Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pydyr; Borderland Regions; Outer Rim Territories

Elsewhere the galaxy already bled. Shortly after the gathering the various entities of the insidious D̨̀r̸è̡͟à͝͞d̸̛͡ Q̀҉a͢͠͞b̶á͞͠l diverged and went about to conduct their own nefarious schemes and ploys, and while the enigmatic [member="Darth Hauntruss"] turned her eyes deeper into the Core, the man known as the Butcher King looked outward. His fleet, while only mere shadow of its former self, prowled the incandescent realm of hyperspace in search for a fresh target to vent their pent up aggression against. Farther and farther they pushed towards the very edge of the known galaxy, their dark hunger growing with each light year eclipsed. Finally their eyes rested upon a suitable target, the wealthy planet of Pydyr, which had grown isolated and fat off of its own spoils.

In ancient years past the planet had been regularly molested by raiders, slavers, and all other kinds of dubious ilk. However; with the Silver Jedi spreading their influence in the nearby systems the act of piracy had been greatly reduced to the point of being nonexistent in this region. But the men who now descended upon Pydyr were no mere raiders, their purpose was far more malign than anyone on the planet could ever realize.

It started as a deep rumble like the sound of rolling thunder on the horizon. A shadow began to envelop Corocus as the Ruination pushed through Pydyr's atmosphere, shredding cloud formations as it situated itself directly above the capital city. An assortment of S90 MAATs and Sigma-class military transports were birthed from the warship's ventral hanger to deploy a large quantity of soldiers directly into the capital's interior. The defenses of Pydyr were historically lax for a planet of such wealth, which is why they were so frequented by raiders, but unlike those small-time hooligans who were so easily paid off the Pydyrians would find that these invaders were no so negotiable.

The weapon emplacements mounted on the gunships belched fiery death as they coated the streets with concentrated blaster fire, shredding cobblestone paths and eviscerating anyone who was unfortunate enough to get caught in the gunship's sights. Space was cleared in courtyards to allow the more bulkier transports to land, and from their bloated confines emerged the infamous Blackblade Guard. The notorious vanguard of the even more notorious Sith Lord, Darth Vornskr. Their cruelty was known across the galaxy, even in a rich backwater such as this, and citizens scrambled to escape them. Yet many were unfortunate as the Blackblades turned their weapons on the populace, cutting down swaths of people to stain the mixture of Pydyr and Fallanassi architecture crimson.

As the Blackblades conducted a campaign of terror through the streets of Corocus there came a single transport down from the Ruination to land in the aftermath of the initial slaughter. Hydraulic steam billowed as landing gear extended to lay the shuttle to rest on the corpse-strewn ground, and the whine of the boarding ramp descending momentarily drowned out the sounds of distant terror. And from within the shuttle emerged the man, nay, the monster who commanded such a barbarous legion. His callous eyes swept across the scene that played out before him, and the faint form of a smile played across his hard patrician features.

"It's been far too long, but now I'm finally home." The comfort of the battlefield, the church of war, the house of worship to the Dark Side of the Force, and by the end of this all would burn.

And he would dance upon the ashes.
Fortunately for some, though not for all, the secret Fallanassi population had been evacuated some years earlier to an even more secret location tens of thousands of light-years away. It had been the age of real Sith, like the New Order and the Sith Council -- clearly superior to these ones, and thus more threatening.

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