Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cat's Away (Coruscant undercity raid - OPEN)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Word on the street is, the One Sith and the Republic have each other's attention at Kashyyyk and in the Deep Core, gearing up for invasion or already at loggerheads. Word on the street is, there's fighting underway, and the big names are out of town. Word on the street is, join the mob of swoops that's forming in Level 1313 airspace, and there might be a chance to get something done. Tonight the mice will play.

Coruscant, Level 1313 -- think the toughest part of Nar Shaddaa and subtract natural light. Most of 1313 is a jumble of multilayered fringe civilization, built in and around the foundations of buildings that get rich and shiny a kilometre straight up. Second only to Metellos and Hypori for class resentment.

The target that went out about an hour ago, through existing Underground channels and networks of smugglers and street racers and swoop toughs, was pretty closely intertwined with that resentment. Level 1313 was, and always has been, fairly lawless -- too complex and too immense to police effectively, even with bright, shiny, uptown, military-grade airspeeders.

Airspeeders like the ones that operated out of Security Hanger 62F, Level 1313, Coruscant Undercity.

The plan was fairly simple: Drop Conner nets on the hangar entryway with quick flybys. Bust into the attached station and plant incendiaries. Get out within the seven and a half minutes (on average) it'd take for other 1313 security forces to respond to 62F. Split up and lose them in the undercity; draw them into ambushes if practical and necessary.

She repeated the plan like a mantra as 1313 whipped past her and her swoop bike. She was going way, way too fast.

"This is Flexy -- all hands check in."

A chorus of callsigns began filtering through the comms from other swoops and speeders. Some of them were members of the Underground; others had a bone to pick with the security forces that now answered to the One Sith; others just didn't care for cops or order in general. Word had gone out very recently, but there were probably a couple of spies and/or traitors in the crew, and that was just the nature of the op. What mattered was that the Conner nets were already starting to drop, a couple minutes ahead of the disseminated schedule.


OOC/ This thread takes place at roughly the same time as one or two of the invasions. Please don't join if your characters would realistically be elsewhere.

And if you do join on either side, please adhere strictly to Wheaton's Law: don't be a dick.

Also, I'm told that [member="Smeg"] and [member="Trenchcoat Man"] might be interested.
[member="Alec Rekali"]

Nagate had tagged along, being that he was always up for mischief against the Sith. He'd just joined the Rebellion and was hoping to make a name to get in good with command. He was on a swoop bike, toting a Connor net, like the rest of the 'team'. His mask was on, hiding his identity, though, not a soul knew him anyways.

He was making passes nearby the targeted hanger, getting ready for the signal to attack. In a bag on his back were a few in industry charges, those would be used for destroying the hangar once they'd got it.

"Nagate check."
Riding side-car so to speak, Ijaat sat swathed in oily old rags. It was a bundle turned into a robe that he had developed to swath his armor, to both muffle the sound and hide the gleam and glint of the durasteel peeking out from under the drab olive green and red. His helmet was doffed and in a satchel at his hip. Over all with the hood of the rags pulled up, no one would ping him for a Mandalorian. Much less a Protector. How this set with the rules he wasn't quite sure, but best to act as if it conflicted in every way and fashion.

He glanced at [member="Alec Rekali"] almost nervously, fingers running along the hilt of his beskad. He was surplus muscle on this mission and he knew it. No pilot was he, and no master sneak. When they busted into the station, he'd be in his element. And hopefully get a chance to kill someone, anyone that answered to the Sith, no matter their broader name. Stretching his hands, he smiled as he felt the purr and thrum of the micro-servos in his cruhgauntlets. Well equipped for war, he wasn't quite sure how well he would fit in with the Underground.

But he was tired of watching the One Sith trample the galaxy. There was a time to strike, and he felt it now. And this seemed more a pertinent way than squabbling over meaningless territories.


The One Horned Demon
Cain was wearing his midnight black robes with it's hood variation. He had his horn sticking out of a hole in the hood. He was sitting on a speeder, making his way towards the target. His equipment consisted of a conner net and a dozen incendiary charges. He had heard wind of a rebellion from an undercity contact he met when he was a wanted man. As soon as he had heard what was happening he stopped what he was doing immediately and flew to Coruscant. He got into contact with the person who had planned the assault, and learned the details of the attack. Final something is going to happen to the One Sith. He pushed a single button on his communicator to allow him to speak.

