder when I arrived back up there. Or... perhaps it wasn't the cold, just the vulnerability. Moving through the casino had been an utterly strange experience. On the one hand, I kept feeling like everyone should be staring at me, but in reality, I was utterly ignored.

However, finally, once I was sure Darren remained alone on the roof, I approached, dropping the force cloak and standing before him. Under my arm was the jacket and around my neck was the shard. Beyond that, I had literally nothing, standing with my tail swishing a little nervously and my ears swiveled towards him.

"It's done." I said, lifting my chin slightly.

Although Darren and I had spent some time together, he'd never seen me like this before. I clenched my jaw, praying he couldn't see the blush in my cheeks.

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Factory Judge
Sighing a little bit, I moved to face the direction in which she left. Taking a couple steps to move over to one of the top vents. Half sitting and half leaning upon it while I waited. Thrusting my hands into pockets of my pants. Thumbs sticking out and tapping to some unknown tune. Closing my eyes, I reached out with the force in an attempt to find Val. She was very close. I knew she was headed back here.

Sitting, and waiting for her, I could smell her first. Senses keen on her presence. She slowly began to shift into the visible light in front of me. While the darkness of the roof shrouded much, what little light was there slowly began to reflect off her skinly tones. Revealing... quite literally nothing upon her. Holding a jacket in one hand, in fact the one I had gotten for her, and a necklace upon her chest. One that I seemed to find quite barren of any clothing.

With a proud chin into the air, she proclaimed that the deed was done. Standing up from my position, I pressed a hand onto her shoulder once more.

"Then we will be off if there is nothing else you want to do."

Drawing closer to her, I did notice something else. I could feel an urge from her. She had a desire to do something. A rather potent desire. I was unsure of what this was motivated from, but paying closer attention to her face, I could see that she seemed flustered. Every thought wanted me to rationalize that it was the cold, and her racing back and forth from where she came from. However, the other part of me....

"You... you want to do something else don't you? Its not anger driven..."

Tilting my head at her, inquiring why I could feel this desire from her. What she almost craved. Breathing in deeply, I let my hand slide down from her shoulder to her upper arm. Gently keeping a hold, my other hand instinctively doing the same with the other arm. Leaning down closer to her as she looked up to me. I tried my absolute best to not let my eyes wander over her barren form. To say that she was "gifted" would have been an understatement. it was the main reason for why I did voice how she looked good in the dress. Was I... No. Not right now.

"I know you just got all of this and your head must be swimming, but I want you to tell me what it is you... desire."

Faegard Faegard
Suddenly, it felt as though keeping my breaths even and natural seemed a lot more difficult.

There was Darren, the monster-Echani, the Sith Master heavily corrupted by the dark side, casually leaning against one of the vents on the roof, waiting for me. He approached, standing before me and placing a hand on my shoulder. I stifled a tiny gasp, feeling an utterly new sensation in his presence; well, new for us. I'd always thought Darren was good looking, and never would I admit that to him, but, standing here, like this, I realized that I wanted him, and I wanted him to desire me in the same way.

And yet... he was so casual about it.

It was as if he was utterly oblivious to the way the hand on my shoulder suddenly sent a shiver racing down my spine; not from the cold but... from something else. He spoke, stating that we could leave now that all was done. But... I didn't want to, not just yet. I wanted more, I wanted him to see me, to see react to me, dammit, curse the man but I wanted him to desire me!

My cheeks burned, my tail swishing slightly with excitement. Darren seemed to notice my demeanor, and asked as such as he drew nearer, his attention more keenly fixed upon me.

Immediately, I began to regret the empowering gesture. Gods, was he thick? He seemed so completely oblivious. Maybe he was... maybe whatever force corruption gave him his powers had taken his drive in exchange. Maybe he didn't like girls, maybe... he just didn't like me. He could sense the desire, calling it out so blatantly.

I swallowed, but didn't answer straight away. His other hand moved to my other arm, until he had me directly in front of him, gazing at me earnestly.

Time to make a decision.

We would soon leave this place, probably go back to Darren's ship and get off Nar Shaddaa. Maybe it would have been better for us if I reigned my desire in, kept myself in check, buried everything an told him it was just a good meal or something else. But... gods, I couldn't do it. I knew if I did that, I'd regret it forever. Besides, a tiny smirk curled at the corners of my lips. One final thing to take back from Nicholas, one final thing he'd taken, that was now mine to give to whomever I wished.

"Darren... Master..."
I began, searching for the confidence to tell him what was right in front of his face, "I want... you."

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Factory Judge
Every sway of her tail, her ears moving back and forth showing so much conflict in her mind. Her voice, her tone, it was all spoken in seriousness. She stood there. Looking to me. Calling me out by name, and addressing me as her Master... hesitation. She was opening up to me in a way I would have never thought of.

She wanted me.

And everything kind of just... clicked. Falling into place and fitting in the perfect spots. She not only was physically exposed, but... emotionally. She wanted not the bond, she wanted not the separation, but... the closeness of it. Her deepened hues when speaking of her appearance, how she so willing was standing in front of me with literally nothing. Even holding the jacket to show she didn't care.

My hands released her, slowly moving to slide behind her back. Pulling her closer into me. Feeling her body heat through my clothes. Could I ever do this again? Would I ever be able to... permit actions such as these with another person? How could I be able to feel the same emotions as she could? A monster, a Warrior, a broken soul. Yet could still see this...

Speaking without finishing the thought, I knew the words true.

"And you shall have me O'desire mine."

Faegard Faegard

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