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The Boolon Foundation

Rosa Gunn

Image Source: N/A
Canon Link:N/A
Development Thread: As Above
Primary Source: N/A

Corporation Name: The Boolon Foundation
Headquarters: Teth
Locations: Kiara, Denon
Operations: The Boolon foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the support and protection of those who need it. A neutral party, their aim is to provide humanitarian aid in times of war, build new homes for refugees and set up sanctuaries across the galaxy for all who may need it.

Tier: Tier 2

Named in honour of a deceased member of the Silent Conclave, the Boolon Foundation was born from the need to protect and hide younglings of the Jedi Academy, the foundation takes no sides in wars, existing only to protect those who need protecting. Be it by evacuating citizens, providing supplies and medical aid to refugees or providing sanctuary to those who seek it.

It relies heavily on donations from other companies and individuals but it will not accept any donations from major factions due to the risk of getting tied to them and as such caught in their wars. As it stands, the sanctuary on Teth, known as the Silent Temple is a closely guarded secret, known only to a handful of masters in the Jedi Academy, the original members of the Silent Conclave and its Protectors.

Upon launching the Foundation, it has been inundated with requests from corporations to provide donations and assistance where possible, acquiring five different sponsors and an array of new assets including a small fleet of ships and a two droids commissioned specifically for the Foundation in a short space of time. An opening up sanctuaries on Denon and Kiara as well as assisting in the rebuilding of the Old City on Kiara to allow for a new and secure location for refugees to be located.

The Foundation now turns its eyes to other possible locations to set up sanctuaries as well as bolstering its member base in order to make them more readily available for citizen extraction during invasions.

Upon being requested to help in the relocation of the children from Yavin Academy, Rosa recalled the Silent Conclave. A group that had come together for sanctuary, friends that became family, this group grew to become the Levantine Sanctum and for political reasons was swallowed by the Silver Jedi and lost its original purpose. She seeks to find and establish new sanctuaries across the galaxy, and in doing so, find redemption for herself.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

[*]Passive Expansion - A Contract- Rosa meets with Adron Malvern to discuss a new sponsorship contract.
[*]Active Expansion - Building a Foundation - With Kali Talith’s permission and assistance, The Foundation and the Silver Jedi rebuilds the old city in order to create a new settlement for refugees.
Adding Locations: Kiara, Denon

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