"Copy that Flexy, this Demon. I'm about a half of a kilometer away from the target and I'm approaching it fast."

[member="Alec Rekali"]
"Flexy, this is Nova - right on time." She waited until the swoop bike went flying past her and in turn she hauled tail out of the darkened alley and joined the fray. Her gloved hands pulled back on the throttled and adjusted the gears with a slight tap of her right foot. She assumed a loose triangle formation on the left-rear of [member="Alec Rekali"].
"Wh-Who are you?"


Trechtus wiped the blood off of his trash can lid, stepping over the small time drug peddler's unconscious form. He had wanted to say something cool. Something like "I'm 1313's reckoning" or "Lieutenant Trash Can Lid" or "Batman." But he drew a blank. Then in that moment of hesitation he had blurted out a nothing answer. Great. Now he was UH. The mysterious, masked avenger who simultaneously fed off negative feelings and struck back against those who dealt in injustice. The police were the worst perpetrators, hauling off dozens of homeless or unemployed for shipment off world. Colonization projects, they say, but Trechtus (despite rolling around in the sad feelings and despair like a pig in filth) saw nothing but wrong-doing. He had rescued some people, but he could never save them all.

But he had to try.

He proceeded to his mission objective, as given to him by [member="Alec Rekali"]. Justice would be served this day. And it would be served on a lid. Of a trash can. By Lieutenant Trash Can Lid. Justice. On the lid. Of a trash can. To the face.


Word on the street passed quickly. Mala sat on a dumpster lip on half open next to her, chewing on someones left over nerf steak and watching the bizarre world fly by her. She paused, picked a piece of fluff from the steak and shoved the rest in her mouth. The buzz was contagious, made her quiver with excitment, ears pricking up as she noted a change in attitude.

An exchange of weapons, a touch less hostility. The urchins of 1313 were uniting. Mala dropped into the dumpster, rummaging through to her safe box. Opening it, she collected a small dagger, which she held in her teeth while she buried the box once more. A bag split as she did, spilling what appeared to be yesterday's food and half buring her.

She squealed in delight as another nerf steak appeared. Slipping the dagger into her belt, she shoved the steak into her mouth and climbed out. Mouth full, she took off heading for the hangar bay. She picked a roosting spot just out of sight, sat up high on a half rotten awning she spat out the steak and began picking at and [opping small morsels in her mouth.

Nothing better to do while waiting for the show to start.

"Mala's ready. Yesyesyes."

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Nagate Hei"]
So there I was, minding my own business, sucking the brains out of some sodded old wretch who'd stared a little too long at the passing urchins, when out from the alley-gloom who did I spy with my devilishly attractive eyes but my old, turncoat of a friend. [member="Trechtus"]. Carrying a trash can lid, no less.

I licked my lips and let the corpse down gently. Trechtus and I didn't exactly see eye-to-eye on my, er, methods. I honestly didn't understand what the big hullabaloo was about. He rid the streets of filth by bashing people's heads in with a trash can lid, I did the same by following bad people until they were in a place of extreme vulnerability and then mesmerizing them and sucking the snot of out of their sorry heads. Quite literally, you know.

Nobody suspected a Priest of Dim-U, clad in old grey robes and wearing a big amulet made to look like the horns of a buffalo. I moved away from the body, hoping the murk of 1313 hid it, and announced myself to Trechtus, lest he set upon me with the lid.

"Hullo there, old chap. Still fighting the good fight, what?"

Perhaps he had some poor souls I could... proselytize. I do so ever love proselytizing.

[member="Smeg"] [member="Trenchcoat Man"]


Location: Security Hangar 62F

Unit 843 patrolled the perimeter of the hangar, along with a dozen other marginally less out-of-date security droids. If someone had chanced to pop by and ask the spindly fellow how he felt he might say 'deliriously happy.' He loved his job.

"I love my job," Unit 843 said to Force knows who in a synthesized, emotionless monotone.

The much larger lead droid swiveled its head around. Glowing photoreceptors stared Unit 843 down.


Unit 843 quailed as much as a B1 battle droid could quail. He resumed marching in silence, processors whirring, always a paradox away from overheating due to the stupid amount of data some tech over at Hegemonic Automaton had crammed into his processing unit. Anomalies would spring up every so often, mostly harmless things like repeated assertions of job satisfaction, or referring to himself as 'Sundance,' instead of Unit 843.

Clank, clank went the clankers, round and round in patrol, rigidly adhering to the set path of the perimeter, right until the sound of blaster fire drew their attention.

The lead droid held up a fist. "Halt. Enemy detected. Proximity alarms triggered. Processing."

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Nagate Hei"]
The 1313

The apartment complex had a secret name. Back when when the 1313 was Coruscant’s premier tier, it was known as the Sunreach Suites. It didn’t quite achieve its solar aspirations, but it’s Icarusian statement of intent did its job to inspire, and the young, upwardly mobile queued up to be one of its paying residents and a member of the burgeoning community. These days, however, it doesn’t really have a name, the sign long deteriorated and repurposed as housing material by those who couldn’t cover the Slumlord’s toll, and the doors were shielded in steel bars, transforming neighbors into something more akin to fellow inmates.

The Trenchcoat Man rapped gently upon the bars. Before long, it was answered by a woman with long grey hair.


“Let me get my cigarettes,” she said, letting him into her apartment and disappearing into the back.

You wouldn’t know it to look at her, but Diana used to be a right firebrand in her day. Hardline feminist politics, Society of Cutting-Up Men, the whole bit, and, of course, that stone butch haircut the most offensive shade of syphilis-piss green you’ve ever karking seen. She was too old to be a Spunk, mind, but she kept us rotten little bastards about to preach at, to impress upon. To see her fight translate, mutate, ruddy well explode in the escape velocity of a new generation. She kept us proper genderless, freelove, let us shag in her apartment, the lot of it…Until Wicked Toby tracked in the HIV, and the Athlete’s Foot, and the five buzzkilling months of watching him slowly being eaten alive by yellow mold.

He pushed back a veil of hanging beads, let them clap upon each other with the false expectation that the rest of her house would be in anyway decorated to exhibit further idiosyncracy.

She fancied herself a journalist, she did, and she was going to write the story that blew the whole lid off this patriarchal shakedown and make the galaxy wake the kark up to the evolutionary wrong turn we’d taken, etcetera, etcetera, et-bloody-cetera.

It wasn’t.

Once upon a time, we were all cheeky teenagers who would live forever to save the galaxy, but then we all got hooked on junk and died.

It was more or less the way it was the last time he’d been here. Dust on the holovision, yet bedding material on a tired blue sofa. He ran his fingers along its crisp edges, tracing a path to the shelves where pictures resided. Family. A baby. Exgirlfriends. A frozen testimony that Diana had, indeed, seen better days. A little pink squishy thing for the teething sat before them all.

Diana got it the hardest. We always figured it was because she felt Coruscant the most, waded in its dreadful shallows, mourned every casual death, all to proper saturate herself in it to tell that cathartic story that would not only reach people, but shake them in a way they couldn’t just forget during another two season binge of The Marzullo Clan. Then again, maybe she just always wanted an excuse to put the sodding fing off until tomorrow, like.

Benedict looked up to find Diana, now robed, standing in her bedroom. She had been watching him.

We’re never quite who we hoped we’d be, and it’s always our own karking fault, ennit?

“You feeling sorry for me, boy?,” she asked, seemingly passive to the notion that it might evoke a response.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, luv.” Benedict half-smiled, playing on the bittersweet.

Her hair was the first bit to go, then her politics. Her teeth. The apartment. Her sexual preference. Trading trixes for fixes, till by the grace of statistics, some punter finally knocked her up.

The two lit up, ashing directly onto the floor, because, who really cares anymore.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure…”, she went to say his name, but stopped, remembering what happened last time, how it terrified her….”er…hm?”

“Was in the neighborhood, is all. Reckoned I'd pop-in, see how me old china’s fairing in this weary world, if you’ve got enough of your medicine, like…” He was about as subtle as a freight train, these days. “…Do you, dear heart?”

“Yeah? You don’t seem to stop by as much, now that we’re under new management,” She, of course, was referring to the conquering by the One Sith. She, of course, ignored his question. “Not that I can blame you. All the droids marching around, collecting the bums, shipping them off the mining colonies. Reads like vintage sci-fi.”

Swore it all off. Got her apartment back. Her hair. Said she was gonna do right by the kid, like. Make the cash to get out of here. Do it straight. No more shaking fings up. The kid was going to go to school. The kid was going to get a proper job, with organic hair, and, please, oh, please, oh, please make her life worth anyfing at all.

“Look, I heard you crying from your window. Kark’s sake, I’m sure the whole sodding block did, yeah?”

She sat silent for a moment, and Benedict swore he could hear the cigarette paper burn.

Please, just anyfing…I can’t karking do this anymore. I karking can’t. I tried, I tried to dress it up…His nibs King of the sodding Gutters, but there’s piss-all cool or true or glorious about any of this.

“I don’t like to take them. It makes me forget her.”

I can’t do it. They never stop crying. It just never stops, they never stop. It never ends. Please just karking kill me. Just karking kill me. Just kill me.

The silence closed in upon them again. He wasn’t good with this territory. It was too real, too delicate.

“Well, maybe that’s best, petal, right? Did you forget what happened last time?," he half-laughed, pathetically. "You don’t want me to have to pry you off the linoleum of some 1214 sleezejoint again, right?”

Diana would relapse, and before it was all over, she’d sell her three year old daughter to Cartel Slavers for just enough to get her through a weekend.

She wiped the tears forming at the corners of her eyes, laughing. Sort of. “I’m such a mess.”

These days, she’s traded one addiction for another. A kark-off ton of painkillers, slightly more legit, but no less illegal in this dosage. I help out where I can, despite her protest.

“Of course, you are, petal. You’ve your thumb on the pulse. You feel it all, like a raw nerve,” he tried his best not to sound patronizing. “You have to be sensitive, like. It’s what makes you such a bloody important writer. You have to do it, luv -- Tell the galaxy what's on down here, right yeah.”

She laughed again. Sort of. “Nobody reads any of it. I don’t know why I bother anymore.”

And there’s a part of me that knows that if she didn’t protest, if I couldn’t watch her suffering, I’d rag her every bloody day of her life until she finally topped herself.

“I know what you mean – Who wants to get down and dirty in the poodooe of real journalism when everyone would rather just skim a listicle of ropo memes asking for hamburgers?”

“I do.” A faint glimmer of the old Diana, winking through the haze.


And I really don’t know what kind of bloke that makes me.

Before departing, Benedict placed a pillbottle of painkillers on her coffee table, probably enough to get her through the next two months, provided she rationed them properly. He’d try to swing by before then, but there’s a war on, and it’s not as though the galaxy is never wont for suffering. Lighting the cigarette between his lips, he took a deep inhale, followed by a sigh of smoke, and descended deeper into the city.

And maybe she does finally write that article. And maybe it rouses some Rebellion, or Jedi fact-finder group, or Imperial mandatory rehabilitation program, sod-it-who-karking-cares. And they’ll shuffle the kids into orphanages, and conjure up some make-work for the mad and addicted, and maybe, just maybe, get the rats out of the barrows. They’ll publish reports of decreased crime rates, and increased employment, and everyfing’ll be hunky-dory for a couple months before the war’s back on and the money’s run-out.

…down, down, into 999, where a skraal attempted to stab him in the back, but was startled to find that, with Thick Rags, he never even drew his knife. Benedict kicked him in his mousy-balls, and continued lower.

And in the end, they’ll find it’s cheaper to build a whole new planet on top of the old one, and just bury its unresolved problems like some bloody childhood trauma.

Down, down, into where 468 gave into the weight of the city above and crashed down upon 467 and 466, killing countless of the invisible population, while the people on the top posted memes about the silly sorta-earthquake with ironic messages of “never forget”…

Because the truth is, mate, there just ain’t no saving Coruscant. Twilight of civilization, it is. The heat death at the end of the universe. This is the wall to all our accomplishments, as drafted by the Celestials. The only way out is to Evolve. But none of us are gonna see that next step, are we?. We can’t. So, get your tag on it somewhere. Sign it. Make it remember you. Tell everyone you were here while you ruddy well can.

…down, down to the ground, where the buried ocean glows an irradiated green, and people live on makeshift boats and in toppled houses, speaking in broken Basic about Le Cirque, De Bayou, and the Bogeyman. The guttermage stopped in on an orphanage, or something like it, and made moths of cigarette ash for the children with eyes loose in skin set upon socketless skulls, blind, and poisoned by pollution, but still, no less happy that somebody was finally playing with them…

And maybe the next lot of doomed tossers to have a go at this whole fing will find your name and marvel at how us savages could reach so high while still being so bloody dense. And they’d be right to. We are going to fail ourselves. We’re going to fail each other. And that’s karking it.

Because we don’t know how to have it any other way.

…down into the translucent yellow jaws of the giant tapeworm that stretched into the bowels of the planet, where city-planners had once dealt with success by going subterranean, before they realized just how finite a resource such as space really was….

Met an Aing-ti once. Said to me, in that clever way that they do, that I weren’t neither light nor dark, but Indigo.

…and there, in the belly of that leviathan that was buried so deep, yet still never quite hit bottom, Benedict stood at the end, alone, save for the ghosts that herded behind him, their ethereal eyes fixed in betrayal and contempt,

Buggered if I know what that means. Karked if I care.

… and cried until he vomited.
[SIZE=12pt]Buildings gleaming with the luminescence of unnatural lighting blurred past as Khione flew through the streets of Coruscant. The glare contrasted too sharply with the inky blackness for Khione to handle; each turn of her head was more blinding than the last. She’d joined the late-night breach in the hopes of proving that she was not simply the meek offshoot that she appeared to be. She needed a demonstration of her abilities, not only for her compatriots, but for herself as well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Nevertheless, the slight female was intimidated by the ease with which those around her operated their vehicles. She could barely maintain a straight line, let alone maneuver around the maze-like streets. It felt unnatural.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Pins of nervousness pierced her stomach, sending waves of nausea to assault her other senses. She couldn’t wait to land. In her days as a slave she’d never needed to know the finer workings of technology, and anytime she’d needed one after attaining her freedom, it had been her husband or fellow Jedi who’d commanded its mechanics. She’d do well to remember that the next time she sought to command something so easily destroyed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t see the small speeder as it appeared beside [member="Alec Rekali"]. The bright addition of its taillights to her lighted reverie shattered the concentration with which she’d been holding her unease at bay. Screaming in surprise, she wrenched the controls sharply to the left, narrowly avoiding the person unlucky enough to be flying next to her. After careening wildly for a few moments, she finally leveled off, a sigh of relief filling the tense air.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Still aching from the strength with which she had clenched them, her hands shook as they gripped the wheel.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="November Sinclair"] [member="Unit 843"][/SIZE]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Khione Gardner"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Unit 843"] [member="Mala"] [member="November Sinclair"] [member="Cain Laatl"]

Their voices had all the familiarity of a one-night stand the morning after. She didn't know their motives and the speed didn't give her time to care. Her swoop wove through densely packed skyscrapers, tenement housing thirty stories tall.

"Game on."

If possible, the swoop accelerated, until she was afraid to raise her head above the level of the curved windscreen. Security Hangar 62F appeared, first as a glimpse between buildings, then as a broad terraced expanse under her as she skidded into a circle. Her Conner net fell away, covering one of the larger hangar doors in a sparking crosshatch of metallic cables. Any security speeders trying to exit would run into a barrier capable of disabling small capital ships. Her speeder slewed to a halt in front of the door, and she glanced at the rag-clad Mando in her sidecar as she fitted her ostrine brass knuckles to her hand and slung the incendiary charge over her back.

"You're up."
Smiling, the man produced his helmet and fitted it over his head, the white jaig eyes gleaming as the silvered visor suddenly hid his face. With a fair amount of grace he jumped from the side car. Stopping a moment, he adjusted the rags to hide even the helmet, easy to do with it's lack of range finder, and smiled beneath his helmet. This time he even had a plan. It was hideously simple and silly, but it worked before.

With that brief smile, he went up and literally knocked on the door, The crushgaunts gave his simple knock a loud, commanding ring, and he waited. Sure enough, someone came to the door, a surly looking guard with a bit of pudge straining his uniform. There were several other in the entry way and possibly more. The guard moved to kick at Ijaat as he stood slumped and stooped. Which proved to be a very bad idea for him. Ijaat's response was to strike out with one hand and crush the mans neck like nothing was there, throwing him aside like a rag doll as a gleaming shotgun like gun rose from the back of his robes with a high pitched whine.

Indeed it seemed almost like he were shedding a cocoon as he whirled forward, rags falling off. The time for concealment was well past, something he didn't really think of too much before he knocked. Another guard was downed with a quick snap-draw and re-sheathing of his saber, the pommel ramming into the man's diaphragm and utterly robbing him of breath. As he disappeared into the room there was a hum and whine, then a concussive *whoomph* as Ijaat's voice came over the comm.

"Speartip to Flexy.. Hostiles neutralized in entry way... Mind the blood on the floor. Advancing to secure hallway and scout ahead."

[member="Alec Rekali"]
[member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Khione Gardner"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Unit 843"] @Mala @November Sinclair[member="Cain Laatl"] [member="Alec Rekali"]

Word on the street was the Sith, One or Two or Three or Empire or whatever their name was, were outta town. Least all the important ones anyways. And word on the street was someone was planning on punching their capital one in the gut while they were gone. And word on the street was Flint wasn't gonna miss it. He might have even convinced his crew([member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Kitt Solo"]) to help him out. If they didn't though that was fine. He'd take no offense. People were busy, or reluctant to do things that might have been considered dangerous. Flint was a bit worried himself to be honest, but he figured he could take care of it. Long as he could head for the stars before the big players got back into town.

Admittedly though, he was a little late. Security hanger 62F was in sight, as was the image of Conner Nets disabling the path. Flint smiled. That'd be a nasty surprise for somebody. Picking up the commlink he sent a message across the channel the Underground supplied him with. The one two Mandalorians would be using to help coordinate from. The one he'd already gotten a few messages from.

"Speartip, Flexy, this is Firefly heading to your position. You want a watch dog or a curious cat?"


The sound of combat, melee though it was, drew the droid patrol of about eight members toward the source of contention.

Seven TA1 battle droids and one skimpy B1 rounded the corner of the hall and filed toward a now open doorway. At the sight of bodies and blood, the TA1-392 sent out a signal to halt. Unit 843 complied, as per his programming, with only the monotone remark of,

"Uh oh."

The droids backpedaled into hangar 62F. TA1s would never be called avatars of war, but they couldn't be compared to the pushovers of their predecessors, like Unit 843, who was happy to be guarding the entrance.

The skeletal figure clutched an ordinary blaster rifle in two hands and merrily aimed it at the atrium.

[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Ijaat Akun"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Khione Gardner"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Unit 843"] [member="Mala"] [member="November Sinclair"] [member="Cain Laatl"]

[member="Flint Michigan"]'s voice carried through her earpiece just as eight droids clattered into sight, saw what Ijaat had wrought, and clattered out of sight back into the hangar proper. "Stay on overwatch, Firefly," she murmured, hoping he'd catch it; she couldn't talk too loud right now, lest the droids be capable of sonic tracking. Ostrine brass knuckles wouldn't do much against droids; she slipped them off and pulled her grandfather's Brotherguard doubletap heavy blaster pistol.

"Watch it, Speartip," she whispered to Akun. "I'm coming up behind you with the charge."
"Speartip... Engaging hostiles at 12 o'clock... Extermination protocol..."

Cracking his knuckles, Ijaat saw the droids, and trusting to his armor, charged forward at a barreling pace, firing with his sonic shotgun to disable or destroy any droids he could reach. As soon as he was in range though, the gun dropped and clipped ot his backplate and he began to swing and jab like a boxer with his crushgaunts. Never in his life was he so happy that he had decided to add Ionite to the things.

Fizz... Pop... Hssst

Shields on the droids, if they had any, died in a hit or two. Spinning, he grabbed heads, arms, and more and ripped limbs free with a grip strength that a wookie would envy. For a moment he became a shower of incadescence, blasters splatting off the armor plates as he threw dismembered droid parts at the remaining droids to distract and befuddle their programming. There were even a few times he spun, twisting in tight arcs, reaching behind him to wrench the shotgun on it's mag-clip and fire in close quarters, keeping his six cleared and the droids off him. For a shining moment of rage, he saw nothing, felt nothing, animal instinct kicked in.

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds...

It was what the Sith Lord had said before he... And that was the last conscious thought-scrap the mandalorian could remember as a killing fog settled over his mind. Fairly certain a couple of times he outright growled or screamed into the comm as a stray shot might graze him here or there. Seven against one were storybook odds, but Ijaat had faced worse and managed to come out on top.A faint flicker of hope crossed his mind. After all, he had back-up.

Khione Gardner | Nagate Hei | [member="Alec Rekali"]| Unit 843 | Mala | November Sinclair | Cain Laatl
Nagate swooped his bike into the hangar and secured the area while the Mandalorian and The Leader of the outfit went further in to set the explosives. It would be a while but he was certain he'd be alright. He was training to be a Jedi of sorts after all.

[member="Unit 843"]-A droid stood at the entrance to the hangar, a lone guard. Nagate saw him as he dismounted his bike and charged the droid. Vibroknife in one hand and blaster in the other, he moved quickly at the droid.

"Engaging droids." He called over the comm.

[member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Flint Michigan"]
With the speeder now under control, Khione was able to slowly bring it to rest behind the others. Drawing upon her many years of blending into the background, she slipped from her seat and melded into the shadows. She remained unseen throughout her silent trek around the hangar, so she watched as the rest of her party engaged the droids that had been hiding in the entryway.

Hand-to-hand combat had never been her strong suit. As a result, she often relied heavily on her more innate talents. If she could find an electrical socket, she would be able to help.

In vain she searched, until finally her eyes lit upon a single outlet near the mouth of the building. Inching past the melee, she simultaneously reached for the outlet and the Force. She breathed deeply and began to channel the electric power toward one of the remaining droids. Small arcs of lightning charged across the room, each seeking a home within the robot's circuitry.

[member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Unit 843"] [member="Mala"] [member="November Sinclair"] [member="Cain Laatl"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Flint Michigan"]


There were droids scattered all over the hangar, as it happened. Unit 843 was one of many.


The sound of crush gaunt knuckles smashing through armored carapace.

Well. One of six now.

Fzz-brrrk. Bwhop.

Make that five.


Electricity sparked apparently spontaneously from the mouth of a wall socket and electrocuted a nearby TA1. It swayed, arms twitching.

One of four?

[member="Ijaat Akun"]'s unimpeded rampage, in all its circuit-slashing glory, was short lived. TA1 battle droids were not the low quality walking scrap metal of their predecessors. The fact that they could run forty kilometers per hour probably attested to that fact. So did the J2 droid brain, which was currently informing the TA1s that their shots were proving ineffective against the armored Mandalorian.

So they adapted.

The remaining battle droids were scattered throughout the hangar, crouched behind large crates and out of melee range. All of the droids possessed BTI-CC13s. New blaster carbines for a new age. Ordinary in all aspects, save for the one droid who had been designated as the grenadier of the squad. Its had an underslung grenade launcher and it promptly used it on the Mando.


One thermal detonator whooshed out of the tube, none of this frag grenade nonsense. Shrapnel could kill, yes, but expanding particle fields capable of atomizing material killed oh so much better. The blast radius of five meters meant a short dive and a roll might carry an astute opponent to the edge of the blast zone. But only to the edge. At which point, one might still find oneself in need of large applications of aloe, and possibly a cybernetic limb replacement.

[member="Alec Rekali"] was fired on by at least one droid, who had the situational awareness to notice that there were more than two hostiles in the hangar now. The last remaining operable TA1 opened fire on [member="Khione Gardner"].


Unit 843 stood his ground and giddily opened fire on the hostile mortal who was rushing him.

"Die." The spindly droid said in a monotone as he held down the trigger. "Die."

Blaster bolts zinged out of the CC13 carbine. Evading all thirteen of them would be quite the feat. One that would cause an envious Ki Adi Mundi to roll over in his grave.

[member="Nagate Hei"]

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